@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ If a reviewer in the "Mandatory" section is not allocated, please add the reason
If you are unsure who should be assigned as a reviewer, please reach out to any [Infrastructure](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/infrastructure) Engineering Manager for assistance.
To have a reviewer assigned from the InfraSec team, please [create an issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-security/security-operations/infrastructure-security/bau/-/issues) in the issue tracker dedicated to Business as Usual (BAU). This will help the team to triage the review and start working on it. More information is available on the team's [handbook page](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/security/security-engineering-and-research/infrastructure-security/#working-with-us). After the issue is created, put a link to the issue next to Infrasec reviewer item below and add the reviewer name after one has been assigned.
To have a reviewer assigned from the InfraSec team, please [create an issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-security/security-operations/infrastructure-security/bau/-/issues/new?issue[title]=Security%20Review%20Request%3A%20{%2B%20Service%2FFeature%20Name%20%2B}&issuable_template=production_readiness) in the issue tracker dedicated to Business as Usual (BAU). This will help the team to triage the review and start working on it. More information is available on the team's [handbook page](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/security/security-engineering-and-research/infrastructure-security/#working-with-us). After the issue is created, put a link to the issue next to Infrasec reviewer item below and add the reviewer name after one has been assigned.
**The reviewer will check the box next to their name when the review is complete**
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ To have a reviewer assigned from the InfraSec team, please [create an issue](htt
- [ ] Reliability: {+ reviewer name +}
- [ ] Delivery: {+ reviewer name +}
-[ ] InfraSec: {+ reviewer name +} [open a issue on the [infrasec board](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-security/security-operations/infrastructure-security/bau/-/issues/new?issue[title]=Security%20Review%20Request%3A%20{%2B%20Service%2FFeature%20Name%20%2B}&issuable_template=production_readiness) to have someone assigned]