postgres-checkup report for gitlab_production: 2019-09-30 (auto-generated)
PostgreSQL Checkup. Project: 'gitlab_production'. Database: 'gitlabhq_production'
Epoch number: '20190930001'
NOTICE: while most reports describe the “current database”, some of them may contain cluster-wide information describing all databases in the cluster.
Last modified at: 2019-09-30 13:59:26 +0000
Table of contents
A002 Version Information
A003 Postgres Settings
A004 Cluster Information
A005 Extensions
A006 Postgres Setting Deviations
A007 Altered Settings
D004 pg_stat_statements and pg_stat_kcache Settings
F001 Autovacuum: Current Settings
F002 Autovacuum: Transaction ID Wraparound Check
F003 Autovacuum: Dead Tuples
F004 Autovacuum: Heap Bloat (Estimated)
F005 Autovacuum: Btree Index Bloat (Estimated)
F008 Autovacuum: Resource Usage
G001 Memory-related Settings
G002 Connections and Current Activity
G003 Timeouts, Locks, Deadlocks
H001 Invalid Indexes
H002 Unused and Redundant Indexes
H003 Non-indexed Foreign Keys
K001 Globally Aggregated Query Metrics
K002 Workload Type ("The First Word" Analysis)
K003 Top-20 Queries by total_time
L001 Table Sizes
L003 Integer (int2, int4) Out-of-range Risks in PKs
A002 Version Information
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:54:43 +0000 UTC
Master (PostgreSQL 9.6.15 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (Ubuntu 9.6.15-1.pgdg16.04+1), compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11) 5.4.0 20160609, 64-bit
Replica servers:
Replica (PostgreSQL 9.6.14 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (Ubuntu 9.6.14-1.pgdg16.04+1), compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11) 5.4.0 20160609, 64-bit
Replica (PostgreSQL 9.6.14 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (Ubuntu 9.6.14-1.pgdg16.04+1), compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11) 5.4.0 20160609, 64-bit
Replica (PostgreSQL 9.6.14 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (Ubuntu 9.6.14-1.pgdg16.04+1), compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11) 5.4.0 20160609, 64-bit
Replica (PostgreSQL 9.6.14 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (Ubuntu 9.6.14-1.pgdg16.04+1), compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11) 5.4.0 20160609, 64-bit
Replica (PostgreSQL 9.6.14 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (Ubuntu 9.6.14-1.pgdg16.04+1), compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11) 5.4.0 20160609, 64-bit
Replica (PostgreSQL 9.6.15 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (Ubuntu 9.6.15-1.pgdg16.04+1), compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11) 5.4.0 20160609, 64-bit
Replica (PostgreSQL 9.6.15 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (Ubuntu 9.6.15-1.pgdg16.04+1), compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11) 5.4.0 20160609, 64-bit
Replica (PostgreSQL 9.6.15 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (Ubuntu 9.6.15-1.pgdg16.04+1), compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11) 5.4.0 20160609, 64-bit
[P2] Postgres minor version on the master and replica(s) differ. Nodes
use Postgres9.6.14
. -
Postgres major version being used is
and it is currently supported by PostgreSQL Global Development Group. End of life is scheduled 2021-11-11. It means that in case of bugs and security issues, updates (new minor versions) with fixes will be released and available for use. Read more: Versioning Policy. -
is the most up-to-date Postgres minor version in the branch9.6
. -
[P2] The minor version being used (
) is not up-to-date (the newest version:9.6.15
). See the full list of changes between 9.6.14 and 9.6.15.
[P2] Please upgrade Postgres so its versions on all nodes match.
[P3] Consider upgrading to the newest major version: 11. It has a lot of new features and improvements.
For more information about minor and major upgrades see:
- Official documentation:
- Major-version upgrading with minimal downtime (
- Upgrading PostgreSQL on AWS RDS with minimum or zero downtime
- Near-Zero Downtime Automated Upgrades of PostgreSQL Clusters in Cloud (
- Updating a 50 terabyte PostgreSQL database
[P2] Consider performing upgrade to the newest minor version:
A003 Postgres Settings
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:54:44 +0000 UTC
Master (▼ Category | Setting | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
Autovacuum | autovacuum | on | ||
Autovacuum | autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor | 0.005 | ||
Autovacuum | autovacuum_analyze_threshold | 50 | ||
Autovacuum | autovacuum_freeze_max_age | 200000000 | ||
Autovacuum | autovacuum_max_workers | 6 | ||
Autovacuum | autovacuum_multixact_freeze_max_age | 400000000 | ||
Autovacuum | autovacuum_naptime | 30 | s | |
Autovacuum | autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay | 5 | ms | |
Autovacuum | autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit | 6000 | ||
Autovacuum | autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor | 0.005 | ||
Autovacuum | autovacuum_vacuum_threshold | 50 | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting | DateStyle | ISO, MDY | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting | IntervalStyle | postgres | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting | TimeZone | GMT | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting | client_encoding | UTF8 | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting | default_text_search_config | pg_catalog.english | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting | extra_float_digits | 0 | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting | lc_collate | C.UTF-8 | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting | lc_ctype | C.UTF-8 | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting | lc_messages | C | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting | lc_monetary | C | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting | lc_numeric | C | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting | lc_time | C | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting | server_encoding | UTF8 | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting | timezone_abbreviations | Default | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults | dynamic_library_path | $libdir | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults | gin_fuzzy_search_limit | 0 | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults | tcp_keepalives_count | 9 | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults | tcp_keepalives_idle | 300 | s | |
Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults | tcp_keepalives_interval | 75 | s | |
Client Connection Defaults / Shared Library Preloading | local_preload_libraries | |||
Client Connection Defaults / Shared Library Preloading | session_preload_libraries | |||
Client Connection Defaults / Shared Library Preloading | shared_preload_libraries | pg_stat_statements | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | bytea_output | hex | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | check_function_bodies | on | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | client_min_messages | notice | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | default_tablespace | |||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | default_transaction_deferrable | off | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | default_transaction_isolation | read committed | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | default_transaction_read_only | off | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | gin_pending_list_limit | 4096 | kB | 4.00 MiB |
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | idle_in_transaction_session_timeout | 30000 | ms | |
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | lock_timeout | 0 | ms | |
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | search_path | "$user", public | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | session_replication_role | origin | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | statement_timeout | 15000 | ms | |
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | temp_tablespaces | |||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | transaction_deferrable | off | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | transaction_isolation | read committed | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | transaction_read_only | off | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | vacuum_freeze_min_age | 50000000 | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | vacuum_freeze_table_age | 150000000 | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | vacuum_multixact_freeze_min_age | 5000000 | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | vacuum_multixact_freeze_table_age | 150000000 | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | xmlbinary | base64 | ||
Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior | xmloption | content | ||
Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings | bonjour | off | ||
Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings | bonjour_name | |||
Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings | listen_addresses | | ||
Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings | max_connections | 300 | ||
Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings | port | 5432 | ||
Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings | superuser_reserved_connections | 3 | ||
Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings | unix_socket_directories | /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql | ||
Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings | unix_socket_group | |||
Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings | unix_socket_permissions | 0777 | ||
Connections and Authentication / Security and Authentication | authentication_timeout | 60 | s | |
Connections and Authentication / Security and Authentication | db_user_namespace | off | ||
Connections and Authentication / Security and Authentication | krb_caseins_users | off | ||
Connections and Authentication / Security and Authentication | krb_server_keyfile | FILE:/etc/postgresql-common/krb5.keytab | ||
Connections and Authentication / Security and Authentication | password_encryption | on | ||
Connections and Authentication / Security and Authentication | row_security | on | ||
Connections and Authentication / Security and Authentication | ssl | on | ||
Connections and Authentication / Security and Authentication | ssl_ca_file | |||
Connections and Authentication / Security and Authentication | ssl_cert_file | /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/server.crt | ||
Connections and Authentication / Security and Authentication | ssl_ciphers | HIGH:MEDIUM:+3DES:!aNULL:!SSLv3:!TLSv1 | ||
Connections and Authentication / Security and Authentication | ssl_crl_file | |||
Connections and Authentication / Security and Authentication | ssl_ecdh_curve | prime256v1 | ||
Connections and Authentication / Security and Authentication | ssl_key_file | /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/server.key | ||
Connections and Authentication / Security and Authentication | ssl_prefer_server_ciphers | on | ||
Customized Options | pg_stat_statements.max | 5000 | ||
Customized Options | | on | ||
Customized Options | pg_stat_statements.track | top | ||
Customized Options | pg_stat_statements.track_utility | on | ||
Developer Options | allow_system_table_mods | off | ||
Developer Options | ignore_checksum_failure | off | ||
Developer Options | ignore_system_indexes | off | ||
Developer Options | post_auth_delay | 0 | s | |
Developer Options | pre_auth_delay | 0 | s | |
Developer Options | trace_notify | off | ||
Developer Options | trace_recovery_messages | log | ||
Developer Options | trace_sort | off | ||
Developer Options | zero_damaged_pages | off | ||
Error Handling | data_sync_retry | off | ||
Error Handling | exit_on_error | off | ||
Error Handling | restart_after_crash | on | ||
File Locations | config_file | /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | ||
File Locations | data_directory | /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data | ||
File Locations | external_pid_file | |||
File Locations | hba_file | /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf | ||
File Locations | ident_file | /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/pg_ident.conf | ||
Lock Management | deadlock_timeout | 5000 | ms | |
Lock Management | max_locks_per_transaction | 128 | ||
Lock Management | max_pred_locks_per_transaction | 64 | ||
Preset Options | block_size | 8192 | ||
Preset Options | data_checksums | off | ||
Preset Options | debug_assertions | off | ||
Preset Options | integer_datetimes | on | ||
Preset Options | max_function_args | 100 | ||
Preset Options | max_identifier_length | 63 | ||
Preset Options | max_index_keys | 32 | ||
Preset Options | segment_size | 131072 | 8kB | 1.00 GiB |
Preset Options | server_version | 9.6.15 | ||
Preset Options | server_version_num | 90615 | ||
Preset Options | wal_block_size | 8192 | ||
Preset Options | wal_segment_size | 2048 | 8kB | 16.00 MiB |
Process Title | cluster_name | pg-ha-cluster | ||
Process Title | update_process_title | on | ||
Query Tuning / Genetic Query Optimizer | geqo | on | ||
Query Tuning / Genetic Query Optimizer | geqo_effort | 5 | ||
Query Tuning / Genetic Query Optimizer | geqo_generations | 0 | ||
Query Tuning / Genetic Query Optimizer | geqo_pool_size | 0 | ||
Query Tuning / Genetic Query Optimizer | geqo_seed | 0 | ||
Query Tuning / Genetic Query Optimizer | geqo_selection_bias | 2 | ||
Query Tuning / Genetic Query Optimizer | geqo_threshold | 12 | ||
Query Tuning / Other Planner Options | constraint_exclusion | partition | ||
Query Tuning / Other Planner Options | cursor_tuple_fraction | 0.1 | ||
Query Tuning / Other Planner Options | default_statistics_target | 1000 | ||
Query Tuning / Other Planner Options | force_parallel_mode | off | ||
Query Tuning / Other Planner Options | from_collapse_limit | 8 | ||
Query Tuning / Other Planner Options | join_collapse_limit | 8 | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants | cpu_index_tuple_cost | 0.005 | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants | cpu_operator_cost | 0.0025 | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants | cpu_tuple_cost | 0.01 | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants | effective_cache_size | 43352064 | 8kB | 330.75 GiB |
Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants | min_parallel_relation_size | 1024 | 8kB | 8.00 MiB |
Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants | parallel_setup_cost | 1000 | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants | parallel_tuple_cost | 0.1 | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants | random_page_cost | 1.5 | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants | seq_page_cost | 4 | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration | enable_bitmapscan | on | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration | enable_hashagg | on | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration | enable_hashjoin | on | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration | enable_indexonlyscan | on | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration | enable_indexscan | on | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration | enable_material | on | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration | enable_mergejoin | on | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration | enable_nestloop | on | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration | enable_seqscan | on | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration | enable_sort | on | ||
Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration | enable_tidscan | on | ||
Replication | track_commit_timestamp | off | ||
Replication / Master Server | synchronous_standby_names | |||
Replication / Master Server | vacuum_defer_cleanup_age | 0 | ||
Replication / Sending Servers | max_replication_slots | 32 | ||
Replication / Sending Servers | max_wal_senders | 32 | ||
Replication / Sending Servers | wal_keep_segments | 2048 | ||
Replication / Sending Servers | wal_sender_timeout | 60000 | ms | |
Replication / Standby Servers | hot_standby | on | ||
Replication / Standby Servers | hot_standby_feedback | on | ||
Replication / Standby Servers | max_standby_archive_delay | 30000 | ms | |
Replication / Standby Servers | max_standby_streaming_delay | 30000 | ms | |
Replication / Standby Servers | wal_receiver_status_interval | 10 | s | |
Replication / Standby Servers | wal_receiver_timeout | 60000 | ms | |
Replication / Standby Servers | wal_retrieve_retry_interval | 5000 | ms | |
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | application_name | checkup | ||
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | debug_pretty_print | on | ||
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | debug_print_parse | off | ||
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | debug_print_plan | off | ||
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | debug_print_rewritten | off | ||
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | log_autovacuum_min_duration | 0 | ms | |
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | log_checkpoints | on | ||
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | log_connections | off | ||
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | log_disconnections | off | ||
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | log_duration | off | ||
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | log_error_verbosity | default | ||
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | log_hostname | off | ||
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | log_line_prefix | %m [%p, %x]: [%l-1] user=%u, db=%d, app=%a, client=%h | ||
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | log_lock_waits | on | ||
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | log_replication_commands | off | ||
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | log_statement | ddl | ||
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | log_temp_files | 0 | kB | 0.00 bytes |
Reporting and Logging / What to Log | log_timezone | GMT | ||
Reporting and Logging / When to Log | log_min_duration_statement | 1000 | ms | |
Reporting and Logging / When to Log | log_min_error_statement | error | ||
Reporting and Logging / When to Log | log_min_messages | warning | ||
Reporting and Logging / Where to Log | event_source | PostgreSQL | ||
Reporting and Logging / Where to Log | log_destination | stderr | ||
Reporting and Logging / Where to Log | log_directory | /var/log/gitlab/postgresql | ||
Reporting and Logging / Where to Log | log_file_mode | 0640 | ||
Reporting and Logging / Where to Log | log_filename | postgresql.log | ||
Reporting and Logging / Where to Log | log_rotation_age | 0 | min | |
Reporting and Logging / Where to Log | log_rotation_size | 0 | kB | 0.00 bytes |
Reporting and Logging / Where to Log | log_truncate_on_rotation | off | ||
Reporting and Logging / Where to Log | logging_collector | on | ||
Reporting and Logging / Where to Log | syslog_facility | local0 | ||
Reporting and Logging / Where to Log | syslog_ident | postgres | ||
Reporting and Logging / Where to Log | syslog_sequence_numbers | on | ||
Reporting and Logging / Where to Log | syslog_split_messages | on | ||
Resource Usage / Asynchronous Behavior | backend_flush_after | 0 | 8kB | 0.00 bytes |
Resource Usage / Asynchronous Behavior | effective_io_concurrency | 100 | ||
Resource Usage / Asynchronous Behavior | max_parallel_workers_per_gather | 0 | ||
Resource Usage / Asynchronous Behavior | max_worker_processes | 8 | ||
Resource Usage / Asynchronous Behavior | old_snapshot_threshold | -1 | min | |
Resource Usage / Background Writer | bgwriter_delay | 200 | ms | |
Resource Usage / Background Writer | bgwriter_flush_after | 64 | 8kB | 512.00 KiB |
Resource Usage / Background Writer | bgwriter_lru_maxpages | 100 | ||
Resource Usage / Background Writer | bgwriter_lru_multiplier | 2 | ||
Resource Usage / Cost-Based Vacuum Delay | vacuum_cost_delay | 0 | ms | |
Resource Usage / Cost-Based Vacuum Delay | vacuum_cost_limit | 200 | ||
Resource Usage / Cost-Based Vacuum Delay | vacuum_cost_page_dirty | 20 | ||
Resource Usage / Cost-Based Vacuum Delay | vacuum_cost_page_hit | 1 | ||
Resource Usage / Cost-Based Vacuum Delay | vacuum_cost_page_miss | 10 | ||
Resource Usage / Disk | temp_file_limit | -1 | kB | |
Resource Usage / Kernel Resources | max_files_per_process | 1000 | ||
Resource Usage / Memory | autovacuum_work_mem | -1 | kB | |
Resource Usage / Memory | dynamic_shared_memory_type | posix | ||
Resource Usage / Memory | huge_pages | try | ||
Resource Usage / Memory | maintenance_work_mem | 2097152 | kB | 2.00 GiB |
Resource Usage / Memory | max_prepared_transactions | 0 | ||
Resource Usage / Memory | max_stack_depth | 2048 | kB | 2.00 MiB |
Resource Usage / Memory | replacement_sort_tuples | 150000 | ||
Resource Usage / Memory | shared_buffers | 14450688 | 8kB | 110.25 GiB |
Resource Usage / Memory | temp_buffers | 1024 | 8kB | 8.00 MiB |
Resource Usage / Memory | track_activity_query_size | 1024 | ||
Resource Usage / Memory | work_mem | 102400 | kB | 100.00 MiB |
Statistics / Monitoring | log_executor_stats | off | ||
Statistics / Monitoring | log_parser_stats | off | ||
Statistics / Monitoring | log_planner_stats | off | ||
Statistics / Monitoring | log_statement_stats | off | ||
Statistics / Query and Index Statistics Collector | stats_temp_directory | pg_stat_tmp | ||
Statistics / Query and Index Statistics Collector | track_activities | on | ||
Statistics / Query and Index Statistics Collector | track_counts | on | ||
Statistics / Query and Index Statistics Collector | track_functions | none | ||
Statistics / Query and Index Statistics Collector | track_io_timing | on | ||
Version and Platform Compatibility / Other Platforms and Clients | transform_null_equals | off | ||
Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions | array_nulls | on | ||
Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions | backslash_quote | safe_encoding | ||
Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions | default_with_oids | off | ||
Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions | escape_string_warning | on | ||
Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions | lo_compat_privileges | off | ||
Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions | operator_precedence_warning | off | ||
Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions | quote_all_identifiers | off | ||
Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions | sql_inheritance | on | ||
Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions | standard_conforming_strings | on | ||
Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions | synchronize_seqscans | on | ||
Write-Ahead Log / Archiving | archive_command | /usr/bin/envdir /etc/wal-e.d/env /opt/wal-e/bin/wal-e wal-push %p | ||
Write-Ahead Log / Archiving | archive_mode | on | ||
Write-Ahead Log / Archiving | archive_timeout | 60 | s | |
Write-Ahead Log / Checkpoints | checkpoint_completion_target | 0.7 | ||
Write-Ahead Log / Checkpoints | checkpoint_flush_after | 32 | 8kB | 256.00 KiB |
Write-Ahead Log / Checkpoints | checkpoint_timeout | 300 | s | |
Write-Ahead Log / Checkpoints | checkpoint_warning | 30 | s | |
Write-Ahead Log / Checkpoints | max_wal_size | 320 | 16MB | 5.00 GiB |
Write-Ahead Log / Checkpoints | min_wal_size | 5 | 16MB | 80.00 MiB |
Write-Ahead Log / Settings | commit_delay | 0 | ||
Write-Ahead Log / Settings | commit_siblings | 5 | ||
Write-Ahead Log / Settings | fsync | on | ||
Write-Ahead Log / Settings | full_page_writes | on | ||
Write-Ahead Log / Settings | synchronous_commit | on | ||
Write-Ahead Log / Settings | wal_buffers | 2048 | 8kB | 16.00 MiB |
Write-Ahead Log / Settings | wal_compression | off | ||
Write-Ahead Log / Settings | wal_level | replica | ||
Write-Ahead Log / Settings | wal_log_hints | on | ||
Write-Ahead Log / Settings | wal_sync_method | fdatasync | ||
Write-Ahead Log / Settings | wal_writer_delay | 200 | ms | |
Write-Ahead Log / Settings | wal_writer_flush_after | 128 | 8kB | 1.00 MiB |
A004 Cluster Information
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:55:25 +0000 UTC
▼ Indicator | | | | | | | | | |
Config file | /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf |
Role | Master | Replica (delay: 00:00:00; paused: false) | Replica (delay: 00:00:00; paused: false) | Replica (delay: 00:00:00; paused: false) | Replica (delay: 00:00:00; paused: false) | Replica (delay: 00:00:00; paused: false) | Replica (delay: 00:00:00; paused: false) | Replica (delay: 00:00:00; paused: false) | Replica (delay: 00:00:00; paused: false) |
Replicas | async/streaming:,,,,,,,,,, | ||||||||
