Next iteration of stable counterparts for SRE teams with Eng departments
The first iteration of stable counterparts assigned people. Now that we have three teams that will grow to approximately 8 each, we should discuss team alignments.
For the engineering sub-departments/product categories, the 4 bigger groups are:
- Dev
- Ops
- Secure
- Defend
- Growth
- Enablement
On another axis of team ownership, we need to have stable owners for:
- Chef/Terraform (Infra as code and config mgmt general tooling)
- Observability: Prometheus/Grafana - some overlap with Ops Dept, but worth its own infra focus
- Observability: Logging - making sure all logging pipelines to Stackdriver and ELK are working correctly
- Backups for Git data and postgres and verification of that tooling
For an outcome, we will look to create a blueprint and update the handbook section of [how we work] (