On-Call Handover 2020-11-10 07:00 UTC
On-Call Handover
Brought to you by the Slack slash command: /sre-oncall handover
- EOC egress: @devin
- EOC ingress: @ahmadsherif
Quiet shift. No alerts.
What (if any) time-critical work is being handed over?
What contextual info may be useful for the next few on-call shifts?
Ongoing alerts/incidents:
production#2997 (closed) - 2020-11-09: Failing QA blocking deployment pipeline
production#2989 (closed) - 2020-11-06: merge requests dashboard timing out for some users
Resolved actionable alerts:
Unactionable alerts:
Resolved production incidents:
Change issues:
Edited by Devin Sylva