Started At | 2019-09-09 18:31:16+00 | 2019-09-09 20:34:44+00 | 2019-09-09 20:34:37+00 | 2019-09-09 20:34:35+00 | 2019-09-09 20:34:42+00 | 2019-09-09 20:34:06+00 | 2019-09-09 20:34:44+00 | 2019-09-09 23:09:19+00 | 2019-09-09 20:34:25+00 |
Uptime | 20 days 19:05:26 | 20 days 17:04:07 | 20 days 17:05:25 | 20 days 17:06:52 | 20 days 17:08:33 | 20 days 17:11:20 | 20 days 17:13:31 | 20 days 14:42:06 | 20 days 17:21:01 |
Checkpoints | 12025 | 311118 | 310047 | 311082 | 311010 | 308270 | 308535 | 307732 | 307875 |
Forced Checkpoints | 77.5% | 99.6% | 99.6% | 99.6% | 99.6% | 99.6% | 99.6% | 99.6% | 99.6% |
Checkpoint MB/sec | 13.047043 | 14.911349 | 14.913182 | 14.914270 | 14.915614 | 14.914721 | 14.915471 | 14.957235 | 14.919222 |
Database Name | gitlabhq_production | gitlabhq_production | gitlabhq_production | gitlabhq_production | gitlabhq_production | gitlabhq_production | gitlabhq_production | gitlabhq_production | gitlabhq_production |
Database Size | 4079 GB | 4079 GB | 4079 GB | 4079 GB | 4079 GB | 4079 GB | 4080 GB | 4080 GB | 4080 GB |
Stats Since | 2019-09-09 18:31:36+00 | 2019-09-09 20:34:45+00 | 2019-09-09 20:34:37+00 | 2019-09-09 20:34:35+00 | 2019-09-09 20:34:43+00 | 2019-09-09 20:34:09+00 | 2019-09-09 20:34:46+00 | 2019-09-09 23:15:42+00 | 2019-09-09 20:34:25+00 |
Stats Age | 20 days 19:05:06 | 20 days 17:04:05 | 20 days 17:05:25 | 20 days 17:06:52 | 20 days 17:08:32 | 20 days 17:11:17 | 20 days 17:13:28 | 20 days 14:35:43 | 20 days 17:21:01 |
Cache Effectiveness | 99.39% | 99.82% | 99.81% | 99.82% | 99.82% | 99.82% | 99.81% | 99.81% | 99.81% |
Successful Commits | 99.71% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% |
Conflicts | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Temp Files: total size | 138 GB | 1202 GB | 1195 GB | 1191 GB | 1202 GB | 1181 GB | 1201 GB | 1181 GB | 1232 GB |
Temp Files: total number of files | 847 | 6825 | 6823 | 6772 | 6756 | 6665 | 6919 | 6663 | 7113 |
Temp Files: total number of files per day | 40 | 325 | 324 | 322 | 321 | 317 | 329 | 317 | 338 |
Temp Files: avg file size | 167 MB | 180 MB | 179 MB | 180 MB | 182 MB | 182 MB | 178 MB | 182 MB | 177 MB |
Deadlocks | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Deadlocks per day | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Databases sizes
Database | ▼ Size |
gitlabhq_production |
3.99 TiB |
postgres |
6.99 MiB |
template0 |
6.91 MiB |
template1 |
6.91 MiB |
A005 Extensions
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:55:27 +0000 UTC
Master (▼ Database | Extension name | Installed version | Default version | Is old |
gitlabhq_production |
btree_gin |
1.0 | 1.0 | |
gitlabhq_production |
dblink |
1.2 | 1.2 | |
gitlabhq_production |
pageinspect |
1.5 | 1.5 | |
gitlabhq_production |
pg_buffercache |
1.2 | 1.2 | |
gitlabhq_production |
pg_repack |
1.4.4 | 1.4.4 | |
gitlabhq_production |
pg_stat_statements |
1.4 | 1.4 | |
gitlabhq_production |
pg_trgm |
1.3 | 1.3 | |
gitlabhq_production |
pgstattuple |
1.4 | 1.4 | |
gitlabhq_production |
plpgsql |
1.0 | 1.0 |
A006 Postgres Setting Deviations
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:55:29 +0000 UTC
Settings (pg_settings) that Differ
▼ Setting | | | | | | | | | |
server_version | 9.6.15 | 9.6.14 | 9.6.14 | 9.6.14 | 9.6.14 | 9.6.14 | 9.6.15 | 9.6.15 | 9.6.15 |
server_version_num | 90615 | 90614 | 90614 | 90614 | 90614 | 90614 | 90615 | 90615 | 90615 |
Configs(pg_config) that differ
▼ Config | | | | | | | | | |
CONFIGURE | '--build=x86_64-linux-gnu' '--prefix=/usr' '--includedir=/usr/include' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var' '--disable-silent-rules' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--disable-maintainer-mode' '--disable-dependency-tracking' '--with-tcl' '--with-perl' '--with-python' '--with-pam' '--with-openssl' '--with-libxml' '--with-libxslt' 'PYTHON=/usr/bin/python' '--mandir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6/man' '--docdir=/usr/share/doc/postgresql-doc-9.6' '--sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql-common' '--datarootdir=/usr/share/' '--datadir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6' '--bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/9.6/bin' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/postgresql/' '--includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/' '--enable-nls' '--enable-integer-datetimes' '--enable-thread-safety' '--enable-tap-tests' '--enable-debug' '--enable-dtrace' '--disable-rpath' '--with-uuid=e2fs' '--with-gnu-ld' '--with-pgport=5432' '--with-system-tzdata=/usr/share/zoneinfo' '--with-systemd' '--with-selinux' 'MKDIR_P=/bin/mkdir -p' 'TAR=/bin/tar' 'CFLAGS=-g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fPIC -pie -fno-omit-frame-pointer' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now' 'DPKG_VERSION=9.6.15-1.pgdg16.04+1' 'DPKG_VENDOR=Ubuntu' '--with-gssapi' '--with-ldap' '--with-includes=/usr/include/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mit-krb5' 'build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu' 'CPPFLAGS=-Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' | '--build=x86_64-linux-gnu' '--prefix=/usr' '--includedir=/usr/include' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var' '--disable-silent-rules' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--disable-maintainer-mode' '--disable-dependency-tracking' '--with-tcl' '--with-perl' '--with-python' '--with-pam' '--with-openssl' '--with-libxml' '--with-libxslt' 'PYTHON=/usr/bin/python' '--mandir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6/man' '--docdir=/usr/share/doc/postgresql-doc-9.6' '--sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql-common' '--datarootdir=/usr/share/' '--datadir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6' '--bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/9.6/bin' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/postgresql/' '--includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/' '--enable-nls' '--enable-integer-datetimes' '--enable-thread-safety' '--enable-tap-tests' '--enable-debug' '--enable-dtrace' '--disable-rpath' '--with-uuid=e2fs' '--with-gnu-ld' '--with-pgport=5432' '--with-system-tzdata=/usr/share/zoneinfo' '--with-systemd' '--with-selinux' 'MKDIR_P=/bin/mkdir -p' 'TAR=/bin/tar' 'CFLAGS=-g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fPIC -pie -fno-omit-frame-pointer' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now' 'DPKG_VERSION=9.6.14-1.pgdg16.04+1' 'DPKG_VENDOR=Ubuntu' '--with-gssapi' '--with-ldap' '--with-includes=/usr/include/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mit-krb5' 'build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu' 'CPPFLAGS=-Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' | '--build=x86_64-linux-gnu' '--prefix=/usr' '--includedir=/usr/include' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var' '--disable-silent-rules' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--disable-maintainer-mode' '--disable-dependency-tracking' '--with-tcl' '--with-perl' '--with-python' '--with-pam' '--with-openssl' '--with-libxml' '--with-libxslt' 'PYTHON=/usr/bin/python' '--mandir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6/man' '--docdir=/usr/share/doc/postgresql-doc-9.6' '--sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql-common' '--datarootdir=/usr/share/' '--datadir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6' '--bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/9.6/bin' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/postgresql/' '--includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/' '--enable-nls' '--enable-integer-datetimes' '--enable-thread-safety' '--enable-tap-tests' '--enable-debug' '--enable-dtrace' '--disable-rpath' '--with-uuid=e2fs' '--with-gnu-ld' '--with-pgport=5432' '--with-system-tzdata=/usr/share/zoneinfo' '--with-systemd' '--with-selinux' 'MKDIR_P=/bin/mkdir -p' 'TAR=/bin/tar' 'CFLAGS=-g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fPIC -pie -fno-omit-frame-pointer' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now' 'DPKG_VERSION=9.6.14-1.pgdg16.04+1' 'DPKG_VENDOR=Ubuntu' '--with-gssapi' '--with-ldap' '--with-includes=/usr/include/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mit-krb5' 'build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu' 'CPPFLAGS=-Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' | '--build=x86_64-linux-gnu' '--prefix=/usr' '--includedir=/usr/include' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var' '--disable-silent-rules' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--disable-maintainer-mode' '--disable-dependency-tracking' '--with-tcl' '--with-perl' '--with-python' '--with-pam' '--with-openssl' '--with-libxml' '--with-libxslt' 'PYTHON=/usr/bin/python' '--mandir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6/man' '--docdir=/usr/share/doc/postgresql-doc-9.6' '--sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql-common' '--datarootdir=/usr/share/' '--datadir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6' '--bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/9.6/bin' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/postgresql/' '--includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/' '--enable-nls' '--enable-integer-datetimes' '--enable-thread-safety' '--enable-tap-tests' '--enable-debug' '--enable-dtrace' '--disable-rpath' '--with-uuid=e2fs' '--with-gnu-ld' '--with-pgport=5432' '--with-system-tzdata=/usr/share/zoneinfo' '--with-systemd' '--with-selinux' 'MKDIR_P=/bin/mkdir -p' 'TAR=/bin/tar' 'CFLAGS=-g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fPIC -pie -fno-omit-frame-pointer' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now' 'DPKG_VERSION=9.6.14-1.pgdg16.04+1' 'DPKG_VENDOR=Ubuntu' '--with-gssapi' '--with-ldap' '--with-includes=/usr/include/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mit-krb5' 'build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu' 'CPPFLAGS=-Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' | '--build=x86_64-linux-gnu' '--prefix=/usr' '--includedir=/usr/include' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var' '--disable-silent-rules' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--disable-maintainer-mode' '--disable-dependency-tracking' '--with-tcl' '--with-perl' '--with-python' '--with-pam' '--with-openssl' '--with-libxml' '--with-libxslt' 'PYTHON=/usr/bin/python' '--mandir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6/man' '--docdir=/usr/share/doc/postgresql-doc-9.6' '--sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql-common' '--datarootdir=/usr/share/' '--datadir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6' '--bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/9.6/bin' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/postgresql/' '--includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/' '--enable-nls' '--enable-integer-datetimes' '--enable-thread-safety' '--enable-tap-tests' '--enable-debug' '--enable-dtrace' '--disable-rpath' '--with-uuid=e2fs' '--with-gnu-ld' '--with-pgport=5432' '--with-system-tzdata=/usr/share/zoneinfo' '--with-systemd' '--with-selinux' 'MKDIR_P=/bin/mkdir -p' 'TAR=/bin/tar' 'CFLAGS=-g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fPIC -pie -fno-omit-frame-pointer' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now' 'DPKG_VERSION=9.6.14-1.pgdg16.04+1' 'DPKG_VENDOR=Ubuntu' '--with-gssapi' '--with-ldap' '--with-includes=/usr/include/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mit-krb5' 'build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu' 'CPPFLAGS=-Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' | '--build=x86_64-linux-gnu' '--prefix=/usr' '--includedir=/usr/include' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var' '--disable-silent-rules' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--disable-maintainer-mode' '--disable-dependency-tracking' '--with-tcl' '--with-perl' '--with-python' '--with-pam' '--with-openssl' '--with-libxml' '--with-libxslt' 'PYTHON=/usr/bin/python' '--mandir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6/man' '--docdir=/usr/share/doc/postgresql-doc-9.6' '--sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql-common' '--datarootdir=/usr/share/' '--datadir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6' '--bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/9.6/bin' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/postgresql/' '--includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/' '--enable-nls' '--enable-integer-datetimes' '--enable-thread-safety' '--enable-tap-tests' '--enable-debug' '--enable-dtrace' '--disable-rpath' '--with-uuid=e2fs' '--with-gnu-ld' '--with-pgport=5432' '--with-system-tzdata=/usr/share/zoneinfo' '--with-systemd' '--with-selinux' 'MKDIR_P=/bin/mkdir -p' 'TAR=/bin/tar' 'CFLAGS=-g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fPIC -pie -fno-omit-frame-pointer' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now' 'DPKG_VERSION=9.6.14-1.pgdg16.04+1' 'DPKG_VENDOR=Ubuntu' '--with-gssapi' '--with-ldap' '--with-includes=/usr/include/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mit-krb5' 'build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu' 'CPPFLAGS=-Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' | '--build=x86_64-linux-gnu' '--prefix=/usr' '--includedir=/usr/include' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var' '--disable-silent-rules' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--disable-maintainer-mode' '--disable-dependency-tracking' '--with-tcl' '--with-perl' '--with-python' '--with-pam' '--with-openssl' '--with-libxml' '--with-libxslt' 'PYTHON=/usr/bin/python' '--mandir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6/man' '--docdir=/usr/share/doc/postgresql-doc-9.6' '--sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql-common' '--datarootdir=/usr/share/' '--datadir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6' '--bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/9.6/bin' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/postgresql/' '--includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/' '--enable-nls' '--enable-integer-datetimes' '--enable-thread-safety' '--enable-tap-tests' '--enable-debug' '--enable-dtrace' '--disable-rpath' '--with-uuid=e2fs' '--with-gnu-ld' '--with-pgport=5432' '--with-system-tzdata=/usr/share/zoneinfo' '--with-systemd' '--with-selinux' 'MKDIR_P=/bin/mkdir -p' 'TAR=/bin/tar' 'CFLAGS=-g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fPIC -pie -fno-omit-frame-pointer' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now' 'DPKG_VERSION=9.6.15-1.pgdg16.04+1' 'DPKG_VENDOR=Ubuntu' '--with-gssapi' '--with-ldap' '--with-includes=/usr/include/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mit-krb5' 'build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu' 'CPPFLAGS=-Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' | '--build=x86_64-linux-gnu' '--prefix=/usr' '--includedir=/usr/include' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var' '--disable-silent-rules' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--disable-maintainer-mode' '--disable-dependency-tracking' '--with-tcl' '--with-perl' '--with-python' '--with-pam' '--with-openssl' '--with-libxml' '--with-libxslt' 'PYTHON=/usr/bin/python' '--mandir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6/man' '--docdir=/usr/share/doc/postgresql-doc-9.6' '--sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql-common' '--datarootdir=/usr/share/' '--datadir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6' '--bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/9.6/bin' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/postgresql/' '--includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/' '--enable-nls' '--enable-integer-datetimes' '--enable-thread-safety' '--enable-tap-tests' '--enable-debug' '--enable-dtrace' '--disable-rpath' '--with-uuid=e2fs' '--with-gnu-ld' '--with-pgport=5432' '--with-system-tzdata=/usr/share/zoneinfo' '--with-systemd' '--with-selinux' 'MKDIR_P=/bin/mkdir -p' 'TAR=/bin/tar' 'CFLAGS=-g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fPIC -pie -fno-omit-frame-pointer' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now' 'DPKG_VERSION=9.6.15-1.pgdg16.04+1' 'DPKG_VENDOR=Ubuntu' '--with-gssapi' '--with-ldap' '--with-includes=/usr/include/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mit-krb5' 'build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu' 'CPPFLAGS=-Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' | '--build=x86_64-linux-gnu' '--prefix=/usr' '--includedir=/usr/include' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var' '--disable-silent-rules' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' '--disable-maintainer-mode' '--disable-dependency-tracking' '--with-tcl' '--with-perl' '--with-python' '--with-pam' '--with-openssl' '--with-libxml' '--with-libxslt' 'PYTHON=/usr/bin/python' '--mandir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6/man' '--docdir=/usr/share/doc/postgresql-doc-9.6' '--sysconfdir=/etc/postgresql-common' '--datarootdir=/usr/share/' '--datadir=/usr/share/postgresql/9.6' '--bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/9.6/bin' '--libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/postgresql/' '--includedir=/usr/include/postgresql/' '--enable-nls' '--enable-integer-datetimes' '--enable-thread-safety' '--enable-tap-tests' '--enable-debug' '--enable-dtrace' '--disable-rpath' '--with-uuid=e2fs' '--with-gnu-ld' '--with-pgport=5432' '--with-system-tzdata=/usr/share/zoneinfo' '--with-systemd' '--with-selinux' 'MKDIR_P=/bin/mkdir -p' 'TAR=/bin/tar' 'CFLAGS=-g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fPIC -pie -fno-omit-frame-pointer' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now' 'DPKG_VERSION=9.6.15-1.pgdg16.04+1' 'DPKG_VENDOR=Ubuntu' '--with-gssapi' '--with-ldap' '--with-includes=/usr/include/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/mit-krb5' '--with-libs=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mit-krb5' 'build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu' 'CPPFLAGS=-Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' |
VERSION | PostgreSQL 9.6.15 | PostgreSQL 9.6.14 | PostgreSQL 9.6.14 | PostgreSQL 9.6.14 | PostgreSQL 9.6.14 | PostgreSQL 9.6.14 | PostgreSQL 9.6.15 | PostgreSQL 9.6.15 | PostgreSQL 9.6.15 |
A007 Altered Settings
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:56:15 +0000 UTC
Master (Source | Settings count | Changed settings |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/ | 4 | autovacuum_naptime idle_in_transaction_session_timeout track_io_timing wal_keep_segments |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.base.conf | 2 | autovacuum_freeze_max_age min_wal_size |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | 47 | archive_command archive_mode archive_timeout autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor autovacuum_max_workers autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor checkpoint_completion_target checkpoint_timeout deadlock_timeout default_statistics_target default_text_search_config effective_cache_size effective_io_concurrency hot_standby_feedback lc_messages log_autovacuum_min_duration log_checkpoints log_destination log_directory log_file_mode log_filename log_line_prefix log_lock_waits log_min_duration_statement log_rotation_age log_rotation_size log_statement log_temp_files logging_collector maintenance_work_mem max_wal_size random_page_cost shared_buffers shared_preload_libraries ssl ssl_ca_file ssl_cert_file ssl_ciphers ssl_key_file tcp_keepalives_count tcp_keepalives_idle tcp_keepalives_interval track_activity_query_size unix_socket_directories work_mem |
default | 213 |
Replica servers:
Replica (Source | Settings count | Changed settings |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/ | 4 | autovacuum_naptime idle_in_transaction_session_timeout track_io_timing wal_keep_segments |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.base.conf | 2 | autovacuum_freeze_max_age min_wal_size |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | 47 | archive_command archive_mode archive_timeout autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor autovacuum_max_workers autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor checkpoint_completion_target checkpoint_timeout deadlock_timeout default_statistics_target default_text_search_config effective_cache_size effective_io_concurrency hot_standby_feedback lc_messages log_autovacuum_min_duration log_checkpoints log_destination log_directory log_file_mode log_filename log_line_prefix log_lock_waits log_min_duration_statement log_rotation_age log_rotation_size log_statement log_temp_files logging_collector maintenance_work_mem max_wal_size random_page_cost shared_buffers shared_preload_libraries ssl ssl_ca_file ssl_cert_file ssl_ciphers ssl_key_file tcp_keepalives_count tcp_keepalives_idle tcp_keepalives_interval track_activity_query_size unix_socket_directories work_mem |
default | 213 |
Replica (Source | Settings count | Changed settings |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/ | 4 | autovacuum_naptime idle_in_transaction_session_timeout track_io_timing wal_keep_segments |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.base.conf | 2 | autovacuum_freeze_max_age min_wal_size |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | 47 | archive_command archive_mode archive_timeout autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor autovacuum_max_workers autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor checkpoint_completion_target checkpoint_timeout deadlock_timeout default_statistics_target default_text_search_config effective_cache_size effective_io_concurrency hot_standby_feedback lc_messages log_autovacuum_min_duration log_checkpoints log_destination log_directory log_file_mode log_filename log_line_prefix log_lock_waits log_min_duration_statement log_rotation_age log_rotation_size log_statement log_temp_files logging_collector maintenance_work_mem max_wal_size random_page_cost shared_buffers shared_preload_libraries ssl ssl_ca_file ssl_cert_file ssl_ciphers ssl_key_file tcp_keepalives_count tcp_keepalives_idle tcp_keepalives_interval track_activity_query_size unix_socket_directories work_mem |
default | 213 |
Replica (Source | Settings count | Changed settings |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/ | 4 | autovacuum_naptime idle_in_transaction_session_timeout track_io_timing wal_keep_segments |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.base.conf | 2 | autovacuum_freeze_max_age min_wal_size |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | 47 | archive_command archive_mode archive_timeout autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor autovacuum_max_workers autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor checkpoint_completion_target checkpoint_timeout deadlock_timeout default_statistics_target default_text_search_config effective_cache_size effective_io_concurrency hot_standby_feedback lc_messages log_autovacuum_min_duration log_checkpoints log_destination log_directory log_file_mode log_filename log_line_prefix log_lock_waits log_min_duration_statement log_rotation_age log_rotation_size log_statement log_temp_files logging_collector maintenance_work_mem max_wal_size random_page_cost shared_buffers shared_preload_libraries ssl ssl_ca_file ssl_cert_file ssl_ciphers ssl_key_file tcp_keepalives_count tcp_keepalives_idle tcp_keepalives_interval track_activity_query_size unix_socket_directories work_mem |
default | 213 |
Replica (Source | Settings count | Changed settings |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/ | 4 | autovacuum_naptime idle_in_transaction_session_timeout track_io_timing wal_keep_segments |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.base.conf | 2 | autovacuum_freeze_max_age min_wal_size |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | 47 | archive_command archive_mode archive_timeout autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor autovacuum_max_workers autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor checkpoint_completion_target checkpoint_timeout deadlock_timeout default_statistics_target default_text_search_config effective_cache_size effective_io_concurrency hot_standby_feedback lc_messages log_autovacuum_min_duration log_checkpoints log_destination log_directory log_file_mode log_filename log_line_prefix log_lock_waits log_min_duration_statement log_rotation_age log_rotation_size log_statement log_temp_files logging_collector maintenance_work_mem max_wal_size random_page_cost shared_buffers shared_preload_libraries ssl ssl_ca_file ssl_cert_file ssl_ciphers ssl_key_file tcp_keepalives_count tcp_keepalives_idle tcp_keepalives_interval track_activity_query_size unix_socket_directories work_mem |
default | 213 |
