There was an issue loading metric images.
2021-07-13: Alert Manager webhook integration failing
Current Status
More information will be added as we investigate the issue.
View recent production deployment and configuration events / gcp events (internal only)
All times UTC.
- @nnelson declares incident in Slack.
Corrective Actions
Corrective actions should be put here as soon as an incident is mitigated, ensure that all corrective actions mentioned in the notes below are included.
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Note: In some cases we need to redact information from public view. We only do this in a limited number of documented cases. This might include the summary, timeline or any other bits of information, laid out in out handbook page. Any of this confidential data will be in a linked issue, only visible internally. By default, all information we can share, will be public, in accordance to our transparency value.
Click to expand or collapse the Incident Review section.
Incident Review
- Service(s) affected:
- Team attribution:
- Time to detection:
- Minutes downtime or degradation:
Customer Impact
Who was impacted by this incident? (i.e. external customers, internal customers)
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What was the customer experience during the incident? (i.e. preventing them from doing X, incorrect display of Y, ...)
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How many customers were affected?
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If a precise customer impact number is unknown, what is the estimated impact (number and ratio of failed requests, amount of traffic drop, ...)?
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What were the root causes?
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Incident Response Analysis
How was the incident detected?
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How could detection time be improved?
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How was the root cause diagnosed?
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How could time to diagnosis be improved?
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How did we reach the point where we knew how to mitigate the impact?
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How could time to mitigation be improved?
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What went well?
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Post Incident Analysis
Did we have other events in the past with the same root cause?
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Do we have existing backlog items that would've prevented or greatly reduced the impact of this incident?
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Was this incident triggered by a change (deployment of code or change to infrastructure)? If yes, link the issue.
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Lessons Learned
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- If the Situation Zoom room was utilised, recording will be automatically uploaded to Incident room Google Drive folder (private)