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Adds a container registry configuration for pre

John Skarbek requested to merge jts/adds-container-registry into master

This is a stab at taking what's currently a PoC for pre and creates the same bits geared towards what we'd like to have running for production. This only includes the container registry as that is what our currently OKR's goal indicates.

  • Creates a script to assist with the generation of the templated files
    • This script is very crude
    • Uses the provided GITLAB_CHARTS_VERSION to determine which version of the chart we should utilize
    • Uses our own helm charts for the generation
  • Modifies kubeval to account for some new paths and issues
  • Modifies .gitlab-ci with an example of how we'd perform the deploys
  • Adds the templated files produced by the generation script


Edited by John Skarbek

Merge request reports