Replica (Source | Settings count | Changed settings |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/ | 4 | autovacuum_naptime idle_in_transaction_session_timeout track_io_timing wal_keep_segments |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.base.conf | 2 | autovacuum_freeze_max_age min_wal_size |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | 47 | archive_command archive_mode archive_timeout autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor autovacuum_max_workers autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor checkpoint_completion_target checkpoint_timeout deadlock_timeout default_statistics_target default_text_search_config effective_cache_size effective_io_concurrency hot_standby_feedback lc_messages log_autovacuum_min_duration log_checkpoints log_destination log_directory log_file_mode log_filename log_line_prefix log_lock_waits log_min_duration_statement log_rotation_age log_rotation_size log_statement log_temp_files logging_collector maintenance_work_mem max_wal_size random_page_cost shared_buffers shared_preload_libraries ssl ssl_ca_file ssl_cert_file ssl_ciphers ssl_key_file tcp_keepalives_count tcp_keepalives_idle tcp_keepalives_interval track_activity_query_size unix_socket_directories work_mem |
default | 213 |
Replica (Source | Settings count | Changed settings |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/ | 4 | autovacuum_naptime idle_in_transaction_session_timeout track_io_timing wal_keep_segments |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.base.conf | 2 | autovacuum_freeze_max_age min_wal_size |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | 47 | archive_command archive_mode archive_timeout autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor autovacuum_max_workers autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor checkpoint_completion_target checkpoint_timeout deadlock_timeout default_statistics_target default_text_search_config effective_cache_size effective_io_concurrency hot_standby_feedback lc_messages log_autovacuum_min_duration log_checkpoints log_destination log_directory log_file_mode log_filename log_line_prefix log_lock_waits log_min_duration_statement log_rotation_age log_rotation_size log_statement log_temp_files logging_collector maintenance_work_mem max_wal_size random_page_cost shared_buffers shared_preload_libraries ssl ssl_ca_file ssl_cert_file ssl_ciphers ssl_key_file tcp_keepalives_count tcp_keepalives_idle tcp_keepalives_interval track_activity_query_size unix_socket_directories work_mem |
default | 213 |
Replica (Source | Settings count | Changed settings |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/ | 4 | autovacuum_naptime idle_in_transaction_session_timeout track_io_timing wal_keep_segments |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.base.conf | 2 | autovacuum_freeze_max_age min_wal_size |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | 47 | archive_command archive_mode archive_timeout autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor autovacuum_max_workers autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor checkpoint_completion_target checkpoint_timeout deadlock_timeout default_statistics_target default_text_search_config effective_cache_size effective_io_concurrency hot_standby_feedback lc_messages log_autovacuum_min_duration log_checkpoints log_destination log_directory log_file_mode log_filename log_line_prefix log_lock_waits log_min_duration_statement log_rotation_age log_rotation_size log_statement log_temp_files logging_collector maintenance_work_mem max_wal_size random_page_cost shared_buffers shared_preload_libraries ssl ssl_ca_file ssl_cert_file ssl_ciphers ssl_key_file tcp_keepalives_count tcp_keepalives_idle tcp_keepalives_interval track_activity_query_size unix_socket_directories work_mem |
default | 213 |
Replica (Source | Settings count | Changed settings |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/ | 4 | autovacuum_naptime idle_in_transaction_session_timeout track_io_timing wal_keep_segments |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.base.conf | 2 | autovacuum_freeze_max_age min_wal_size |
/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf | 47 | archive_command archive_mode archive_timeout autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor autovacuum_max_workers autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor checkpoint_completion_target checkpoint_timeout deadlock_timeout default_statistics_target default_text_search_config effective_cache_size effective_io_concurrency hot_standby_feedback lc_messages log_autovacuum_min_duration log_checkpoints log_destination log_directory log_file_mode log_filename log_line_prefix log_lock_waits log_min_duration_statement log_rotation_age log_rotation_size log_statement log_temp_files logging_collector maintenance_work_mem max_wal_size random_page_cost shared_buffers shared_preload_libraries ssl ssl_ca_file ssl_cert_file ssl_ciphers ssl_key_file tcp_keepalives_count tcp_keepalives_idle tcp_keepalives_interval track_activity_query_size unix_socket_directories work_mem |
default | 213 |
D004 pg_stat_statements and pg_stat_kcache Settings
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:56:18 +0000 UTC
Master (
extension settings
Setting | Value | Unit | Type | Min value | Max value |
pg_stat_statements.max | 5000 | integer | 100 | 2147483647 | | | on | bool | |||
pg_stat_statements.track | top | enum | |||
pg_stat_statements.track_utility | on | bool |
F001 Autovacuum: Current Settings
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:56:20 +0000 UTC
Master (▼ Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
autovacuum | on | ||
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor | 0.005 | ||
autovacuum_analyze_threshold | 50 | ||
autovacuum_freeze_max_age | 200000000 | ||
autovacuum_max_workers | 6 | ||
autovacuum_multixact_freeze_max_age | 400000000 | ||
autovacuum_naptime | 30 | s | |
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay | 5 | ms | |
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit | 6000 | ||
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor | 0.005 | ||
autovacuum_vacuum_threshold | 50 | ||
autovacuum_work_mem | -1 | kB | |
maintenance_work_mem | 2097152 | kB | 2.00 GiB |
vacuum_cost_delay | 0 | ms | |
vacuum_cost_limit | 200 | ||
vacuum_cost_page_dirty | 20 | ||
vacuum_cost_page_hit | 1 | ||
vacuum_cost_page_miss | 10 | ||
vacuum_defer_cleanup_age | 0 | ||
vacuum_freeze_min_age | 50000000 | ||
vacuum_freeze_table_age | 150000000 | ||
vacuum_multixact_freeze_min_age | 5000000 | ||
vacuum_multixact_freeze_table_age | 150000000 |
Tuned tables
▼ Namespace | Relation | Options |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33145 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33153 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33161 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33208 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33221 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33229 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33237 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33248 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33262 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33272 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33322 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33356 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33369 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33383 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33393 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33400 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33426 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33439 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33447 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33462 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33476 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33497 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33506 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33514 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33527 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33541 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33553 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33568 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33587 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33597 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33614 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33625 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33634 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33642 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33650 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33659 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33667 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33675 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33696 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33706 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33749 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33756 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33768 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33776 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33791 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33801 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33824 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33835 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33851 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33863 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33872 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33885 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33898 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33909 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
pg_toast | pg_toast_33959 | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | abuse_reports | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | appearances | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | application_settings | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | approval_merge_request_rules_users | autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | approvals | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | approver_groups | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | approvers | autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | audit_events | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | award_emoji | autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | boards | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | broadcast_messages | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | ci_builds | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | ci_pipelines | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | ci_runner_projects | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | ci_runners | autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | ci_trigger_requests | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | ci_triggers | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | ci_variables | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | deploy_keys_projects | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | deployments | autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | emails | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | environments | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | forked_project_links | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | geo_nodes | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | historical_data | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | identities | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | index_statuses | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | issue_metrics | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | issues | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | keys | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | label_links | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | label_priorities | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | labels | autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | ldap_group_links | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | lfs_objects | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | lfs_objects_projects | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | licenses | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | lists | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | members | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | merge_request_diffs | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | merge_request_metrics | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | merge_requests | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | merge_requests_closing_issues | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | milestones | autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | namespaces | autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | notes | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | notification_settings | autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | oauth_access_grants | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | oauth_access_tokens | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | oauth_applications | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | pages_domains | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | path_locks | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | personal_access_tokens | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | project_authorizations | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | project_features | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | project_group_links | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | project_import_data | autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | project_mirror_data | autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit=10000 autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | project_repository_states | autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | projects | autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit=7000 autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | protected_branch_merge_access_levels | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | protected_branch_push_access_levels | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | protected_branches | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | push_rules | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | releases | autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | remote_mirrors | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | sent_notifications | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | services | autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | snippets | autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | spam_logs | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | subscriptions | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | taggings | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | tags | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | todos | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | trending_projects | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | u2f_registrations | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | untracked_files_for_uploads | autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | user_agent_details | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | users | autovacuum_enabled=on |
public | users_star_projects | autovacuum_enabled=true |
public | web_hooks | autovacuum_enabled=true |
Replicas settings
Setting | | | | | | | | |
hot_standby_feedback | on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on |
All good, no recommendations here.
F002 Autovacuum: Transaction ID Wraparound Check
- Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:36:50 +0000 UTC
- Current database: gitlabhq_production
Master (Databases
# | Database | ▼ Age | Capacity used, % | Warning | datfrozenxid |
1 | gitlabhq_production |
199995868 | 10.26 | 160538665 | |
2 | postgres |
195569077 | 10.03 | 164965456 | |
3 | template0 |
47497946 | 2.44 | 313036587 | |
4 | template1 |
47295719 | 2.43 | 313238814 |
Tables in the observed database
The list is limited to 10 items. Total: 268.
# | Relation | Age | ▼ Capacity used, % | Warning | rel_relfrozenxid | toast_relfrozenxid |
1 |
notification_settings * |
199995868 | 10.26 | 160538665 | 163739001 | |
2 | slack_integrations |
199995868 | 10.26 | 160538665 | 163739001 | |
3 | gpg_key_subkeys |
199878040 | 10.25 | 160656493 | 163739001 | |
4 | ci_pipeline_chat_data |
199878040 | 10.25 | 160656493 | 163779468 | |
5 | container_repositories |
199932034 | 10.25 | 160602499 | 163739001 | |
6 | operations_feature_flags_clients |
199675759 | 10.24 | 160858774 | 164003145 | |
7 |
ci_runner_projects * |
199586477 | 10.24 | 160948056 | 0 | |
8 | issue_assignees |
199678708 | 10.24 | 160855825 | 0 | |
9 | schema_migrations |
199108026 | 10.21 | 161426507 | 161441143 | |
10 | insights |
199065876 | 10.21 | 161468657 | 0 |
* This table has specific autovacuum settings. See 'F001 Autovacuum: Current settings'
All good, no recommendations here.
F003 Autovacuum: Dead Tuples
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:36:52 +0000 UTC
Current database: gitlabhq_production
Stats reset: 20 days 19:05:00 ago (2019-09-09 18:31:36 +0000 UTC)
Master (The list is limited to 20 items. Total: 184.
# | Relation | reltype | Since last autovacuum | Since last vacuum | Autovacuum Count | Vacuum Count | n_tup_ins | n_tup_upd | n_tup_del | pg_class.reltuples | n_live_tup | n_dead_tup | ▼Dead Tuples Ratio, % |
1 |
project_mirror_data * |
r | 00:03:36.655815 | 5790 | 0 | 60052 | 335213555 | 15861 | 2157317 | 2157323 | 100263 | 4.44 | |
2 | namespace_aggregation_schedules |
r | 00:00:21.549297 | 61912 | 0 | 8141635 | 0 | 7992341 | 17748 | 17722 | 299 | 1.66 | |
3 | pg_toast.pg_toast_2619 |
t | 00:00:58.960839 | 25505 | 0 | 4224019 | 0 | 4223631 | 15237 | 15192 | 174 | 1.13 | |
4 | pg_catalog.pg_statistic |
r | 00:04:59.138629 | 6705 | 0 | 47 | 942835 | 1 | 14654 | 14654 | 123 | 0.83 | |
5 |
u2f_registrations * |
r | 04:40:29.220464 | 50 | 0 | 835 | 6293 | 320 | 15282 | 15283 | 118 | 0.77 | |
6 | protected_tag_create_access_levels |
r | 2 days 14:38:59.570444 | 8 | 0 | 2051 | 51 | 1191 | 18419 | 18421 | 138 | 0.74 | |
7 | draft_notes |
r | 00:07:29.114059 | 730 | 0 | 47639 | 5932 | 46799 | 11678 | 11678 | 78 | 0.66 | |
8 | cluster_platforms_kubernetes |
r | 1 day 13:31:59.386141 | 14 | 0 | 2406 | 1562 | 1490 | 24177 | 24193 | 153 | 0.63 | |
9 | cluster_providers_gcp |
r | 18:17:52.980122 | 15 | 0 | 1104 | 1811 | 739 | 10041 | 10045 | 62 | 0.61 | |
10 | clusters_kubernetes_namespaces |
r | 3 days 00:19:17.261235 | 8 | 0 | 2710 | 583 | 1063 | 30921 | 30991 | 182 | 0.58 | |
11 | pg_toast.pg_toast_54153184 |
t | 1 day 15:01:46.4009 | 14 | 0 | 5070 | 0 | 3234 | 34129 | 34261 | 186 | 0.54 | |
12 |
pg_toast.pg_toast_33659 * |
t | 1 day 10:18:18.825141 | 15 | 0 | 12476 | 0 | 9282 | 108336 | 108492 | 560 | 0.51 | |
13 | resource_label_events |
r | 05:02:01.537767 | 33 | 0 | 2196074 | 3579123 | 318368 | 22591948 | 22623125 | 112879 | 0.5 | |
14 |
environments * |
r | 2 days 19:31:56.355287 | 15 | 0 | 57572 | 74430 | 10311 | 810728 | 811268 | 4094 | 0.5 | |
15 |
lfs_objects * |
r | 3 days 08:19:18.500374 | 11 | 0 | 957167 | 956027 | 0 | 17733184 | 17737868 | 87701 | 0.49 | |
16 |
users * |
r | 00:40:32.833542 | 419 | 0 | 118720 | 11904407 | 2184 | 4504403 | 4504453 | 21893 | 0.48 | |
17 | pg_toast.pg_toast_54153124 |
t | 1 day 04:19:14.297056 | 15 | 0 | 3319 | 0 | 2422 | 21561 | 21618 | 102 | 0.47 | |
18 | gpg_key_subkeys |
r | 4 days 12:08:56.991402 | 4 | 0 | 1847 | 0 | 705 | 38665 | 38702 | 182 | 0.47 | |
19 | badges |
r | 2 days 23:46:21.008523 | 7 | 0 | 2568 | 1323 | 707 | 26499 | 26534 | 125 | 0.47 | |
20 | protected_branch_unprotect_access_levels |
r | 00:16:06.698542 | 576 | 0 | 64142 | 0 | 62643 | 21923 | 21923 | 101 | 0.46 |
* This table has specific autovacuum settings. See 'F001 Autovacuum: Current settings'
F004 Autovacuum: Heap Bloat (Estimated)
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:36:54 +0000 UTC
Current database: gitlabhq_production
Master (The list is limited to 20 items. Total: 274.
# | Table | Real Size | ▼ Estimated bloat | Est. bloat, bytes | Est. bloat factor | Est. bloat level, % | Live Data Size | Last vacuum | Fillfactor |
===== TOTAL ===== | 2.77 TiB | 63.57 GiB | 68,251,901,952 | 1.02 | 2.25 | ~2.71 TiB | |||
1 | merge_request_diff_files |
1.25 TiB | 25.40 GiB | 27,268,497,408 | 1.02 | 2.00 | ~1.22 TiB | 2019-09-27 06:46:37 (auto) | 100 |
2 |
ci_builds * |
401.32 GiB | 11.85 GiB | 12,716,433,408 | 1.03 | 2.95 | ~389.48 GiB | 2019-09-30 09:33:19 (auto) | 100 |
3 | merge_request_diff_commits |
500.65 GiB | 10.03 GiB | 10,760,568,832 | 1.02 | 2.00 | ~490.62 GiB | 2019-09-26 04:35:43 (auto) | 100 |
4 |
sent_notifications * |
30.77 GiB | 2.08 GiB | 2,227,716,096 | 1.07 | 6.74 | ~28.69 GiB | 2019-09-26 05:45:43 (auto) | 100 |
5 |
notes * |
130.03 GiB | 1.46 GiB | 1,561,468,928 | 1.01 | 1.12 | ~128.57 GiB | 2019-09-30 03:12:35 (auto) | 100 |
6 |
audit_events * |
42.46 GiB | 1.44 GiB | 1,543,290,880 | 1.04 | 3.39 | ~41.02 GiB | 2019-09-26 04:02:37 (auto) | 100 |
7 |
ci_pipelines * |
16.48 GiB | 1.29 GiB | 1,377,558,528 | 1.08 | 7.79 | ~15.20 GiB | 2019-09-30 03:25:07 (auto) | 100 |
8 | ci_job_artifacts |
36.69 GiB | 1.14 GiB | 1,220,296,704 | 1.03 | 3.10 | ~35.55 GiB | 2019-09-30 12:14:32 (auto) | 100 |
9 | push_event_payloads |
39.41 GiB | 1.09 GiB | 1,170,145,280 | 1.03 | 2.77 | ~38.32 GiB | 2019-09-27 10:11:06 (auto) | 100 |
10 |
merge_request_diffs * |
10.47 GiB | 0.96 GiB | 1,020,944,384 | 1.10 | 9.09 | ~9.52 GiB | 2019-09-27 10:17:04 (auto) | 100 |
11 |
merge_requests * |
14.45 GiB | 856.08 MiB | 897,654,784 | 1.06 | 5.79 | ~13.61 GiB | 2019-09-30 12:31:38 (auto) | 100 |
12 | ci_stages |
11.69 GiB | 583.77 MiB | 612,122,624 | 1.05 | 4.88 | ~11.12 GiB | 2019-09-30 10:19:23 (auto) | 100 |
13 | ci_build_trace_sections |
93.73 GiB | 537.68 MiB | 563,789,824 | 1.01 | 0.56 | ~93.21 GiB | 2019-09-26 04:07:43 (auto) | 100 |
14 |
deployments * |
4.91 GiB | 435.74 MiB | 456,900,608 | 1.09 | 8.67 | ~4.48 GiB | 2019-09-28 21:54:36 (auto) | 100 |
15 |
projects * |
3.06 GiB | 380.86 MiB | 399,351,808 | 1.14 | 12.19 | ~2.68 GiB | 2019-09-30 13:29:09 (auto) | 100 |
16 | resource_label_events |
9.69 GiB | 332.11 MiB | 348,233,728 | 1.03 | 3.35 | ~9.37 GiB | 2019-09-30 08:34:52 (auto) | 100 |
17 |
project_mirror_data * |
564.65 MiB | 312.67 MiB | 327,852,032 | 2.24 | 55.37 | ~251.99 MiB | 2019-09-30 13:33:17 (auto) | 100 |
18 |
todos * |
2.94 GiB | 249.47 MiB | 261,586,944 | 1.09 | 8.29 | ~2.70 GiB | 2019-09-30 08:58:08 (auto) | 100 |
19 |
lfs_objects * |
3.35 GiB | 239.42 MiB | 251,043,840 | 1.08 | 6.98 | ~3.12 GiB | 2019-09-27 05:17:35 (auto) | 100 |
20 |
users * |
1.95 GiB | 225.14 MiB | 236,068,864 | 1.13 | 11.28 | ~1.73 GiB | 2019-09-30 12:56:20 (auto) | 100 |
* This table has specific autovacuum settings. See 'F001 Autovacuum: Current settings'
The estimated table (heap) bloat in this DB is low, just ~2.25% (~63.57 GiB). No action is needed now. Keep watching it though.
[P1] The following 2 tables have significant size (>1 MiB) and bloat estimate > 90.00%:
: size 4.34 MiB, can be reduced 15.00 times, by ~4.05 MiB (~93.33%) -
: size 1.37 MiB, can be reduced 175.00 times, by ~1.36 MiB (~99.43%)
[P2] There are 6 tables with size > 1 MiB and table bloat estimate >= 40.00% and < 90.00%:
: size 564.65 MiB, can be reduced 2.24 times, by ~312.67 MiB (~55.37%) -
: size 296.29 MiB, can be reduced 2.00 times, by ~148.35 MiB (~50.07%) -
: size 27.81 MiB, can be reduced 1.81 times, by ~12.48 MiB (~44.87%) -
: size 4.36 MiB, can be reduced 1.78 times, by ~1.91 MiB (~43.73%) -
: size 1.82 MiB, can be reduced 6.44 times, by ~1.54 MiB (~84.48%) - etc.
[P1] Reduce and prevent the high level of table bloat:
- to prevent a high level of bloat in the future, tune autovacuum: consider more aggressive autovacuum settings (see F001);
- eliminate or reduce the current table bloat using one of the approaches listed below.
If you want to get exact bloat numbers, clone the database, get table sizes, then apply database-wide
(it eliminate all the bloat), and get new table sizes. Then compare old and new numbers. -
To reduce the table bloat, consider one of the following approaches:
( requires downtime / maintenance window), - one of the tools reducing the bloat online, without interrupting the operations:
Read more on this topic:
- Bloat estimation for tables (2014, ioguix)
- Show database bloat (PostgreSQL wiki)
- PostgreSQL Bloat: origins, monitoring and managing (2016, Compose)
- Dealing with significant Postgres database bloat — what are your options? (2018, Compass)
- Postgres database bloat analysis (2019, GitLab)
F005 Autovacuum: Btree Index Bloat (Estimated)
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:36:59 +0000 UTC
Current database: gitlabhq_production
Master (The list is limited to 20 items. Total: 947.
