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Many Ci::BuildFinishedWorker jobs are failing with PG::CheckViolation: ERROR: no partition of relation "p_ci_finished_build_ch_sync_events" found for row DETAIL: Partition key of the failing row contains (partition) = (168).
An example of the error from PG logs:
2024-04-28 09:48:07.877 GMT,"gitlab","gitlabhq_production",1427433,"",662e1aa6.15c7e9,260,"INSERT",2024-04-28 09:45:10 GMT,177/1101055628,0,ERROR,23514,"no partition of relation ""p_ci_finished_build_ch_sync_events"" found for row","Partition key of the failing row contains (partition) = (168).",,,,,"/*application:sidekiq,correlation_id:b8aae849a078cb16cdf3a1de58085dc4,jid:41e3c37f5395ba2259b7ef90,endpoint_id:Ci::BuildFinishedWorker,db_config_name:ci*/ INSERT INTO ""p_ci_finished_build_ch_sync_events"" (""build_id"",""build_finished_at"") VALUES (6733307398, '2024-04-28 09:46:19.044123') ON CONFLICT (""build_id"",""partition"") DO UPDATE SET ""build_finished_at""=excluded.""build_finished_at"" RETURNING ""build_id"",""partition""",,,"","client backend",,129464415442806422
There are some relevant logs:
2024-04-28 09:12:49.607 GMT,"gitlab","gitlabhq_production",1297861,"",662e1302.13cdc5,4,"idle",2024-04-28 09:12:34 GMT,140/1340927854,0,LOG,00000,"statement: /*application:web,db_config_name:ci*/ ALTER TABLE ""p_ci_finished_build_ch_sync_events"" ALTER COLUMN ""partition"" SET DEFAULT 168",,,,,,,,,"","client backend",,0
I'm not a database expert, but it looks like Postgres failed to create that partition (for unknown reasons) but still updated the default partition. This table uses sliding list partition strategy so that a new partition for that database is created dynamically. We implemented partition management in Rails (here and here). The default update is in the same DB transaction with partition creation. Could there be a bug that makes partition creation fail silently?
Anyway, we should raise and investigate this outside the scope of this incident, though
@mbobin@pedropombeiro Were we able to find a root-cause for this incident? Do we require more info, so that we can capture that if the incident reoccurred?
@ahmadsherif I was out and didn't get the chance to dig deeper into this. But from the error message I'd say that we changed the default value for the partition column before the partition was actually created. I don't know if we store any long term data about partition management to confirm this hypothesis.
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First of all, thank you for taking part in this incident.
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the lack of activity, otherwise please consider closing, and starting a separate follow-up investigation issue if needed.
First of all, thank you for taking part in this incident.
We're posting this message because this issue meets the following criteria:
This incident is open
No activity in the past 3 days (since 2024-05-21T21:42:13.393Z)
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