# | Index (Table) | Index Size | Table Size | ▼ Estimated bloat | Est. bloat, bytes | Est. bloat factor | Est. bloat level, % | Live Data Size | Fillfactor |
===== TOTAL ===== | 1.14 TiB | 5.00 TiB | 291.33 GiB | 312,812,339,200 | 1.34 | 25.17 | 866.11 GiB | ||
1 |
index_merge_request_diff_commits_on_sha (merge_request_diff_commits ) |
86.88 GiB | 488.89 GiB | 13.02 GiB | 13,975,683,072 | 1.18 | 14.98 | ~73.87 GiB | 90 |
2 |
index_ci_builds_on_auto_canceled_by_id (ci_builds *) |
15.39 GiB | 291.64 GiB | 11.73 GiB | 12,588,113,920 | 4.20 | 76.19 | ~3.67 GiB | 90 |
3 |
index_ci_builds_on_protected (ci_builds *) |
15.22 GiB | 291.64 GiB | 9.19 GiB | 9,861,808,128 | 2.52 | 60.38 | ~6.03 GiB | 90 |
4 |
index_ci_builds_on_token_encrypted (ci_builds *) |
16.15 GiB | 291.64 GiB | 8.87 GiB | 9,518,219,264 | 2.22 | 54.89 | ~7.29 GiB | 90 |
5 |
index_ci_builds_on_token (ci_builds *) |
17.01 GiB | 291.64 GiB | 8.65 GiB | 9,279,373,312 | 2.03 | 50.83 | ~8.36 GiB | 90 |
6 |
index_ci_builds_on_runner_id (ci_builds *) |
14.32 GiB | 291.64 GiB | 8.35 GiB | 8,957,657,088 | 2.40 | 58.26 | ~5.98 GiB | 90 |
7 |
index_ci_job_artifacts_on_expire_at_and_job_id (ci_job_artifacts ) |
12.06 GiB | 36.70 GiB | 6.88 GiB | 7,377,879,040 | 2.33 | 56.99 | ~5.19 GiB | 90 |
8 |
tmp_build_stage_position_index (ci_builds *) |
15.17 GiB | 291.64 GiB | 6.71 GiB | 7,203,569,664 | 1.79 | 44.24 | ~8.46 GiB | 90 |
9 |
index_ci_builds_on_queued_at (ci_builds *) |
12.70 GiB | 291.64 GiB | 6.66 GiB | 7,144,341,504 | 2.10 | 52.41 | ~6.05 GiB | 90 |
10 |
index_ci_builds_on_updated_at (ci_builds *) |
12.62 GiB | 291.64 GiB | 6.55 GiB | 7,025,917,952 | 2.08 | 51.85 | ~6.08 GiB | 90 |
12 |
index_ci_builds_on_project_id_and_id (ci_builds *) |
12.14 GiB | 291.64 GiB | 6.06 GiB | 6,506,594,304 | 2.00 | 49.94 | ~6.08 GiB | 90 |
13 |
ci_builds_pkey (ci_builds *) |
11.61 GiB | 291.64 GiB | 5.54 GiB | 5,937,864,704 | 1.91 | 47.65 | ~6.08 GiB | 90 |
14 |
index_notes_on_discussion_id (notes *) |
15.56 GiB | 122.37 GiB | 5.33 GiB | 5,713,068,032 | 1.52 | 34.21 | ~10.24 GiB | 90 |
15 |
index_ci_build_trace_sections_on_section_name_id (ci_build_trace_sections ) |
32.30 GiB | 94.19 GiB | 4.94 GiB | 5,294,194,688 | 1.18 | 15.27 | ~27.37 GiB | 90 |
16 |
index_ci_builds_on_stage_id (ci_builds *) |
10.44 GiB | 291.64 GiB | 4.37 GiB | 4,685,144,064 | 1.72 | 41.80 | ~6.08 GiB | 90 |
17 |
index_projects_on_repository_storage (projects *) |
4.62 GiB | 2.79 GiB | 4.31 GiB | 4,624,613,376 | 15.00 | 93.33 | ~315.00 MiB | 90 |
18 |
index_ci_builds_on_commit_id_and_type_and_ref (ci_builds *) |
34.74 GiB | 291.64 GiB | 4.28 GiB | 4,592,795,648 | 1.14 | 12.31 | ~30.46 GiB | 90 |
19 |
index_ci_build_trace_sections_on_project_id (ci_build_trace_sections ) |
31.55 GiB | 94.19 GiB | 4.18 GiB | 4,479,926,272 | 1.15 | 13.23 | ~27.37 GiB | 90 |
20 |
index_ci_builds_on_user_id (ci_builds *) |
9.96 GiB | 291.64 GiB | 3.90 GiB | 4,183,965,696 | 1.64 | 39.14 | ~6.06 GiB | 90 |
21 |
index_projects_on_last_activity_at (projects *) |
3.91 GiB | 2.79 GiB | 3.69 GiB | 3,955,097,600 | 17.73 | 94.36 | ~225.45 MiB | 90 |
* This table has specific autovacuum settings. See 'F001 Autovacuum: Current settings'
[P1] Total index (btree only) bloat estimation is ~291.33 GiB, it is 25.17% of the overall size of all indexes and 7.14% of the DB size. Removing the index bloat will reduce the total DB size down to ~3.70 TiB. Free disk space will be increased by ~291.33 GiB. Total size of indexes is 1.34 times bigger than it could be. Notice that this is only an estimation, sometimes it may be significantly off.
[P1] The following 37 indexes have significant size (>1 MiB) and bloat estimate > 90.00%:
: size 4.62 GiB, can be reduced 15.00 times, by ~4.34 GiB (~93.33%) -
: size 3.91 GiB, can be reduced 17.73 times, by ~3.71 GiB (~94.36%) -
: size 3.80 GiB, can be reduced 27.83 times, by ~3.68 GiB (~96.41%) -
: size 3.81 GiB, can be reduced 17.27 times, by ~3.61 GiB (~94.21%) -
: size 3.68 GiB, can be reduced 27.85 times, by ~3.56 GiB (~96.41%) - etc.
[P2] There are 196 indexes with size > 1 MiB and index bloat estimate >= 40.00% and < 90.00%:
: size 15.39 GiB, can be reduced 4.20 times, by ~12.10 GiB (~76.19%) -
: size 15.22 GiB, can be reduced 2.52 times, by ~9.79 GiB (~60.38%) -
: size 16.15 GiB, can be reduced 2.22 times, by ~9.61 GiB (~54.89%) -
: size 17.01 GiB, can be reduced 2.03 times, by ~9.47 GiB (~50.83%) -
: size 14.32 GiB, can be reduced 2.40 times, by ~8.94 GiB (~58.26%) - etc.
[P1] Reduce and prevent a high level of index bloat:
- to prevent a high level of bloat in the future, tune autovacuum: consider more aggressive autovacuum settings (see F001);
- eliminate or reduce the current index bloat using one of the approaches listed below.
If you want to get exact bloat numbers, clone the database, get index sizes, then apply database-wide
(it eliminates all the bloat), and gets new table sizes. Then compare old and new numbers. -
To reduce the index bloat, consider one of the following approaches:
( requires downtime / maintenance window), -
; requires downtime / maintenance window), - recreating indexes online using
and renaming (not trivial for indexes supporting PK, FK) //REINDEX CONCURRENTLY
is available in Postgres 12+, - one of the tools reducing the bloat online, without interrupting the operations:
Read more on this topic:
- Index maintenance (PostgreSQL wiki)
- Btree bloat query (2014, ioguix)
- PostgreSQL Index bloat under a microscope (2017, Peter Geoghegan)
- PostgreSQL Bloat: origins, monitoring and managing (2016, Compose)
- Dealing with significant Postgres database bloat — what are your options? (2018, Compass)
- Postgres database bloat analysis (2019, GitLab)
F008 Autovacuum: Resource Usage
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:37:48 +0000 UTC
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
autovacuum_max_workers | 6 | ||
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay | 5 | ms | |
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit | 6000 | ||
autovacuum_work_mem | -1 | kB | |
log_autovacuum_min_duration | 0 | ms | |
maintenance_work_mem | 2097152 | kB | 2.00 GiB |
max_connections | 300 | ||
shared_buffers | 14450688 | 8kB | 110.25 GiB |
vacuum_cost_limit | 200 | ||
work_mem | 102400 | kB | 100.00 MiB |
Cpu count you can see in report A001
Ram amount you can see in report A001
Max workers memory: 12 GiB
G001 Memory-related Settings
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:56:33 +0000 UTC
Master (Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
autovacuum_max_workers | 6 | ||
autovacuum_work_mem | -1 | kB | |
effective_cache_size | 43352064 | 8kB | 330.75 GiB |
maintenance_work_mem | 2097152 | kB | 2.00 GiB |
max_connections | 300 | ||
shared_buffers | 14450688 | 8kB | 110.25 GiB |
temp_buffers | 1024 | 8kB | 8.00 MiB |
work_mem | 102400 | kB | 100.00 MiB |
Replica servers:
Replica (Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
autovacuum_max_workers | 6 | ||
autovacuum_work_mem | -1 | kB | |
effective_cache_size | 43352064 | 8kB | 330.75 GiB |
maintenance_work_mem | 2097152 | kB | 2.00 GiB |
max_connections | 300 | ||
shared_buffers | 14450688 | 8kB | 110.25 GiB |
temp_buffers | 1024 | 8kB | 8.00 MiB |
work_mem | 102400 | kB | 100.00 MiB |
Replica (Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
autovacuum_max_workers | 6 | ||
autovacuum_work_mem | -1 | kB | |
effective_cache_size | 43352064 | 8kB | 330.75 GiB |
maintenance_work_mem | 2097152 | kB | 2.00 GiB |
max_connections | 300 | ||
shared_buffers | 14450688 | 8kB | 110.25 GiB |
temp_buffers | 1024 | 8kB | 8.00 MiB |
work_mem | 102400 | kB | 100.00 MiB |
Replica (Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
autovacuum_max_workers | 6 | ||
autovacuum_work_mem | -1 | kB | |
effective_cache_size | 43352064 | 8kB | 330.75 GiB |
maintenance_work_mem | 2097152 | kB | 2.00 GiB |
max_connections | 300 | ||
shared_buffers | 14450688 | 8kB | 110.25 GiB |
temp_buffers | 1024 | 8kB | 8.00 MiB |
work_mem | 102400 | kB | 100.00 MiB |
Replica (Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
autovacuum_max_workers | 6 | ||
autovacuum_work_mem | -1 | kB | |
effective_cache_size | 43352064 | 8kB | 330.75 GiB |
maintenance_work_mem | 2097152 | kB | 2.00 GiB |
max_connections | 300 | ||
shared_buffers | 14450688 | 8kB | 110.25 GiB |
temp_buffers | 1024 | 8kB | 8.00 MiB |
work_mem | 102400 | kB | 100.00 MiB |
Replica (Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
autovacuum_max_workers | 6 | ||
autovacuum_work_mem | -1 | kB | |
effective_cache_size | 43352064 | 8kB | 330.75 GiB |
maintenance_work_mem | 2097152 | kB | 2.00 GiB |
max_connections | 300 | ||
shared_buffers | 14450688 | 8kB | 110.25 GiB |
temp_buffers | 1024 | 8kB | 8.00 MiB |
work_mem | 102400 | kB | 100.00 MiB |
Replica (Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
autovacuum_max_workers | 6 | ||
autovacuum_work_mem | -1 | kB | |
effective_cache_size | 43352064 | 8kB | 330.75 GiB |
maintenance_work_mem | 2097152 | kB | 2.00 GiB |
max_connections | 300 | ||
shared_buffers | 14450688 | 8kB | 110.25 GiB |
temp_buffers | 1024 | 8kB | 8.00 MiB |
work_mem | 102400 | kB | 100.00 MiB |
Replica (Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
autovacuum_max_workers | 6 | ||
autovacuum_work_mem | -1 | kB | |
effective_cache_size | 43352064 | 8kB | 330.75 GiB |
maintenance_work_mem | 2097152 | kB | 2.00 GiB |
max_connections | 300 | ||
shared_buffers | 14450688 | 8kB | 110.25 GiB |
temp_buffers | 1024 | 8kB | 8.00 MiB |
work_mem | 102400 | kB | 100.00 MiB |
Replica (Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
autovacuum_max_workers | 6 | ||
autovacuum_work_mem | -1 | kB | |
effective_cache_size | 43352064 | 8kB | 330.75 GiB |
maintenance_work_mem | 2097152 | kB | 2.00 GiB |
max_connections | 300 | ||
shared_buffers | 14450688 | 8kB | 110.25 GiB |
temp_buffers | 1024 | 8kB | 8.00 MiB |
work_mem | 102400 | kB | 100.00 MiB |
G002 Connections and Current Activity
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:56:35 +0000 UTC
Master (The list is limited to 20 items. Total: 19.
# | User | DB | Current state | Count | State changed >1m ago | State changed >1h ago | Tx age >1m | Tx age >1h |
1 | ALL users | ALL databases | ALL states | 261 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
2 | gitlab |
ALL databases | active | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | gitlab-psql |
ALL databases | active | 3 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
4 | gitlab-checkup |
ALL databases | active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
5 | gitlab |
ALL databases | idle | 190 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
6 | pgbouncer |
ALL databases | idle | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7 | gitlab-monitor |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
8 | gitlab-superuser |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
9 | postgres_exporter |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
10 | gitlab |
ALL databases | idle in transaction | 38 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
11 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
12 | gitlab-psql |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 3 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
13 | gitlab-checkup |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
14 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 190 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
15 | pgbouncer |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
16 | postgres_exporter |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
17 | gitlab-monitor |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
18 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
idle in transaction | 38 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
19 | gitlab-superuser |
postgres |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Replica servers:
Replica (# | User | DB | Current state | Count | State changed >1m ago | State changed >1h ago | Tx age >1m | Tx age >1h |
1 | ALL users | ALL databases | ALL states | 46 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | gitlab |
ALL databases | active | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | gitlab-checkup |
ALL databases | active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
4 | gitlab |
ALL databases | idle | 33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
5 | pgbouncer |
ALL databases | idle | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
6 | gitlab-monitor |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7 | gitlab-superuser |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
8 | postgres_exporter |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
9 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
10 | gitlab-checkup |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
11 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
12 | pgbouncer |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
13 | postgres_exporter |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
14 | gitlab-monitor |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
15 | gitlab-superuser |
postgres |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Replica (# | User | DB | Current state | Count | State changed >1m ago | State changed >1h ago | Tx age >1m | Tx age >1h |
1 | ALL users | ALL databases | ALL states | 44 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | gitlab |
ALL databases | active | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | gitlab-checkup |
ALL databases | active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
4 | gitlab |
ALL databases | idle | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
5 | pgbouncer |
ALL databases | idle | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
6 | gitlab-monitor |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7 | gitlab-superuser |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
8 | postgres_exporter |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
9 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
10 | gitlab-checkup |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
11 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
12 | pgbouncer |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
13 | postgres_exporter |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
14 | gitlab-monitor |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
15 | gitlab-superuser |
postgres |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Replica (# | User | DB | Current state | Count | State changed >1m ago | State changed >1h ago | Tx age >1m | Tx age >1h |
1 | ALL users | ALL databases | ALL states | 38 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | gitlab |
ALL databases | active | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | gitlab-checkup |
ALL databases | active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
4 | gitlab |
ALL databases | idle | 26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
5 | pgbouncer |
ALL databases | idle | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
6 | gitlab-monitor |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7 | gitlab-superuser |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
8 | postgres_exporter |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
9 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
10 | gitlab-checkup |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
11 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
12 | pgbouncer |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
13 | postgres_exporter |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
14 | gitlab-monitor |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
15 | gitlab-superuser |
postgres |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Replica (# | User | DB | Current state | Count | State changed >1m ago | State changed >1h ago | Tx age >1m | Tx age >1h |
1 | ALL users | ALL databases | ALL states | 39 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | gitlab |
ALL databases | active | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | gitlab-monitor |
ALL databases | active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
4 | gitlab-checkup |
ALL databases | active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
5 | gitlab |
ALL databases | idle | 28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
6 | pgbouncer |
ALL databases | idle | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7 | gitlab-superuser |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
8 | postgres_exporter |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
9 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
10 | gitlab-checkup |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
11 | gitlab-monitor |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
12 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
13 | pgbouncer |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
14 | postgres_exporter |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
15 | gitlab-superuser |
postgres |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Replica (# | User | DB | Current state | Count | State changed >1m ago | State changed >1h ago | Tx age >1m | Tx age >1h |
1 | ALL users | ALL databases | ALL states | 48 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | gitlab |
ALL databases | active | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | gitlab-checkup |
ALL databases | active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
4 | gitlab |
ALL databases | idle | 33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
5 | pgbouncer |
ALL databases | idle | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
6 | gitlab-monitor |
ALL databases | idle | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7 | gitlab-superuser |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
8 | postgres_exporter |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
9 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
10 | gitlab-checkup |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
11 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
12 | pgbouncer |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
13 | gitlab-monitor |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
14 | postgres_exporter |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
15 | gitlab-superuser |
postgres |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Replica (# | User | DB | Current state | Count | State changed >1m ago | State changed >1h ago | Tx age >1m | Tx age >1h |
1 | ALL users | ALL databases | ALL states | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | gitlab |
ALL databases | active | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | gitlab-checkup |
ALL databases | active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
4 | gitlab |
ALL databases | idle | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
5 | pgbouncer |
ALL databases | idle | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
6 | gitlab-monitor |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7 | gitlab-superuser |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
8 | postgres_exporter |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
9 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
10 | gitlab-checkup |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
11 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
12 | pgbouncer |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
13 | postgres_exporter |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
14 | gitlab-monitor |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
15 | gitlab-superuser |
postgres |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Replica (# | User | DB | Current state | Count | State changed >1m ago | State changed >1h ago | Tx age >1m | Tx age >1h |
1 | ALL users | ALL databases | ALL states | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | gitlab |
ALL databases | active | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | gitlab-checkup |
ALL databases | active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
4 | gitlab |
ALL databases | idle | 31 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
5 | pgbouncer |
ALL databases | idle | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
6 | gitlab-monitor |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7 | gitlab-superuser |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
8 | postgres_exporter |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
9 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
10 | gitlab-checkup |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
11 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 31 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
12 | pgbouncer |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
13 | postgres_exporter |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
14 | gitlab-monitor |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
15 | gitlab-superuser |
postgres |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Replica (# | User | DB | Current state | Count | State changed >1m ago | State changed >1h ago | Tx age >1m | Tx age >1h |
1 | ALL users | ALL databases | ALL states | 42 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | gitlab |
ALL databases | active | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | gitlab-checkup |
ALL databases | active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
4 | gitlab |
ALL databases | idle | 28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
5 | pgbouncer |
ALL databases | idle | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
6 | gitlab-monitor |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7 | gitlab-superuser |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
8 | postgres_exporter |
ALL databases | idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
9 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
10 | gitlab-checkup |
gitlabhq_production |
active | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
11 | gitlab |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
12 | pgbouncer |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
13 | postgres_exporter |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
14 | gitlab-monitor |
gitlabhq_production |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
15 | gitlab-superuser |
postgres |
idle | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
All good, no recommendations here.
G003 Timeouts, Locks, Deadlocks
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:56:38 +0000 UTC
Master (Timeouts
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
authentication_timeout | 60 | s | |
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout | 30000 | ms | |
statement_timeout | 15000 | ms |
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
deadlock_timeout | 5000 | ms | |
lock_timeout | 0 | ms | |
max_locks_per_transaction | 128 | ||
max_pred_locks_per_transaction | 64 |
Databases data
# | Database | Conflicts | ▼ Deadlocks | Stats reset at | Stat reset |
1 | gitlabhq_production |
0 | 20 | 2019-09-09T18:31:35.8238+00:00 | 20 days 19:06:17 |
2 | postgres |
0 | 0 | 2019-09-09T18:31:33.20897+00:00 | 20 days 19:06:19 |
Replica servers:
Replica (Timeouts
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
authentication_timeout | 60 | s | |
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout | 30000 | ms | |
statement_timeout | 15000 | ms |
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
deadlock_timeout | 5000 | ms | |
lock_timeout | 0 | ms | |
max_locks_per_transaction | 128 | ||
max_pred_locks_per_transaction | 64 |
Databases data
Database | Conflicts | ▼ Deadlocks | Stats reset at | Stat reset |
postgres |
0 | 0 | 2019-09-09T20:34:43.543476+00:00 | 20 days 17:04:22 |
gitlabhq_production |
0 | 0 | 2019-09-09T20:34:45.4209+00:00 | 20 days 17:04:20 |
Replica (Timeouts
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
authentication_timeout | 60 | s | |
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout | 30000 | ms | |
statement_timeout | 15000 | ms |
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
deadlock_timeout | 5000 | ms | |
lock_timeout | 0 | ms | |
max_locks_per_transaction | 128 | ||
max_pred_locks_per_transaction | 64 |
Databases data
Database | Conflicts | ▼ Deadlocks | Stats reset at | Stat reset |
postgres |
0 | 0 | 2019-09-09T20:34:36.972379+00:00 | 20 days 17:05:45 |
gitlabhq_production |
0 | 0 | 2019-09-09T20:34:37.497353+00:00 | 20 days 17:05:44 |
Replica (Timeouts
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
authentication_timeout | 60 | s | |
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout | 30000 | ms | |
statement_timeout | 15000 | ms |
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
deadlock_timeout | 5000 | ms | |
lock_timeout | 0 | ms | |
max_locks_per_transaction | 128 | ||
max_pred_locks_per_transaction | 64 |
Databases data
Database | Conflicts | ▼ Deadlocks | Stats reset at | Stat reset |
postgres |
0 | 0 | 2019-09-09T20:34:35.218275+00:00 | 20 days 17:07:16 |
gitlabhq_production |
1 | 0 | 2019-09-09T20:34:35.422453+00:00 | 20 days 17:07:15 |
Replica (Timeouts
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
authentication_timeout | 60 | s | |
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout | 30000 | ms | |
statement_timeout | 15000 | ms |
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
deadlock_timeout | 5000 | ms | |
lock_timeout | 0 | ms | |
max_locks_per_transaction | 128 | ||
max_pred_locks_per_transaction | 64 |
Databases data
Database | Conflicts | ▼ Deadlocks | Stats reset at | Stat reset |
postgres |
0 | 0 | 2019-09-09T20:34:42.049288+00:00 | 20 days 17:09:06 |
gitlabhq_production |
0 | 0 | 2019-09-09T20:34:43.018416+00:00 | 20 days 17:09:05 |
Replica (Timeouts
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
authentication_timeout | 60 | s | |
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout | 30000 | ms | |
statement_timeout | 15000 | ms |
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
deadlock_timeout | 5000 | ms | |
lock_timeout | 0 | ms | |
max_locks_per_transaction | 128 | ||
max_pred_locks_per_transaction | 64 |
Databases data
Database | Conflicts | ▼ Deadlocks | Stats reset at | Stat reset |
postgres |
0 | 0 | 2019-09-09T20:34:05.869755+00:00 | 20 days 17:11:57 |
gitlabhq_production |
3 | 0 | 2019-09-09T20:34:08.542607+00:00 | 20 days 17:11:54 |
Replica (Timeouts
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
authentication_timeout | 60 | s | |
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout | 30000 | ms | |
statement_timeout | 15000 | ms |
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
deadlock_timeout | 5000 | ms | |
lock_timeout | 0 | ms | |
max_locks_per_transaction | 128 | ||
max_pred_locks_per_transaction | 64 |
Databases data
Database | Conflicts | ▼ Deadlocks | Stats reset at | Stat reset |
postgres |
0 | 0 | 2019-09-09T20:34:43.591948+00:00 | 20 days 17:14:16 |
gitlabhq_production |
0 | 0 | 2019-09-09T20:34:46.149884+00:00 | 20 days 17:14:13 |
Replica (Timeouts
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
authentication_timeout | 60 | s | |
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout | 30000 | ms | |
statement_timeout | 15000 | ms |
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
deadlock_timeout | 5000 | ms | |
lock_timeout | 0 | ms | |
max_locks_per_transaction | 128 | ||
max_pred_locks_per_transaction | 64 |
Databases data
Database | Conflicts | ▼ Deadlocks | Stats reset at | Stat reset |
postgres |
0 | 0 | 2019-09-09T23:15:38.234878+00:00 | 20 days 14:36:54 |
gitlabhq_production |
0 | 0 | 2019-09-09T23:15:42.35404+00:00 | 20 days 14:36:50 |
Replica (Timeouts
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
authentication_timeout | 60 | s | |
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout | 30000 | ms | |
statement_timeout | 15000 | ms |
Setting name | Value | Unit | Pretty value |
deadlock_timeout | 5000 | ms | |
lock_timeout | 0 | ms | |
max_locks_per_transaction | 128 | ||
max_pred_locks_per_transaction | 64 |
Databases data
Database | Conflicts | ▼ Deadlocks | Stats reset at | Stat reset |
postgres |
0 | 0 | 2019-09-09T20:34:24.604946+00:00 | 20 days 17:22:15 |
gitlabhq_production |
0 | 0 | 2019-09-09T20:34:25.124515+00:00 | 20 days 17:22:14 |
H001 Invalid Indexes
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:37:53 +0000 UTC
Current database: gitlabhq_production
Master (Invalid indexes not found
H002 Unused and Redundant Indexes
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:56:40 +0000 UTC
Current database: gitlabhq_production
Stats reset: 20 days 19:06:00 ago (2019-09-09 18:31:36 +0000 UTC)
Never Used Indexes
The list is limited to 20 items. Total: 64.
# | Table | Index | usage | usage | usage | usage | usage | usage | usage | usage | usage | ▼ Index size | Table size | Supports FK |
=====TOTAL===== | 142.08 GiB | 1.32 TiB | ||||||||||||
1 | ci_builds |
index_ci_builds_on_protected |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 15.24 GiB | 291.56 GiB | |
2 | ci_builds |
index_ci_builds_on_queued_at |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 12.73 GiB | 291.56 GiB | |
3 | ci_job_artifacts |
index_ci_job_artifacts_on_file_store |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6.65 GiB | 36.69 GiB | |
4 | audit_events |
analytics_index_audit_events_on_created_at_and_author_id |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5.48 GiB | 42.52 GiB | |
6 | projects |
index_projects_on_pending_delete |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.81 GiB | 2.79 GiB | Yes |
8 | projects |
index_projects_on_last_repository_check_failed |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.68 GiB | 2.79 GiB | Yes |
17 | projects |
index_projects_on_mirror_last_successful_update_at |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.67 GiB | 2.79 GiB | Yes |
18 | ci_stages |
index_ci_stages_on_pipeline_id_and_position |
0 | 3.50 GiB | 11.69 GiB | |||||||||
19 | merge_requests |
index_merge_requests_on_title |
0 | 2.71 GiB | 13.42 GiB | Yes | ||||||||
25 | ci_pipelines |
index_ci_pipelines_on_status |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.37 GiB | 16.48 GiB | Yes | |
30 | users |
index_users_on_accepted_term_id |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.65 GiB | 1.95 GiB | Yes |
31 | merge_request_diffs |
index_merge_request_diffs_on_merge_request_id_and_id_partial |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.30 GiB | 10.47 GiB | |
32 | deployments |
index_deployments_on_created_at |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.26 GiB | 4.92 GiB | |
33 | projects |
idx_project_repository_check_partial |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.17 GiB | 2.79 GiB | |
34 | merge_request_metrics |
index_merge_request_metrics_on_first_deployed_to_production_at |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.15 GiB | 2.07 GiB | ||
35 | ci_runners |
index_ci_runners_on_is_shared |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 712.40 MiB | 107.80 MiB | |
36 | ci_runners |
index_ci_runners_on_locked |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 692.37 MiB | 107.80 MiB | |
37 | ci_runners |
index_ci_runners_on_contacted_at |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 600.68 MiB | 107.80 MiB | ||
48 | projects |
index_on_projects_lower_path |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 588.54 MiB | 2.79 GiB | Yes |
61 | users |
index_users_on_state_and_internal |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 391.38 MiB | 1.95 GiB | Yes |
Rarely Used Indexes
The list is limited to 20 items. Total: 224.
# | Table | Index | usage | usage | usage | usage | usage | usage | usage | usage | usage | ▼ Index size | Table size | Comment | Supports FK |
=====TOTAL===== | 1.02 TiB | 8.23 TiB | |||||||||||||
1 | ci_builds |
index_ci_builds_on_commit_id_and_type_and_name_and_ref |
scans: 15,184,478/hour, writes: 61,590,109/hour | scans: 540,055/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 540,132/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 538,338/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 537,333/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 539,133/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 537,786/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 526,334/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 539,417/hour, writes: 0/hour | 46.57 GiB | 291.56 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | |
2 | ci_build_trace_sections |
index_ci_build_trace_sections_on_section_name_id |
scans: 62,280/hour, writes: 94,958,723/hour | 32.44 GiB | 94.16 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | |||||||||
3 | ci_build_trace_sections |
index_ci_build_trace_sections_on_project_id |
scans: 92,791/hour, writes: 94,958,723/hour | 31.68 GiB | 94.16 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | |||||||||
4 | events |
index_events_on_project_id_and_created_at |
scans: 1,303/hour, writes: 21,500,162/hour | scans: 198,781/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 235,881/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 195,901/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 247,361/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 255,539/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 219,018/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 209,909/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 205,767/hour, writes: 0/hour | 16.29 GiB | 28.75 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | |
5 | notes |
index_notes_on_discussion_id |
scans: 7,141,296/hour, writes: 25,105,136/hour | scans: 81,208/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 80,707/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 80,786/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 80,784/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 81,633/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 80,685/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 78,162/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 80,935/hour, writes: 0/hour | 15.56 GiB | 122.34 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | |
7 | ci_builds |
index_ci_builds_on_auto_canceled_by_id |
scans: 462,028/hour, writes: 61,590,109/hour | 15.42 GiB | 291.56 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | Yes | ||||||||
8 | ci_builds |
tmp_build_stage_position_index |
scans: 442/hour, writes: 61,590,109/hour | 15.20 GiB | 291.56 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | |||||||||
9 | ci_builds |
index_ci_builds_on_status_and_type_and_runner_id |
scans: 37,318,642/hour, writes: 61,590,109/hour | scans: 4,777,664/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 4,771,316/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 4,774,908/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 4,783,094/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 4,776,569/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 4,787,719/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 4,642,701/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 4,781,555/hour, writes: 0/hour | 14.66 GiB | 291.56 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | |
11 | ci_builds |
index_ci_builds_on_runner_id |
scans: 8,230,782/hour, writes: 61,590,109/hour | scans: 1,338,618/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 1,336,588/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 1,337,588/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 1,338,962/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 1,338,756/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 1,340,959/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 1,295,198/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 1,337,986/hour, writes: 0/hour | 14.35 GiB | 291.56 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | Yes |
12 | events |
analytics_index_events_on_created_at_and_author_id |
scans: 23,784/hour, writes: 21,500,162/hour | scans: 378,398/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 378,258/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 378,261/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 377,617/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 375,349/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 376,656/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 364,601/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 376,180/hour, writes: 0/hour | 13.07 GiB | 28.75 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | |
13 | ci_builds |
index_ci_builds_on_updated_at |
scans: 2,470/hour, writes: 61,590,109/hour | 12.65 GiB | 291.56 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | |||||||||
14 | ci_job_artifacts |
index_ci_job_artifacts_on_expire_at_and_job_id |
scans: 36,018/hour, writes: 38,258,788/hour | scans: 5/hour, writes: 0/hour | 12.06 GiB | 36.69 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | ||||||||
15 | ci_builds |
ci_builds_gitlab_monitor_metrics |
scans: 2,912/hour, writes: 61,590,109/hour | scans: 4,530/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 4,701/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 4,597/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 4,514/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 4,639/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 4,500/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 4,131/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 4,535/hour, writes: 0/hour | 11.37 GiB | 291.56 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | |
16 | events |
index_events_on_author_id_and_project_id |
scans: 4,174,240/hour, writes: 21,500,162/hour | 11.36 GiB | 28.75 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | |||||||||
17 | events |
index_events_on_action |
scans: 2/hour, writes: 21,500,162/hour | scans: 650/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 604/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 660/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 618/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 624/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 661/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 600/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 664/hour, writes: 0/hour | 10.27 GiB | 28.75 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | |
18 | events |
index_events_on_project_id_and_id |
scans: 3,363,724/hour, writes: 21,500,162/hour | 10.14 GiB | 28.75 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | |||||||||
20 | ci_builds |
index_ci_builds_on_user_id |
scans: 2,195/hour, writes: 61,590,109/hour | 9.97 GiB | 291.56 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | Yes | ||||||||
21 | ci_job_artifacts |
index_ci_job_artifacts_on_project_id |
scans: 92,794/hour, writes: 38,258,788/hour | scans: 3/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 24/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 5/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 9/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 12/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 5/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 4/hour, writes: 0/hour | scans: 6/hour, writes: 0/hour | 8.03 GiB | 36.69 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | |
22 | notes |
index_notes_on_line_code |
scans: 28,475/hour, writes: 25,105,136/hour | 6.79 GiB | 122.34 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes | |||||||||
23 | ci_builds_metadata |
index_ci_builds_metadata_on_project_id |
scans: 92,790/hour, writes: 28,508,424/hour | 5.80 GiB | 11.05 GiB | Low Scans, High Writes |
Redundant Indexes
# | Table | Index | Redundant to | usage | usage | usage | usage | usage | usage | usage | usage | usage | ▼ Index size | Table size | Supports FK |
=====TOTAL===== | 20.29 MiB | 55.01 MiB | |||||||||||||
1 | namespace_root_storage_statistics |
index_namespace_root_storage_statistics_on_namespace_id |
namespace_root_storage_statistics_pkey |
0 | 14.68 MiB | 47.50 MiB | |||||||||
2 | namespace_aggregation_schedules |
index_namespace_aggregation_schedules_on_namespace_id |
namespace_aggregation_schedules_pkey |
0 | 2.36 MiB | 768.00 KiB | |||||||||
3 | user_statuses |
index_user_statuses_on_user_id |
user_statuses_pkey |
0 | 2.23 MiB | 5.43 MiB | |||||||||
4 | project_feature_usages |
index_project_feature_usages_on_project_id |
project_feature_usages_pkey |
0 | 1.04 MiB | 1.35 MiB |
"DO" database migration code
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_analytics_ca_group_stages_on_group_id; -- 8192 bytes, index_analytics_ca_group_stages_on_group_id_and_name, table analytics_cycle_analytics_group_stages
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_analytics_ca_project_stages_on_project_id; -- 8192 bytes, index_analytics_ca_project_stages_on_project_id_and_name, table analytics_cycle_analytics_project_stages
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_approval_merge_request_rules_1; -- 124 MB, approval_rule_name_index_for_code_owners, table approval_merge_request_rules
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_approval_rules_code_owners_rule_type; -- 2864 kB, index_approval_rule_name_for_code_owners_rule_type, any_approver_merge_request_rule_type_unique_index, table approval_merge_request_rules
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_approval_project_rules_on_project_id; -- 2584 kB, any_approver_project_rule_type_unique_index, table approval_project_rules
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY analytics_index_audit_events_on_created_at_and_author_id; -- 5603 MB, Never Used Indexes, table audit_events
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_board_group_recent_visits_on_user_id; -- 616 kB, index_board_group_recent_visits_on_user_group_and_board, Never Used Indexes, table board_group_recent_visits
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_board_project_recent_visits_on_user_id; -- 2176 kB, index_board_project_recent_visits_on_user_project_and_board, table board_project_recent_visits
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_builds_on_artifacts_expire_at; -- 82 MB, Never Used Indexes, table ci_builds
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_builds_on_protected; -- 15 GB, Never Used Indexes, table ci_builds
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_builds_on_queued_at; -- 13 GB, Never Used Indexes, table ci_builds
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_builds_on_stage_id; -- 10 GB, tmp_build_stage_position_index, table ci_builds
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_builds_metadata_on_build_id_and_interruptible; -- 80 kB, index_ci_builds_metadata_on_build_id, table ci_builds_metadata
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_job_artifacts_on_file_store; -- 6802 MB, Never Used Indexes, table ci_job_artifacts
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_job_artifacts_on_project_id; -- 8216 MB, index_ci_job_artifacts_on_project_id_for_security_reports, table ci_job_artifacts
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_job_artifacts_on_project_id_for_security_reports; -- 16 MB, Never Used Indexes, index_ci_job_artifacts_on_project_id, table ci_job_artifacts
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_pipeline_schedules_on_next_run_at_and_active; -- 22 MB, Never Used Indexes, table ci_pipeline_schedules
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_pipelines_on_project_id; -- 2333 MB, index_ci_pipelines_on_project_idandrefandiddesc, index_ci_pipelines_on_project_id_and_sha, index_ci_pipelines_on_project_id_and_ref_and_status_and_id, index_ci_pipelines_on_project_id_and_source, index_ci_pipelines_on_project_id_and_iid, index_ci_pipelines_on_project_id_and_status_and_config_source, table ci_pipelines
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_pipelines_on_status; -- 2425 MB, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, table ci_pipelines
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_runners_on_contacted_at; -- 601 MB, Never Used Indexes, table ci_runners
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_runners_on_is_shared; -- 712 MB, Never Used Indexes, table ci_runners
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_runners_on_locked; -- 692 MB, Never Used Indexes, table ci_runners
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_runners_on_token; -- 560 MB, index_ci_runners_on_token_encrypted, table ci_runners
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_stages_on_pipeline_id; -- 3539 MB, index_ci_stages_on_pipeline_id_and_name, index_ci_stages_on_pipeline_id_and_position, table ci_stages
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_stages_on_pipeline_id_and_position; -- 3578 MB, Never Used Indexes, table ci_stages
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_clusters_kubernetes_namespaces_on_cluster_id; -- 1232 kB, kubernetes_namespaces_cluster_and_namespace, index_kubernetes_namespaces_on_cluster_project_environment_id, table clusters_kubernetes_namespaces
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_container_repositories_on_project_id; -- 16 MB, index_container_repositories_on_project_id_and_name, table container_repositories
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_deploy_tokens_on_token_and_expires_at_and_id; -- 11 MB, Never Used Indexes, table deploy_tokens
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_deployments_on_created_at; -- 1290 MB, Never Used Indexes, table deployments
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_deployments_on_project_id_and_status; -- 878 MB, index_deployments_on_project_id_and_status_and_created_at, table deployments
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY partial_index_deployments_for_legacy_successful_deployments; -- 8192 bytes, index_deployments_on_cluster_id_and_status, deployments_pkey, Never Used Indexes, table deployments
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_design_management_designs_versions_on_design_id; -- 40 kB, design_management_designs_versions_uniqueness, table design_management_designs_versions
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_design_management_designs_versions_on_event; -- 48 kB, Never Used Indexes, table design_management_designs_versions
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_epics_on_end_date; -- 920 kB, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, table epics
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_epics_on_start_date; -- 912 kB, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, table epics
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_milestone; -- 1544 kB, index_epics_on_closed_by_id, index_epics_on_parent_id, table epics
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_geo_node_namespace_links_on_geo_node_id; -- 8192 bytes, index_geo_node_namespace_links_on_geo_node_id_and_namespace_id, table geo_node_namespace_links
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_issue_links_on_source_id; -- 9240 kB, index_issue_links_on_source_id_and_target_id, table issue_links
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_jira_connect_subscriptions_on_installation_id; -- 16 kB, Never Used Indexes, idx_jira_connect_subscriptions_on_installation_id_namespace_id, table jira_connect_subscriptions
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_label_priorities_on_priority; -- 3256 kB, Never Used Indexes, table label_priorities
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_list_user_preferences_on_user_id; -- 744 kB, index_list_user_preferences_on_user_id_and_list_id, table list_user_preferences
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_members_on_access_level; -- 348 MB, Never Used Indexes, table members
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_request_assignees_on_merge_request_id; -- 311 MB, index_merge_request_assignees_on_merge_request_id_and_user_id, table merge_request_assignees
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_request_diffs_on_merge_request_id_and_id; -- 1247 MB, index_merge_request_diffs_on_merge_request_id_and_id_partial, table merge_request_diffs
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_request_diffs_on_merge_request_id_and_id_partial; -- 1322 MB, index_merge_request_diffs_on_merge_request_id_and_id, Never Used Indexes, table merge_request_diffs
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_request_metrics; -- 851 MB, index_merge_request_metrics_on_merge_request_id_and_merged_at, table merge_request_metrics
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_request_metrics_on_first_deployed_to_production_at; -- 1170 MB, Never Used Indexes, table merge_request_metrics
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_request_metrics_on_latest_closed_at; -- 35 MB, Never Used Indexes, table merge_request_metrics
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_requests_on_source_project_and_branch_state_opened; -- 187 MB, index_merge_requests_on_source_project_id_and_source_branch, table merge_requests
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_requests_on_source_project_id_and_source_branch; -- 2450 MB, index_merge_requests_on_source_project_and_branch_state_opened, table merge_requests
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_requests_on_state_and_merge_status; -- 295 MB, Never Used Indexes, table merge_requests
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_requests_on_target_project_id_and_iid_opened; -- 107 MB, index_merge_requests_on_target_project_id_and_iid, table merge_requests
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_requests_on_title; -- 2765 MB, Never Used Indexes, table merge_requests
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespace_aggregation_schedules_on_namespace_id; -- 2408 kB, namespace_aggregation_schedules_pkey, table namespace_aggregation_schedules
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespace_root_storage_statistics_on_namespace_id; -- 15 MB, namespace_root_storage_statistics_pkey, table namespace_root_storage_statistics
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespaces_on_created_at; -- 236 MB, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, table namespaces
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespaces_on_ldap_sync_last_successful_update_at; -- 291 MB, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, table namespaces
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespaces_on_ldap_sync_last_update_at; -- 291 MB, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, table namespaces
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespaces_on_path; -- 257 MB, index_namespaces_on_runners_token_encrypted, index_namespaces_on_runners_token, table namespaces
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespaces_on_plan_id; -- 291 MB, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, table namespaces
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespaces_on_require_two_factor_authentication; -- 291 MB, Never Used Indexes, table namespaces
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespaces_on_shared_and_extra_runners_minutes_limit; -- 291 MB, Never Used Indexes, table namespaces
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespaces_on_trial_ends_on; -- 760 kB, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, table namespaces
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_on_namespaces_lower_name; -- 336 MB, index_on_namespaces_lower_path, table namespaces
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_on_namespaces_lower_path; -- 257 MB, index_on_namespaces_lower_name, table namespaces
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_notification_settings_on_user_id; -- 406 MB, index_notifications_on_user_id_and_source_id_and_source_type, table notification_settings
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_pages_domain_acme_orders_on_challenge_token; -- 56 kB, Never Used Indexes, table pages_domain_acme_orders
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_pages_domains_on_project_id; -- 3576 kB, index_pages_domains_on_project_id_and_enabled_until, table pages_domains
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_pages_domains_on_verified_at; -- 4584 kB, index_pages_domains_on_verified_at_and_enabled_until, table pages_domains
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_pages_domains_on_verified_at_and_enabled_until; -- 5920 kB, Never Used Indexes, table pages_domains
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_pool_repositories_on_shard_id; -- 296 kB, Never Used Indexes, table pool_repositories
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_project_custom_attributes_on_key_and_value; -- 16 kB, Never Used Indexes, table project_custom_attributes
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_project_feature_usages_on_project_id; -- 1064 kB, project_feature_usages_pkey, table project_feature_usages
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_project_mirror_data_on_jid; -- 236 MB, Never Used Indexes, table project_mirror_data
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_project_mirror_data_on_last_successful_update_at; -- 390 MB, Never Used Indexes, table project_mirror_data
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_project_repositories_on_shard_id; -- 259 MB, Never Used Indexes, table project_repositories
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_repository_states_on_last_repository_verification_ran_at; -- 227 MB, Never Used Indexes, table project_repository_states
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_repository_states_on_last_wiki_verification_ran_at; -- 243 MB, Never Used Indexes, table project_repository_states
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_repository_states_on_repository_failure_partial; -- 16 kB, Never Used Indexes, table project_repository_states
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_repository_states_on_wiki_failure_partial; -- 8192 bytes, Never Used Indexes, table project_repository_states
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_repository_states_outdated_checksums; -- 23 MB, Never Used Indexes, index_project_repository_states_on_project_id, idx_repository_states_on_last_wiki_verification_ran_at, idx_repository_states_on_last_repository_verification_ran_at, table project_repository_states
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_project_repository_check_partial; -- 1191 MB, Never Used Indexes, table projects
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_on_projects_lower_path; -- 589 MB, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, index_projects_on_lower_name, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, table projects
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_on_projects_path; -- 564 MB, index_projects_on_runners_token, table projects
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_projects_on_id_partial_for_visibility; -- 59 MB, projects_pkey, table projects
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_projects_on_last_repository_check_at; -- 16 kB, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, table projects
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_projects_on_last_repository_check_failed; -- 3762 MB, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, table projects
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_projects_on_lower_name; -- 592 MB, index_on_projects_lower_path, table projects
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_projects_on_mirror_and_mirror_trigger_builds_both_true; -- 3416 kB, projects_pkey, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, index_projects_on_star_count, index_projects_on_visibility_level, index_projects_on_id_partial_for_visibility, idx_projects_on_repository_storage_last_repository_updated_at, table projects
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_projects_on_mirror_last_successful_update_at; -- 3750 MB, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, table projects
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_projects_on_pending_delete; -- 3893 MB, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, table projects
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_projects_on_repository_storage; -- 4725 MB, idx_project_repository_check_partial, table projects
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_prometheus_metrics_on_group; -- 40 kB, Never Used Indexes, table prometheus_metrics
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_protected_branches_on_project_id; -- 514 MB, code_owner_approval_required, table protected_branches
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_protected_environments_on_project_id; -- 56 kB, index_protected_environments_on_project_id_and_name, table protected_environments
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_protected_tags_on_project_id; -- 544 kB, index_protected_tags_on_project_id_and_name, table protected_tags
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_remote_mirrors_on_last_successful_update_at; -- 37 MB, Never Used Indexes, table remote_mirrors
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_snippets_on_updated_at; -- 6552 kB, Never Used Indexes, table snippets
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_taggings_on_tag_id; -- 2823 MB, taggings_idx, table taggings
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_taggings_on_taggable_id_and_taggable_type; -- 4573 MB, index_taggings_on_taggable_id_and_taggable_type_and_context, table taggings
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_term_agreements_on_term_id; -- 89 MB, Never Used Indexes, table term_agreements
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_term_agreements_on_user_id; -- 76 MB, Never Used Indexes, term_agreements_unique_index, table term_agreements
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_timelogs_on_user_id; -- 31 MB, Never Used Indexes, table timelogs
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_todos_on_user_id; -- 910 MB, index_todos_on_user_id_and_id_pending, index_todos_on_user_id_and_id_done, table todos
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_todos_on_user_id_and_id_done; -- 725 MB, index_todos_on_user_id_and_id_pending, table todos
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_todos_on_user_id_and_id_pending; -- 214 MB, index_todos_on_user_id_and_id_done, table todos
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_u2f_registrations_on_key_handle; -- 2432 kB, Never Used Indexes, table u2f_registrations
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_user_callouts_on_user_id; -- 11 MB, Never Used Indexes, index_user_callouts_on_user_id_and_feature_name, table user_callouts
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_user_statuses_on_user_id; -- 2280 kB, user_statuses_pkey, table user_statuses
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_on_users_lower_email; -- 313 MB, index_on_users_name_lower, index_on_users_lower_username, table users
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_on_users_lower_username; -- 215 MB, index_on_users_lower_email, index_on_users_name_lower, table users
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_on_users_name_lower; -- 243 MB, index_on_users_lower_username, index_on_users_lower_email, table users
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_users_on_accepted_term_id; -- 1681 MB, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, table users
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_users_on_created_at; -- 281 MB, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, table users
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_users_on_email_trigram; -- 382 MB, index_users_on_username_trigram, table users
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_users_on_state; -- 1841 MB, index_users_on_state_and_internal, index_users_on_state_and_internal_ee, table users
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_users_on_state_and_internal; -- 391 MB, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, index_users_on_state, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, index_users_on_state_and_internal_ee, Never Used Indexes, Never Used Indexes, table users
DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_users_on_state_and_internal_ee; -- 392 MB, index_users_on_state_and_internal, index_users_on_state, table users
"UNDO" database migration code
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_analytics_ca_group_stages_on_group_id ON public.analytics_cycle_analytics_group_stages USING btree (group_id); -- table analytics_cycle_analytics_group_stages
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_analytics_ca_project_stages_on_project_id ON public.analytics_cycle_analytics_project_stages USING btree (project_id); -- table analytics_cycle_analytics_project_stages
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_approval_merge_request_rules_1 ON public.approval_merge_request_rules USING btree (merge_request_id, code_owner); -- table approval_merge_request_rules
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_approval_rules_code_owners_rule_type ON public.approval_merge_request_rules USING btree (merge_request_id, rule_type) WHERE (rule_type = 2); -- table approval_merge_request_rules
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_approval_project_rules_on_project_id ON public.approval_project_rules USING btree (project_id); -- table approval_project_rules
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY analytics_index_audit_events_on_created_at_and_author_id ON public.audit_events USING btree (created_at, author_id); -- table audit_events
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_board_group_recent_visits_on_user_id ON public.board_group_recent_visits USING btree (user_id); -- table board_group_recent_visits
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_board_project_recent_visits_on_user_id ON public.board_project_recent_visits USING btree (user_id); -- table board_project_recent_visits
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_builds_on_artifacts_expire_at ON public.ci_builds USING btree (artifacts_expire_at) WHERE (artifacts_file <> ''::text); -- table ci_builds
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_builds_on_protected ON public.ci_builds USING btree (protected); -- table ci_builds
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_builds_on_queued_at ON public.ci_builds USING btree (queued_at); -- table ci_builds
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_builds_on_stage_id ON public.ci_builds USING btree (stage_id); -- table ci_builds
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_builds_metadata_on_build_id_and_interruptible ON public.ci_builds_metadata USING btree (build_id) WHERE (interruptible = true); -- table ci_builds_metadata
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_job_artifacts_on_file_store ON public.ci_job_artifacts USING btree (file_store); -- table ci_job_artifacts
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_job_artifacts_on_project_id ON public.ci_job_artifacts USING btree (project_id); -- table ci_job_artifacts
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_job_artifacts_on_project_id_for_security_reports ON public.ci_job_artifacts USING btree (project_id) WHERE (file_type = ANY (ARRAY[5, 6, 7, 8])); -- table ci_job_artifacts
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_pipeline_schedules_on_next_run_at_and_active ON public.ci_pipeline_schedules USING btree (next_run_at, active); -- table ci_pipeline_schedules
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_pipelines_on_project_id ON public.ci_pipelines USING btree (project_id); -- table ci_pipelines
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_pipelines_on_status ON public.ci_pipelines USING btree (status); -- table ci_pipelines
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_runners_on_contacted_at ON public.ci_runners USING btree (contacted_at); -- table ci_runners
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_runners_on_is_shared ON public.ci_runners USING btree (is_shared); -- table ci_runners
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_runners_on_locked ON public.ci_runners USING btree (locked); -- table ci_runners
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_runners_on_token ON public.ci_runners USING btree (token); -- table ci_runners
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_stages_on_pipeline_id ON public.ci_stages USING btree (pipeline_id); -- table ci_stages
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_ci_stages_on_pipeline_id_and_position ON public.ci_stages USING btree (pipeline_id, "position"); -- table ci_stages
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_clusters_kubernetes_namespaces_on_cluster_id ON public.clusters_kubernetes_namespaces USING btree (cluster_id); -- table clusters_kubernetes_namespaces
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_container_repositories_on_project_id ON public.container_repositories USING btree (project_id); -- table container_repositories
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_deploy_tokens_on_token_and_expires_at_and_id ON public.deploy_tokens USING btree (token, expires_at, id) WHERE (revoked IS FALSE); -- table deploy_tokens
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_deployments_on_created_at ON public.deployments USING btree (created_at); -- table deployments
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_deployments_on_project_id_and_status ON public.deployments USING btree (project_id, status); -- table deployments
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY partial_index_deployments_for_legacy_successful_deployments ON public.deployments USING btree (id) WHERE ((finished_at IS NULL) AND (status = 2)); -- table deployments
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_design_management_designs_versions_on_design_id ON public.design_management_designs_versions USING btree (design_id); -- table design_management_designs_versions
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_design_management_designs_versions_on_event ON public.design_management_designs_versions USING btree (event); -- table design_management_designs_versions
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_epics_on_end_date ON public.epics USING btree (end_date); -- table epics
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_epics_on_start_date ON public.epics USING btree (start_date); -- table epics
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_milestone ON public.epics USING btree (milestone_id); -- table epics
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_geo_node_namespace_links_on_geo_node_id ON public.geo_node_namespace_links USING btree (geo_node_id); -- table geo_node_namespace_links
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_issue_links_on_source_id ON public.issue_links USING btree (source_id); -- table issue_links
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_jira_connect_subscriptions_on_installation_id ON public.jira_connect_subscriptions USING btree (jira_connect_installation_id); -- table jira_connect_subscriptions
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_label_priorities_on_priority ON public.label_priorities USING btree (priority); -- table label_priorities
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_list_user_preferences_on_user_id ON public.list_user_preferences USING btree (user_id); -- table list_user_preferences
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_members_on_access_level ON public.members USING btree (access_level); -- table members
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_request_assignees_on_merge_request_id ON public.merge_request_assignees USING btree (merge_request_id); -- table merge_request_assignees
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_request_diffs_on_merge_request_id_and_id ON public.merge_request_diffs USING btree (merge_request_id, id); -- table merge_request_diffs
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_request_diffs_on_merge_request_id_and_id_partial ON public.merge_request_diffs USING btree (merge_request_id, id) WHERE ((NOT stored_externally) OR (stored_externally IS NULL)); -- table merge_request_diffs
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_request_metrics ON public.merge_request_metrics USING btree (merge_request_id); -- table merge_request_metrics
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_request_metrics_on_first_deployed_to_production_at ON public.merge_request_metrics USING btree (first_deployed_to_production_at); -- table merge_request_metrics
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_request_metrics_on_latest_closed_at ON public.merge_request_metrics USING btree (latest_closed_at) WHERE (latest_closed_at IS NOT NULL); -- table merge_request_metrics
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_requests_on_source_project_and_branch_state_opened ON public.merge_requests USING btree (source_project_id, source_branch) WHERE ((state)::text = 'opened'::text); -- table merge_requests
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_requests_on_source_project_id_and_source_branch ON public.merge_requests USING btree (source_project_id, source_branch); -- table merge_requests
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_requests_on_state_and_merge_status ON public.merge_requests USING btree (state, merge_status) WHERE (((state)::text = 'opened'::text) AND ((merge_status)::text = 'can_be_merged'::text)); -- table merge_requests
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_requests_on_target_project_id_and_iid_opened ON public.merge_requests USING btree (target_project_id, iid) WHERE ((state)::text = 'opened'::text); -- table merge_requests
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_merge_requests_on_title ON public.merge_requests USING btree (title); -- table merge_requests
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_namespace_aggregation_schedules_on_namespace_id ON public.namespace_aggregation_schedules USING btree (namespace_id); -- table namespace_aggregation_schedules
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_namespace_root_storage_statistics_on_namespace_id ON public.namespace_root_storage_statistics USING btree (namespace_id); -- table namespace_root_storage_statistics
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespaces_on_created_at ON public.namespaces USING btree (created_at); -- table namespaces
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespaces_on_ldap_sync_last_successful_update_at ON public.namespaces USING btree (ldap_sync_last_successful_update_at); -- table namespaces
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespaces_on_ldap_sync_last_update_at ON public.namespaces USING btree (ldap_sync_last_update_at); -- table namespaces
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespaces_on_path ON public.namespaces USING btree (path); -- table namespaces
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespaces_on_plan_id ON public.namespaces USING btree (plan_id); -- table namespaces
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespaces_on_require_two_factor_authentication ON public.namespaces USING btree (require_two_factor_authentication); -- table namespaces
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespaces_on_shared_and_extra_runners_minutes_limit ON public.namespaces USING btree (shared_runners_minutes_limit, extra_shared_runners_minutes_limit); -- table namespaces
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_namespaces_on_trial_ends_on ON public.namespaces USING btree (trial_ends_on) WHERE (trial_ends_on IS NOT NULL); -- table namespaces
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_on_namespaces_lower_name ON public.namespaces USING btree (lower((name)::text)); -- table namespaces
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_on_namespaces_lower_path ON public.namespaces USING btree (lower((path)::text)); -- table namespaces
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_notification_settings_on_user_id ON public.notification_settings USING btree (user_id); -- table notification_settings
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_pages_domain_acme_orders_on_challenge_token ON public.pages_domain_acme_orders USING btree (challenge_token); -- table pages_domain_acme_orders
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_pages_domains_on_project_id ON public.pages_domains USING btree (project_id); -- table pages_domains
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_pages_domains_on_verified_at ON public.pages_domains USING btree (verified_at); -- table pages_domains
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_pages_domains_on_verified_at_and_enabled_until ON public.pages_domains USING btree (verified_at, enabled_until); -- table pages_domains
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_pool_repositories_on_shard_id ON public.pool_repositories USING btree (shard_id); -- table pool_repositories
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_project_custom_attributes_on_key_and_value ON public.project_custom_attributes USING btree (key, value); -- table project_custom_attributes
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_project_feature_usages_on_project_id ON public.project_feature_usages USING btree (project_id); -- table project_feature_usages
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_project_mirror_data_on_jid ON public.project_mirror_data USING btree (jid); -- table project_mirror_data
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_project_mirror_data_on_last_successful_update_at ON public.project_mirror_data USING btree (last_successful_update_at); -- table project_mirror_data
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_project_repositories_on_shard_id ON public.project_repositories USING btree (shard_id); -- table project_repositories
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_repository_states_on_last_repository_verification_ran_at ON public.project_repository_states USING btree (project_id, last_repository_verification_ran_at) WHERE ((repository_verification_checksum IS NOT NULL) AND (last_repository_verification_failure IS NULL)); -- table project_repository_states
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_repository_states_on_last_wiki_verification_ran_at ON public.project_repository_states USING btree (project_id, last_wiki_verification_ran_at) WHERE ((wiki_verification_checksum IS NOT NULL) AND (last_wiki_verification_failure IS NULL)); -- table project_repository_states
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_repository_states_on_repository_failure_partial ON public.project_repository_states USING btree (last_repository_verification_failure) WHERE (last_repository_verification_failure IS NOT NULL); -- table project_repository_states
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_repository_states_on_wiki_failure_partial ON public.project_repository_states USING btree (last_wiki_verification_failure) WHERE (last_wiki_verification_failure IS NOT NULL); -- table project_repository_states
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_repository_states_outdated_checksums ON public.project_repository_states USING btree (project_id) WHERE (((repository_verification_checksum IS NULL) AND (last_repository_verification_failure IS NULL)) OR ((wiki_verification_checksum IS NULL) AND (last_wiki_verification_failure IS NULL))); -- table project_repository_states
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_project_repository_check_partial ON public.projects USING btree (repository_storage, created_at) WHERE (last_repository_check_at IS NULL); -- table projects
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_on_projects_lower_path ON public.projects USING btree (lower((path)::text)); -- table projects
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_on_projects_path ON public.projects USING btree (path); -- table projects
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_projects_on_id_partial_for_visibility ON public.projects USING btree (id) WHERE (visibility_level = ANY (ARRAY[10, 20])); -- table projects
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_projects_on_last_repository_check_at ON public.projects USING btree (last_repository_check_at) WHERE (last_repository_check_at IS NOT NULL); -- table projects
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_projects_on_last_repository_check_failed ON public.projects USING btree (last_repository_check_failed); -- table projects
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_projects_on_lower_name ON public.projects USING btree (lower((name)::text)); -- table projects
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_projects_on_mirror_and_mirror_trigger_builds_both_true ON public.projects USING btree (id) WHERE ((mirror IS TRUE) AND (mirror_trigger_builds IS TRUE)); -- table projects
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_projects_on_mirror_last_successful_update_at ON public.projects USING btree (mirror_last_successful_update_at); -- table projects
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_projects_on_pending_delete ON public.projects USING btree (pending_delete); -- table projects
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_projects_on_repository_storage ON public.projects USING btree (repository_storage); -- table projects
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_prometheus_metrics_on_group ON public.prometheus_metrics USING btree ("group"); -- table prometheus_metrics
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_protected_branches_on_project_id ON public.protected_branches USING btree (project_id); -- table protected_branches
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_protected_environments_on_project_id ON public.protected_environments USING btree (project_id); -- table protected_environments
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_protected_tags_on_project_id ON public.protected_tags USING btree (project_id); -- table protected_tags
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_remote_mirrors_on_last_successful_update_at ON public.remote_mirrors USING btree (last_successful_update_at); -- table remote_mirrors
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_snippets_on_updated_at ON public.snippets USING btree (updated_at); -- table snippets
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_taggings_on_tag_id ON public.taggings USING btree (tag_id); -- table taggings
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_taggings_on_taggable_id_and_taggable_type ON public.taggings USING btree (taggable_id, taggable_type); -- table taggings
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_term_agreements_on_term_id ON public.term_agreements USING btree (term_id); -- table term_agreements
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_term_agreements_on_user_id ON public.term_agreements USING btree (user_id); -- table term_agreements
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_timelogs_on_user_id ON public.timelogs USING btree (user_id); -- table timelogs
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_todos_on_user_id ON public.todos USING btree (user_id); -- table todos
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_todos_on_user_id_and_id_done ON public.todos USING btree (user_id, id) WHERE ((state)::text = 'done'::text); -- table todos
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_todos_on_user_id_and_id_pending ON public.todos USING btree (user_id, id) WHERE ((state)::text = 'pending'::text); -- table todos
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_u2f_registrations_on_key_handle ON public.u2f_registrations USING btree (key_handle); -- table u2f_registrations
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_user_callouts_on_user_id ON public.user_callouts USING btree (user_id); -- table user_callouts
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_user_statuses_on_user_id ON public.user_statuses USING btree (user_id); -- table user_statuses
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_on_users_lower_email ON public.users USING btree (lower((email)::text)); -- table users
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_on_users_lower_username ON public.users USING btree (lower((username)::text)); -- table users
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_on_users_name_lower ON public.users USING btree (lower((name)::text)); -- table users
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_users_on_accepted_term_id ON public.users USING btree (accepted_term_id); -- table users
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_users_on_created_at ON public.users USING btree (created_at); -- table users
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_users_on_email_trigram ON public.users USING gin (email gin_trgm_ops); -- table users
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_users_on_state ON public.users USING btree (state); -- table users
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_users_on_state_and_internal ON public.users USING btree (state) WHERE (ghost IS NOT TRUE); -- table users
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_users_on_state_and_internal_ee ON public.users USING btree (state) WHERE ((ghost IS NOT TRUE) AND (bot_type IS NULL)); -- table users
H003 Non-indexed Foreign Keys
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:37:57 +0000 UTC
Current database: gitlabhq_production
Master (Num | Schema name | Table name | FK name | Issue | Table mb | writes | Table scans | Parent name | Parent mb | Parent writes | Cols list | Indexdef |
1 | public |
ci_builds |
fk_87f4cefcda |
questionable index | 298553 | 61590381 | 0 | ci_pipelines | 16866 | 17087895 | [upstream_pipeline_id] | CREATE INDEX index_ci_builds_on_upstream_pipeline_id ON public.ci_builds USING btree (upstream_pipeline_id) WHERE (upstream_pipeline_id IS NOT NULL) |
2 | public |
ci_builds |
fk_d3130c9a7f |
questionable index | 298553 | 61590381 | 0 | ci_pipelines | 16866 | 17087895 | [commit_id] | CREATE INDEX index_ci_builds_on_commit_id_and_artifacts_expireatandidpartial ON public.ci_builds USING btree (commit_id, artifacts_expire_at, id) WHERE (((type)::text = 'Ci::Build'::text) AND ((retried = false) OR (retried IS NULL)) AND ((name)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['sast'::character varying, 'dependency_scanning'::character varying, 'sast:container'::character varying, 'container_scanning'::character varying, 'dast'::character varying])::text[]))) |
3 | public |
ci_builds |
fk_d3130c9a7f |
questionable index | 298553 | 61590381 | 0 | ci_pipelines | 16866 | 17087895 | [commit_id] | CREATE INDEX index_ci_builds_on_commit_id_and_type_and_ref ON public.ci_builds USING btree (commit_id, type, ref) |
4 | public |
ci_builds |
fk_d3130c9a7f |
questionable index | 298553 | 61590381 | 0 | ci_pipelines | 16866 | 17087895 | [commit_id] | CREATE INDEX index_ci_builds_on_commit_id_and_stage_idx_and_created_at ON public.ci_builds USING btree (commit_id, stage_idx, created_at) |
5 | public |
ci_builds |
fk_d3130c9a7f |
questionable index | 298553 | 61590381 | 0 | ci_pipelines | 16866 | 17087895 | [commit_id] | CREATE INDEX index_ci_builds_on_commit_id_and_type_and_name_and_ref ON public.ci_builds USING btree (commit_id, type, name, ref) |
6 | public |
ci_builds |
fk_d3130c9a7f |
questionable index | 298553 | 61590381 | 0 | ci_pipelines | 16866 | 17087895 | [commit_id] | CREATE INDEX index_ci_builds_on_commit_id_and_status_and_type ON public.ci_builds USING btree (commit_id, status, type) |
7 | public |
events |
fk_61fbf6ca48 |
questionable index | 29432 | 21500241 | 4 | namespaces | 718 | 896445 | [group_id] | CREATE INDEX index_events_on_group_id_partial ON USING btree (group_id) WHERE (group_id IS NOT NULL) |
8 | public |
ci_pipelines |
fk_190998ef09 |
questionable index | 16866 | 17087895 | 2 | external_pull_requests | 0 | 12276 | [external_pull_request_id] | CREATE INDEX index_ci_pipelines_on_external_pull_request_id ON public.ci_pipelines USING btree (external_pull_request_id) WHERE (external_pull_request_id IS NOT NULL) |
9 | public |
ci_pipelines |
fk_a23be95014 |
questionable index | 16866 | 17087895 | 2 | merge_requests | 13737 | 27847227 | [merge_request_id] | CREATE INDEX index_ci_pipelines_on_merge_request_id ON public.ci_pipelines USING btree (merge_request_id) WHERE (merge_request_id IS NOT NULL) |
10 | public |
merge_requests |
fk_641731faff |
questionable index | 13737 | 27847227 | 6 | users | 1996 | 15477966 | [updated_by_id] | CREATE INDEX index_merge_requests_on_updated_by_id ON public.merge_requests USING btree (updated_by_id) WHERE (updated_by_id IS NOT NULL) |
11 | public |
merge_requests |
fk_ad525e1f87 |
questionable index | 13737 | 27847227 | 6 | users | 1996 | 15477966 | [merge_user_id] | CREATE INDEX index_merge_requests_on_merge_user_id ON public.merge_requests USING btree (merge_user_id) WHERE (merge_user_id IS NOT NULL) |
12 | public |
issues |
fk_9c4516d665 |
questionable index | 12856 | 6677639 | 2222 | issues | 12856 | 6677639 | [duplicated_to_id] | CREATE INDEX index_issues_on_duplicated_to_id ON public.issues USING btree (duplicated_to_id) WHERE (duplicated_to_id IS NOT NULL) |
13 | public |
issues |
fk_a194299be1 |
questionable index | 12856 | 6677639 | 2222 | issues | 12856 | 6677639 | [moved_to_id] | CREATE INDEX index_issues_on_moved_to_id ON public.issues USING btree (moved_to_id) WHERE (moved_to_id IS NOT NULL) |
14 | public |
issues |
fk_ffed080f01 |
questionable index | 12856 | 6677639 | 2222 | users | 1996 | 15477966 | [updated_by_id] | CREATE INDEX index_issues_on_updated_by_id ON public.issues USING btree (updated_by_id) WHERE (updated_by_id IS NOT NULL) |
15 | public |
projects |
fk_6e5c14658a |
questionable index | 2850 | 22381071 | 93440 | pool_repositories | 1 | 11033 | [pool_repository_id] | CREATE INDEX index_projects_on_pool_repository_id ON public.projects USING btree (pool_repository_id) WHERE (pool_repository_id IS NOT NULL) |
16 | public |
project_authorizations |
fk_rails_11e7aa3ed9 |
questionable index | 1727 | 6398788 | 0 | users | 1996 | 15477966 | [user_id] | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_project_authorizations_on_user_id_project_id_access_level ON public.project_authorizations USING btree (user_id, project_id, access_level) |
17 | public |
labels |
fk_rails_c1ac5161d8 |
questionable index | 928 | 378327 | 20 | namespaces | 718 | 896445 | [group_id] | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_labels_on_group_id_and_project_id_and_title ON public.labels USING btree (group_id, project_id, title) |
18 | public |
vulnerability_occurrences |
fk_rails_90fed4faba |
questionable index | 731 | 144337 | 0 | projects | 2850 | 22381071 | [project_id] | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_vulnerability_occurrences_on_unique_keys ON public.vulnerability_occurrences USING btree (project_id, primary_identifier_id, location_fingerprint, scanner_id) |
19 | public |
namespaces |
fk_e7a0b20a6b |
questionable index | 718 | 896445 | 20086 | namespaces | 718 | 896445 | [custom_project_templates_group_id] | CREATE INDEX index_namespaces_on_custom_project_templates_group_id_and_type ON public.namespaces USING btree (custom_project_templates_group_id, type) WHERE (custom_project_templates_group_id IS NOT NULL) |
20 | public |
ci_variables |
fk_ada5eb64b3 |
questionable index | 225 | 824385 | 0 | projects | 2850 | 22381071 | [project_id] | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_ci_variables_on_project_id_and_key_and_environment_scope ON public.ci_variables USING btree (project_id, key, environment_scope) |
K001 Globally Aggregated Query Metrics
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:57:28 +0000 UTC
Current database: gitlabhq_production
Master (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:11.519966+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:37:59.792427+00:00
Period seconds: 1908.27246
Period age: 00:31:48.272461
Error (calls): 0.00 (0.00%)
Error (total time): 0.00 (0.00%)
Calls | Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
29,701,831 15.57K/sec 1.00/call 100.00% |
6,113,505.21 ms 3203.686 ms/sec 0.206 ms/call 100.00% |
126,260,839 66.17K/sec 4.25/call 100.00% |
1,225,683,429 blks 642.31K blks/sec 41.27 blks/call 100.00% |
1,204,989 blks 631.46 blks/sec 0.04 blks/call 100.00% |
2,224,707 blks 1.17K blks/sec 0.07 blks/call 100.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
563,630.82 ms 295.362 ms/sec 0.019 ms/call 100.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica servers:
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:14.399331+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:39:13.29931+00:00
Period seconds: 1978.89998
Period age: 00:32:58.899979
Calls | Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
9,075,973 4.59K/sec 1.00/call 100.00% |
3,216,173.56 ms 1625.233 ms/sec 0.354 ms/call 100.00% |
30,031,897 15.18K/sec 3.31/call 100.00% |
1,218,572,413 blks 615.79K blks/sec 134.26 blks/call 100.00% |
1,544,001 blks 780.23 blks/sec 0.17 blks/call 100.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
156,240.06 ms 78.953 ms/sec 0.017 ms/call 100.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:17.052557+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:40:33.301941+00:00
Period seconds: 2056.24938
Period age: 00:34:16.249384
Calls | Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
9,623,347 4.69K/sec 1.00/call 100.00% |
3,461,444.67 ms 1683.378 ms/sec 0.360 ms/call 100.00% |
31,127,854 15.14K/sec 3.23/call 100.00% |
1,357,604,276 blks 660.24K blks/sec 141.07 blks/call 100.00% |
1,543,432 blks 750.61 blks/sec 0.16 blks/call 100.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
152,011.98 ms 73.927 ms/sec 0.016 ms/call 100.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:20.434612+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:42:07.554666+00:00
Period seconds: 2147.12006
Period age: 00:35:47.120054
Calls | Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
9,969,462 4.65K/sec 1.00/call 100.00% |
3,258,244.34 ms 1517.495 ms/sec 0.327 ms/call 100.00% |
32,380,580 15.09K/sec 3.25/call 100.00% |
1,402,260,910 blks 653.09K blks/sec 140.66 blks/call 100.00% |
1,864,136 blks 868.20 blks/sec 0.19 blks/call 100.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
192,584.40 ms 89.694 ms/sec 0.019 ms/call 100.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:23.43192+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:44:07.798909+00:00
Period seconds: 2264.36699
Period age: 00:37:44.366989
Calls | Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
10,512,382 4.65K/sec 1.00/call 100.00% |
3,289,304.64 ms 1452.638 ms/sec 0.313 ms/call 100.00% |
34,381,232 15.19K/sec 3.27/call 100.00% |
1,427,241,439 blks 630.31K blks/sec 135.77 blks/call 100.00% |
1,795,630 blks 792.99 blks/sec 0.17 blks/call 100.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
149,260.34 ms 65.917 ms/sec 0.014 ms/call 100.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:25.816873+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:46:29.215889+00:00
Period seconds: 2403.39902
Period age: 00:40:03.399016
Calls | Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
11,314,919 4.71K/sec 1.00/call 100.00% |
3,283,939.05 ms 1366.373 ms/sec 0.290 ms/call 100.00% |
36,477,028 15.18K/sec 3.22/call 100.00% |
1,351,662,312 blks 562.40K blks/sec 119.46 blks/call 100.00% |
2,087,432 blks 868.53 blks/sec 0.18 blks/call 100.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
129,672.34 ms 53.954 ms/sec 0.011 ms/call 100.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:28.521327+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:49:34.408897+00:00
Period seconds: 2585.88757
Period age: 00:43:05.88757
Calls | Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
12,071,806 4.67K/sec 1.00/call 100.00% |
3,955,324.76 ms 1529.581 ms/sec 0.328 ms/call 100.00% |
39,290,972 15.20K/sec 3.25/call 100.00% |
1,631,062,292 blks 630.76K blks/sec 135.11 blks/call 100.00% |
1,992,208 blks 770.42 blks/sec 0.17 blks/call 100.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
123,828.77 ms 47.886 ms/sec 0.010 ms/call 100.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:29.835321+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:53:16.626097+00:00
Period seconds: 2806.79078
Period age: 00:46:46.790776
Calls | Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
13,673,685 4.88K/sec 1.00/call 100.00% |
4,802,648.32 ms 1711.082 ms/sec 0.351 ms/call 100.00% |
41,000,330 14.61K/sec 3.00/call 100.00% |
1,874,453,340 blks 667.83K blks/sec 137.08 blks/call 100.00% |
2,401,212 blks 855.50 blks/sec 0.18 blks/call 100.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
148,591.43 ms 52.940 ms/sec 0.011 ms/call 100.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:31.947164+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:57:29.023066+00:00
Period seconds: 3057.07591
Period age: 00:50:57.075902
Calls | Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
14,197,116 4.65K/sec 1.00/call 100.00% |
5,176,462.98 ms 1693.273 ms/sec 0.365 ms/call 100.00% |
46,548,326 15.23K/sec 3.28/call 100.00% |
2,046,043,112 blks 669.29K blks/sec 144.12 blks/call 100.00% |
2,536,458 blks 829.70 blks/sec 0.18 blks/call 100.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
136,801.17 ms 44.749 ms/sec 0.010 ms/call 100.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
K002 Workload Type ("The First Word" Analysis)
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:57:28 +0000 UTC
Current database: gitlabhq_production
Master (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:11.519966+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:37:59.792427+00:00
Period seconds: 1908.27246
Period age: 00:31:48.272461
Error (calls): 0.00 (0.00%)
Error (total time): 0.00 (0.00%)
# | Workload type | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | select | 25,969,558 13.61K/sec 1.00/call 87.43% |
3,589,921.18 ms 1881.241 ms/sec 0.138 ms/call 58.72% |
122,913,284 64.42K/sec 4.73/call 97.35% |
1,171,560,253 blks 613.94K blks/sec 45.11 blks/call 95.58% |
780,113 blks 408.81 blks/sec 0.03 blks/call 64.74% |
91,804 blks 48.11 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 4.13% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
355,598.20 ms 186.346 ms/sec 0.014 ms/call 63.09% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | update | 752,177 394.17/sec 1.00/call 2.53% |
2,035,787.87 ms 1066.822 ms/sec 2.707 ms/call 33.30% |
560,477 293.71/sec 0.75/call 0.44% |
30,957,908 blks 16.23K blks/sec 41.16 blks/call 2.53% |
228,764 blks 119.88 blks/sec 0.30 blks/call 18.98% |
1,517,812 blks 795.39 blks/sec 2.02 blks/call 68.23% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
88,938.11 ms 46.607 ms/sec 0.118 ms/call 15.78% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
3 | select ... for [no key] update | 44,475 23.31/sec 1.00/call 0.15% |
223,189.44 ms 116.959 ms/sec 5.018 ms/call 3.65% |
44,475 23.31/sec 1.00/call 0.04% |
226,742 blks 118.82 blks/sec 5.10 blks/call 0.02% |
1,003 blks 0.53 blks/sec 0.02 blks/call 0.08% |
3,801 blks 1.99 blks/sec 0.09 blks/call 0.17% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
56.09 ms 0.029 ms/sec 0.001 ms/call 0.01% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
4 | insert | 181,192 94.95/sec 1.00/call 0.61% |
184,006.18 ms 96.426 ms/sec 1.016 ms/call 3.01% |
326,720 171.21/sec 1.80/call 0.26% |
13,591,664 blks 7.13K blks/sec 75.01 blks/call 1.11% |
164,134 blks 86.01 blks/sec 0.91 blks/call 13.62% |
583,809 blks 305.94 blks/sec 3.22 blks/call 26.24% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
99,757.49 ms 52.276 ms/sec 0.551 ms/call 17.70% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
5 | set | 2,745,747 1.44K/sec 1.00/call 9.24% |
31,957.87 ms 16.747 ms/sec 0.012 ms/call 0.52% |
0 0.00/sec 0.00/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
6 | with | 6,379 3.34/sec 1.00/call 0.02% |
24,690.51 ms 12.939 ms/sec 3.871 ms/call 0.40% |
2,365,872 1.24K/sec 370.88/call 1.87% |
8,635,765 blks 4.53K blks/sec 1.36K blks/call 0.70% |
2,303 blks 1.21 blks/sec 0.36 blks/call 0.19% |
290 blks 0.15 blks/sec 0.05 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
1,203.32 ms 0.631 ms/sec 0.189 ms/call 0.21% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
7 | delete | 2,303 1.21/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
23,952.17 ms 12.552 ms/sec 10.400 ms/call 0.39% |
50,011 26.21/sec 21.72/call 0.04% |
711,097 blks 372.64 blks/sec 308.77 blks/call 0.06% |
28,672 blks 15.03 blks/sec 12.45 blks/call 2.38% |
27,191 blks 14.25 blks/sec 11.81 blks/call 1.22% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
18,077.61 ms 9.473 ms/sec 7.850 ms/call 3.21% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica servers:
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:14.399331+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:39:13.29931+00:00
Period seconds: 1978.89998
Period age: 00:32:58.899979
# | Workload type | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | select | 8,609,343 4.36K/sec 1.00/call 94.86% |
3,000,363.83 ms 1516.178 ms/sec 0.349 ms/call 93.29% |
29,205,642 14.76K/sec 3.39/call 97.25% |
1,130,615,691 blks 571.34K blks/sec 131.32 blks/call 92.78% |
1,543,966 blks 780.21 blks/sec 0.18 blks/call 100.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
156,219.72 ms 78.943 ms/sec 0.018 ms/call 99.99% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | with | 466,630 235.80/sec 1.00/call 5.14% |
215,809.73 ms 109.055 ms/sec 0.462 ms/call 6.71% |
826,255 417.53/sec 1.77/call 2.75% |
87,956,722 blks 44.45K blks/sec 188.49 blks/call 7.22% |
35 blks 0.02 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
20.34 ms 0.010 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.01% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:17.052557+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:40:33.301941+00:00
Period seconds: 2056.24938
Period age: 00:34:16.249384
# | Workload type | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | select | 9,147,692 4.45K/sec 1.00/call 95.06% |
3,275,101.45 ms 1592.755 ms/sec 0.358 ms/call 94.62% |
30,291,523 14.74K/sec 3.31/call 97.31% |
1,283,348,294 blks 624.13K blks/sec 140.29 blks/call 94.53% |
1,543,429 blks 750.60 blks/sec 0.17 blks/call 100.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
152,011.94 ms 73.927 ms/sec 0.017 ms/call 100.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | with | 475,655 231.32/sec 1.00/call 4.94% |
186,343.22 ms 90.623 ms/sec 0.392 ms/call 5.38% |
836,331 406.73/sec 1.76/call 2.69% |
74,255,982 blks 36.12K blks/sec 156.11 blks/call 5.47% |
3 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.04 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:20.434612+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:42:07.554666+00:00
Period seconds: 2147.12006
Period age: 00:35:47.120054
# | Workload type | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | select | 9,465,311 4.41K/sec 1.00/call 94.94% |
3,100,529.96 ms 1444.041 ms/sec 0.328 ms/call 95.16% |
31,486,265 14.67K/sec 3.33/call 97.24% |
1,333,396,833 blks 621.02K blks/sec 140.87 blks/call 95.09% |
1,864,131 blks 868.20 blks/sec 0.20 blks/call 100.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
192,583.52 ms 89.694 ms/sec 0.020 ms/call 100.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | with | 504,151 234.80/sec 1.00/call 5.06% |
157,714.39 ms 73.454 ms/sec 0.313 ms/call 4.84% |
894,315 416.52/sec 1.77/call 2.76% |
68,864,077 blks 32.08K blks/sec 136.59 blks/call 4.91% |
5 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.88 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:23.43192+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:44:07.798909+00:00
Period seconds: 2264.36699
Period age: 00:37:44.366989
# | Workload type | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | select | 9,977,839 4.41K/sec 1.00/call 94.92% |
3,119,842.05 ms 1377.799 ms/sec 0.313 ms/call 94.85% |
33,435,290 14.77K/sec 3.35/call 97.25% |
1,353,450,510 blks 597.72K blks/sec 135.65 blks/call 94.83% |
1,795,611 blks 792.99 blks/sec 0.18 blks/call 100.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
149,259.22 ms 65.917 ms/sec 0.015 ms/call 100.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | with | 534,543 236.07/sec 1.00/call 5.08% |
169,462.59 ms 74.839 ms/sec 0.317 ms/call 5.15% |
945,942 417.75/sec 1.77/call 2.75% |
73,790,929 blks 32.59K blks/sec 138.04 blks/call 5.17% |
19 blks 0.01 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
1.12 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:25.816873+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:46:29.215889+00:00
Period seconds: 2403.39902
Period age: 00:40:03.399016
# | Workload type | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | select | 10,749,555 4.48K/sec 1.00/call 95.00% |
3,116,959.07 ms 1296.896 ms/sec 0.290 ms/call 94.92% |
35,485,183 14.77K/sec 3.30/call 97.28% |
1,288,544,409 blks 536.14K blks/sec 119.87 blks/call 95.33% |
2,087,412 blks 868.52 blks/sec 0.19 blks/call 100.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
129,671.95 ms 53.954 ms/sec 0.012 ms/call 100.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | with | 565,364 235.24/sec 1.00/call 5.00% |
166,979.99 ms 69.477 ms/sec 0.295 ms/call 5.08% |
991,845 412.68/sec 1.75/call 2.72% |
63,117,903 blks 26.27K blks/sec 111.64 blks/call 4.67% |
20 blks 0.01 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.39 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:28.521327+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:49:34.408897+00:00
Period seconds: 2585.88757
Period age: 00:43:05.88757
# | Workload type | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | select | 11,450,260 4.43K/sec 1.00/call 94.85% |
3,761,352.05 ms 1454.569 ms/sec 0.328 ms/call 95.10% |
38,183,938 14.77K/sec 3.33/call 97.18% |
1,545,746,832 blks 597.77K blks/sec 135.00 blks/call 94.77% |
1,992,183 blks 770.41 blks/sec 0.17 blks/call 100.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
123,821.57 ms 47.884 ms/sec 0.011 ms/call 99.99% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | with | 621,546 240.36/sec 1.00/call 5.15% |
193,972.72 ms 75.012 ms/sec 0.312 ms/call 4.90% |
1,107,034 428.11/sec 1.78/call 2.82% |
85,315,460 blks 33.00K blks/sec 137.26 blks/call 5.23% |
25 blks 0.01 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
7.20 ms 0.003 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.01% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:29.835321+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:53:16.626097+00:00
Period seconds: 2806.79078
Period age: 00:46:46.790776
# | Workload type | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | select | 13,003,918 4.64K/sec 1.00/call 95.10% |
4,548,868.54 ms 1620.665 ms/sec 0.350 ms/call 94.72% |
39,812,402 14.19K/sec 3.06/call 97.10% |
1,782,251,750 blks 634.98K blks/sec 137.05 blks/call 95.08% |
2,401,180 blks 855.49 blks/sec 0.18 blks/call 100.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
148,590.90 ms 52.940 ms/sec 0.011 ms/call 100.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | with | 669,767 238.62/sec 1.00/call 4.90% |
253,779.78 ms 90.416 ms/sec 0.379 ms/call 5.28% |
1,187,928 423.23/sec 1.77/call 2.90% |
92,201,590 blks 32.85K blks/sec 137.66 blks/call 4.92% |
32 blks 0.01 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.53 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:31.947164+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:57:29.023066+00:00
Period seconds: 3057.07591
Period age: 00:50:57.075902
# | Workload type | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | select | 13,475,550 4.41K/sec 1.00/call 94.92% |
4,923,472.70 ms 1610.517 ms/sec 0.365 ms/call 95.11% |
45,276,021 14.82K/sec 3.36/call 97.27% |
1,946,765,513 blks 636.81K blks/sec 144.47 blks/call 95.15% |
2,536,417 blks 829.69 blks/sec 0.19 blks/call 100.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
136,791.15 ms 44.746 ms/sec 0.010 ms/call 99.99% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | with | 721,566 236.03/sec 1.00/call 5.08% |
252,990.29 ms 82.756 ms/sec 0.351 ms/call 4.89% |
1,272,305 416.18/sec 1.76/call 2.73% |
99,277,599 blks 32.48K blks/sec 137.59 blks/call 4.85% |
41 blks 0.01 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
10.02 ms 0.003 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.01% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
K003 Top-20 Queries by total_time
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:57:28 +0000 UTC
Current database: gitlabhq_production
Master (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:11.519966+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:37:59.792427+00:00
Period seconds: 1908.27246
Period age: 00:31:48.272461
Error (calls): 0.00 (0.00%)
Error (total time): 0.00 (0.00%)
The list is limited to 20 items.
# | Query | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) Full query |
220 0.12/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
737,993.22 ms 386.734 ms/sec 3354.515 ms/call 12.07% |
220 0.12/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
80,241,577 blks 42.05K blks/sec 364.74K blks/call 6.55% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
3,589 blks 1.88 blks/sec 16.31 blks/call 0.16% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | UPDATE "project_statistics" SET build_artifacts_size = COALESCE( build_artifacts_size, ?) + (?), storage_size = COALESCE(storage_size, ?) + (?) WHERE "project_statistics"."project_id" = ? Full query |
40,624 21.29/sec 1.00/call 0.14% |
729,680.80 ms 382.378 ms/sec 17.962 ms/call 11.94% |
40,624 21.29/sec 1.00/call 0.03% |
1,415,705 blks 741.88 blks/sec 34.85 blks/call 0.12% |
456 blks 0.24 blks/sec 0.01 blks/call 0.04% |
34,647 blks 18.16 blks/sec 0.85 blks/call 1.56% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
20.96 ms 0.011 ms/sec 0.001 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
3 | UPDATE "ci_builds" SET "status" = ?, "updated_at" = ?, "lock_version" = ? WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."lock_version" = ? OR "ci_builds"."lock_version" IS NULL) AND "ci_builds"."id" = ? Full query |
166,790 87.40/sec 1.00/call 0.56% |
467,495.82 ms 244.984 ms/sec 2.803 ms/call 7.65% |
8,410 4.41/sec 0.05/call 0.01% |
1,757,493 blks 920.99 blks/sec 10.54 blks/call 0.14% |
3,468 blks 1.82 blks/sec 0.02 blks/call 0.29% |
13,628 blks 7.14 blks/sec 0.08 blks/call 0.61% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
1,221.66 ms 0.640 ms/sec 0.007 ms/call 0.22% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
4 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" INNER JOIN project_mirror_data import_state ON import_state.project_id = WHERE "projects"."mirror" = TRUE AND "import_state"."status" NOT IN ('scheduled', 'started') AND (import_state.next_execution_timestamp <= '2019-09-09 20:35:08.814893') AND (import_state.retry_count <= 14) ORDER BY import_state.next_execution_timestamp LIMIT 500 Full query |
2,295 1.20/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
460,944.67 ms 241.551 ms/sec 200.847 ms/call 7.54% |
96,686 50.67/sec 42.13/call 0.08% |
262,104,122 blks 137.36K blks/sec 114.21K blks/call 21.38% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
886 blks 0.46 blks/sec 0.39 blks/call 0.04% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
5 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."namespace_id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" INNER JOIN "members" ON "namespaces"."id" = "members"."source_id" WHERE "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."source_type" = ? AND "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND (members.access_level >= ?) UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT DISTINCT "namespaces"."id" FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "plans" INNER JOIN "gitlab_subscriptions" ON "gitlab_subscriptions"."hosted_plan_id" = "plans"."id" WHERE "plans"."name" IN (?, ?) AND (gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = namespaces... Full query |
25 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
241,547.16 ms 126.579 ms/sec 9661.887 ms/call 3.95% |
25 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
198,174,152 blks 103.86K blks/sec 7.93M blks/call 16.17% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
12,190 blks 6.39 blks/sec 487.60 blks/call 0.55% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
6 | SELECT "internal_ids".* FROM "internal_ids" WHERE "internal_ids"."id" = ? LIMIT ? FOR UPDATE Full query |
44,475 23.31/sec 1.00/call 0.15% |
223,189.44 ms 116.959 ms/sec 5.018 ms/call 3.65% |
44,475 23.31/sec 1.00/call 0.04% |
226,742 blks 118.82 blks/sec 5.10 blks/call 0.02% |
1,003 blks 0.53 blks/sec 0.02 blks/call 0.08% |
3,801 blks 1.99 blks/sec 0.09 blks/call 0.17% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
56.09 ms 0.029 ms/sec 0.001 ms/call 0.01% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
7 | UPDATE "project_mirror_data" SET "status" = ?, "last_update_scheduled_at" = ? WHERE "project_mirror_data"."id" = ? Full query |
91,512 47.96/sec 1.00/call 0.31% |
220,568.75 ms 115.586 ms/sec 2.410 ms/call 3.61% |
91,512 47.96/sec 1.00/call 0.07% |
3,092,237 blks 1.63K blks/sec 33.79 blks/call 0.25% |
7 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
221,867 blks 116.27 blks/sec 2.42 blks/call 9.97% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
8 | SELECT "web_hooks".* FROM "web_hooks" WHERE "web_hooks"."type" IN (?) AND "web_hooks"."group_id" = ? AND "web_hooks"."job_events" = ? Full query |
43,998 23.06/sec 1.00/call 0.15% |
194,149.11 ms 101.741 ms/sec 4.413 ms/call 3.18% |
761 0.40/sec 0.02/call 0.00% |
117,518,658 blks 61.59K blks/sec 2.68K blks/call 9.59% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
9 | SELECT (CASE WHEN (SELECT count(*) FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."stage_id" = ? AND ("ci_builds"."retried" = ? OR "ci_builds"."retried" IS NULL) AND (allow_failure = ? OR status IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)))=( SELECT count(*) FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."stage_id" = ? AND ("ci_builds"."retried" = ? OR "ci_builds"."retried" IS NULL) AND (allow_failure = ? OR status IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?))) AND (SELECT count(*) > ? FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."stage_id" = ? AND ("ci_builds"."retried" = ? OR "ci_builds"."retried" IS NULL) AND "ci_builds"."allow_failure" = ? AND "ci_builds"."status" IN (?, ?)) THEN ? WHEN ( SELECT count(*) FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."stage_id" = ? AND ("ci_builds"."retried" = ? OR "ci_builds"."retried" IS NULL) AND (allow_failure = ? OR status IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)))=(SELECT count( *) FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."stage_id" = ? AND ("ci_builds"."retried" = ? OR "ci_builds"."retried" IS NULL) AND (allow_fa... Full query |
96,459 50.55/sec 1.00/call 0.32% |
193,585.51 ms 101.445 ms/sec 2.007 ms/call 3.17% |
1,008,764 528.63/sec 10.46/call 0.80% |
80,329,197 blks 42.10K blks/sec 832.78 blks/call 6.55% |
137 blks 0.07 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.01% |
662 blks 0.35 blks/sec 0.01 blks/call 0.03% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
85.53 ms 0.045 ms/sec 0.001 ms/call 0.02% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
10 | UPDATE "project_mirror_data" SET "status" = ?, "last_update_started_at" = ? WHERE "project_mirror_data"."id" = ? Full query |
90,581 47.47/sec 1.00/call 0.30% |
186,163.95 ms 97.556 ms/sec 2.055 ms/call 3.05% |
90,581 47.47/sec 1.00/call 0.07% |
3,422,785 blks 1.80K blks/sec 37.79 blks/call 0.28% |
5 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
1,755 blks 0.92 blks/sec 0.02 blks/call 0.08% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
11 | SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."unlock_token" = '55800f789c61ad88d5b37088e4a2c9708de838f236be56c31edef601baedbfec' ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 Full query |
19 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
131,771.74 ms 69.053 ms/sec 6935.355 ms/call 2.16% |
0 0.00/sec 0.00/call 0.00% |
80,430,563 blks 42.15K blks/sec 4.24M blks/call 6.56% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
12,269 blks 6.43 blks/sec 645.74 blks/call 0.55% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
12 | SELECT ? AS one FROM (SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."namespace_id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" IN (SELECT "elasticsearch_indexed_namespaces"."namespace_id" FROM "elasticsearch_indexed_namespaces") UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT "id" FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces") UNION SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."id" IN (SELECT "elasticsearch_indexed_projects"."project_id" FROM "elasticsearch_indexed_projects")) projects WHERE "projects"."id" = ? LIMIT ? Full query |
166,649 87.33/sec 1.00/call 0.56% |
123,999.00 ms 64.980 ms/sec 0.744 ms/call 2.03% |
2,465 1.29/sec 0.01/call 0.00% |
44,709,266 blks 23.43K blks/sec 268.28 blks/call 3.65% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
1,994 blks 1.04 blks/sec 0.01 blks/call 0.09% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
13 | UPDATE "project_mirror_data" SET "jid" = ? WHERE "project_mirror_data"."id" = ? Full query |
91,564 47.98/sec 1.00/call 0.31% |
86,137.18 ms 45.139 ms/sec 0.941 ms/call 1.41% |
91,564 47.98/sec 1.00/call 0.07% |
3,331,983 blks 1.75K blks/sec 36.39 blks/call 0.27% |
6 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
58,164 blks 30.48 blks/sec 0.64 blks/call 2.61% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
14 | UPDATE "notes" SET "note_html" = ?, "cached_markdown_version" = ? WHERE "notes"."id" = ? Full query |
29,522 15.47/sec 1.00/call 0.10% |
82,923.71 ms 43.455 ms/sec 2.809 ms/call 1.36% |
29,522 15.47/sec 1.00/call 0.02% |
2,139,723 blks 1.13K blks/sec 72.48 blks/call 0.17% |
111,439 blks 58.40 blks/sec 3.77 blks/call 9.25% |
262,922 blks 137.78 blks/sec 8.91 blks/call 11.82% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
64,721.70 ms 33.916 ms/sec 2.192 ms/call 11.48% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
15 | SELECT (CASE WHEN (SELECT count(*) FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."commit_id" = ? AND ("ci_builds"."retried" = ? OR "ci_builds"."retried" IS NULL) AND (allow_failure = ? OR status IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)))=( SELECT count(*) FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."commit_id" = ? AND ("ci_builds"."retried" = ? OR "ci_builds"."retried" IS NULL) AND (allow_failure = ? OR status IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?))) AND (SELECT count(*) > ? FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."commit_id" = ? AND ("ci_builds"."retried" = ? OR "ci_builds"."retried" IS NULL) AND "ci_builds"."allow_failure" = ? AND "ci_builds"."status" IN (?, ?)) THEN ? WHEN ( SELECT count(*) FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."commit_id" = ? AND ("ci_builds"."retried" = ? OR "ci_builds"."retried" IS NULL) AND (allow_failure = ? OR status IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)))=(SELECT count( *) FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."commit_id" = ? AND ("ci_builds"."retried" = ? OR "ci_builds"."retried" IS NULL) AND (all... Full query |
116,654 61.13/sec 1.00/call 0.39% |
66,336.49 ms 34.763 ms/sec 0.569 ms/call 1.09% |
2,323,325 1.22K/sec 19.92/call 1.84% |
45,849,688 blks 24.03K blks/sec 393.04 blks/call 3.74% |
278 blks 0.15 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.02% |
545 blks 0.29 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.02% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
173.39 ms 0.091 ms/sec 0.001 ms/call 0.03% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
16 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."id" = ? LIMIT ? Full query |
1,207,668 632.86/sec 1.00/call 4.07% |
58,080.94 ms 30.436 ms/sec 0.048 ms/call 0.95% |
1,207,251 632.64/sec 1.00/call 0.96% |
4,945,834 blks 2.60K blks/sec 4.10 blks/call 0.40% |
5 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
38 blks 0.02 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.73 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
17 | SELECT "clusters".* FROM "clusters" WHERE "clusters"."cluster_type" = ? AND "clusters"."enabled" = ? AND "clusters"."environment_scope" = ? ORDER BY "clusters"."id" ASC LIMIT ? Full query |
6,045 3.17/sec 1.00/call 0.02% |
56,294.52 ms 29.500 ms/sec 9.313 ms/call 0.92% |
0 0.00/sec 0.00/call 0.00% |
22,438,136 blks 11.76K blks/sec 3.72K blks/call 1.83% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
2 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
18 | SELECT "routes".* FROM "routes" WHERE "routes"."source_id" = ? AND "routes"."source_type" = ? LIMIT ? Full query |
1,273,223 667.21/sec 1.00/call 4.29% |
54,833.81 ms 28.735 ms/sec 0.043 ms/call 0.90% |
1,273,223 667.21/sec 1.00/call 1.01% |
6,368,982 blks 3.34K blks/sec 5.00 blks/call 0.52% |
1,706 blks 0.89 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.14% |
193 blks 0.10 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
627.50 ms 0.329 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.11% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
19 | INSERT INTO "notes" ("note", "noteable_type", "author_id", "created_at", "updated_at", "project_id", "noteable_id", "system", "discussion_id", "note_html", "cached_markdown_version") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING "id" Full query |
19,450 10.19/sec 1.00/call 0.07% |
51,516.89 ms 26.997 ms/sec 2.649 ms/call 0.84% |
19,450 10.19/sec 1.00/call 0.02% |
1,706,845 blks 894.45 blks/sec 87.76 blks/call 0.14% |
57,976 blks 30.38 blks/sec 2.98 blks/call 4.81% |
163,091 blks 85.47 blks/sec 8.39 blks/call 7.33% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
35,859.01 ms 18.791 ms/sec 1.844 ms/call 6.36% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
20 | SELECT ? AS one FROM (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" INNER JOIN "members" ON "namespaces"."id" = "members"."source_id" WHERE "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."source_type" = ? AND "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL UNION SELECT namespaces.* FROM "projects" INNER JOIN "namespaces" ON "namespaces"."id" = "projects"."namespace_id" INNER JOIN "project_authorizations" ON "projects"."id" = "project_authorizations"."project_id" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ?) namespaces WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_ancestors" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "namespaces"."id" = "base_and_ancestors"."parent_id"), "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" INNER JOIN "members" ON "namespaces"."id" = "members"."source_id" WHERE "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."source... Full query |
46 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
50,636.17 ms 26.535 ms/sec 1100.786 ms/call 0.83% |
46 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
11,066,322 blks 5.80K blks/sec 240.58K blks/call 0.90% |
21 blks 0.01 blks/sec 0.46 blks/call 0.00% |
430 blks 0.23 blks/sec 9.35 blks/call 0.02% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
14.44 ms 0.008 ms/sec 0.314 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica servers:
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:14.399331+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:39:13.29931+00:00
Period seconds: 1978.89998
Period age: 00:32:58.899979
Top 50 rows
# | Query | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."namespace_id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" INNER JOIN "members" ON "namespaces"."id" = "members"."source_id" WHERE "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."source_type" = ? AND "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND (members.access_level >= ?) UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT DISTINCT "namespaces"."id" FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "plans" INNER JOIN "gitlab_subscriptions" ON "gitlab_subscriptions"."hosted_plan_id" = "plans"."id" WHERE "plans"."name" IN (?, ?) AND (gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = namespaces... Full query |
52 0.03/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
451,082.95 ms 227.946 ms/sec 8674.672 ms/call 14.03% |
52 0.03/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
394,807,081 blks 199.51K blks/sec 7.60M blks/call 32.40% |
33 blks 0.02 blks/sec 0.63 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
1.81 ms 0.001 ms/sec 0.035 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."created_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
34 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
236,908.33 ms 119.717 ms/sec 6967.892 ms/call 7.37% |
1,674 0.85/sec 49.24/call 0.01% |
12,401,998 blks 6.27K blks/sec 364.77K blks/call 1.02% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
3 | WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "plans" INNER JOIN "gitlab_subscriptions" ON "gitlab_subscriptions"."hosted_plan_id" = "plans"."id" WHERE "plans"."name" IN (?, ?) AND (gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" = ? LIMIT ? Full query |
31 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
187,810.70 ms 94.907 ms/sec 6058.410 ms/call 5.84% |
1 0.00/sec 0.03/call 0.00% |
83,445,623 blks 42.17K blks/sec 2.70M blks/call 6.85% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
4 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
42 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
163,579.17 ms 82.662 ms/sec 3894.742 ms/call 5.09% |
4,152 2.10/sec 98.86/call 0.01% |
57,287,866 blks 28.95K blks/sec 1.37M blks/call 4.70% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
5 | SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT "ci_builds"."project_id", count(*) AS running_builds FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IN (SELECT "ci_runners"."id" FROM "ci_runners" WHERE "ci_runners"."runner_type" = ?) GROUP BY "ci_builds"."project_id") AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IS NULL AND "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > ?) AND (projects.visibility_level=? OR (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE ( = projects.namespace_id) UN... Full query |
559 0.28/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
162,246.43 ms 81.988 ms/sec 290.244 ms/call 5.04% |
6,212 3.14/sec 11.11/call 0.02% |
100,758,779 blks 50.92K blks/sec 180.25K blks/call 8.27% |
113 blks 0.06 blks/sec 0.20 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
4.42 ms 0.002 ms/sec 0.008 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
6 | SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT "ci_builds"."project_id", count(*) AS running_builds FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IN (SELECT "ci_runners"."id" FROM "ci_runners" WHERE "ci_runners"."runner_type" = ?) GROUP BY "ci_builds"."project_id") AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IS NULL AND "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > ?) AND (projects.visibility_level=? OR (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE ( = projects.namespace_id) UN... Full query |
546 0.28/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
160,752.82 ms 81.233 ms/sec 294.419 ms/call 5.00% |
5,371 2.71/sec 9.84/call 0.02% |
98,070,050 blks 49.56K blks/sec 179.62K blks/call 8.05% |
139 blks 0.07 blks/sec 0.25 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
27.80 ms 0.014 ms/sec 0.051 ms/call 0.02% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
7 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
10 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
129,722.60 ms 65.553 ms/sec 12972.260 ms/call 4.03% |
10 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
49,930,977 blks 25.24K blks/sec 5.00M blks/call 4.10% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
8 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) Full query |
32 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
121,173.32 ms 61.233 ms/sec 3786.666 ms/call 3.77% |
32 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
11,671,502 blks 5.90K blks/sec 364.74K blks/call 0.96% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
9 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
9 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
115,950.76 ms 58.594 ms/sec 12883.418 ms/call 3.61% |
490 0.25/sec 54.44/call 0.00% |
44,961,851 blks 22.73K blks/sec 5.00M blks/call 3.69% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
10 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT "projects"."namespace_id" FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
9 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
114,797.43 ms 58.011 ms/sec 12755.269 ms/call 3.57% |
19 0.01/sec 2.11/call 0.00% |
44,963,940 blks 22.73K blks/sec 5.00M blks/call 3.69% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
11 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
24 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
102,680.51 ms 51.888 ms/sec 4278.355 ms/call 3.19% |
55 0.03/sec 2.29/call 0.00% |
41,830,019 blks 21.14K blks/sec 1.75M blks/call 3.43% |
33 blks 0.02 blks/sec 1.38 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.32 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.013 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
12 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT "projects"."namespace_id" FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
23 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
89,190.35 ms 45.071 ms/sec 3877.841 ms/call 2.77% |
33 0.02/sec 1.43/call 0.00% |
36,851,446 blks 18.63K blks/sec 1.61M blks/call 3.02% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
13 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
23 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
64,618.58 ms 32.654 ms/sec 2809.504 ms/call 2.01% |
23 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
25,108,701 blks 12.69K blks/sec 1.10M blks/call 2.06% |
5 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.22 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.85 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.037 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
14 | SELECT "snippets".* FROM (SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN ( ?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND "snippets"."project_id" IS NULL UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND (projects.visibility_level IN (?,?,?)) AND "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?) UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?, ?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE (project_id = snippets.project_id) AND "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ?))) snippets WHERE "snippets"."visibility_level" = ? ORDER BY created_at DESC... Full query |
13 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
61,682.81 ms 31.170 ms/sec 4744.832 ms/call 1.92% |
273 0.14/sec 21.00/call 0.00% |
4,955,461 blks 2.51K blks/sec 381.19K blks/call 0.41% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
15 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM (SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND "snippets"."project_id" IS NULL UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND (projects.visibility_level IN (?,?,?)) AND "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?) UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?, ?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE (project_id = snippets.project_id) AND "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ?))) snippets WHERE "snippets"."visibility_level" = ? LIMIT ... Full query |
13 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
60,630.47 ms 30.638 ms/sec 4663.882 ms/call 1.89% |
13 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
4,951,153 blks 2.51K blks/sec 380.86K blks/call 0.41% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
16 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "issues"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON = project_features.project_id WHERE "issues"."confidential" = ? AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)) OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND ("project_features"."issues_access_level" IS NULL OR "project_features"."issues_access_level" IN (?,?) OR ("project_features"."issues_access_level" = ? AND EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)))) AND ("issues"."title" ILIKE ? OR "issues"."description" ILIKE ?) LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
12 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
52,907.81 ms 26.736 ms/sec 4408.984 ms/call 1.65% |
12 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
983,484 blks 496.99 blks/sec 81.96K blks/call 0.08% |
37,372 blks 18.89 blks/sec 3.12K blks/call 2.42% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
965.74 ms 0.488 ms/sec 80.478 ms/call 0.62% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
17 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "deploy_keys_projects" WHERE "deploy_keys_projects"."deploy_key_id" = ? Full query |
997 0.50/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
47,081.55 ms 23.792 ms/sec 47.223 ms/call 1.46% |
997 0.50/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
3,647,026 blks 1.85K blks/sec 3.66K blks/call 0.30% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
18 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "issues"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON = project_features.project_id WHERE ( issues.confidential IS NOT TRUE OR (issues.confidential = ? AND (issues.author_id = ? OR EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM issue_assignees WHERE user_id = ? AND issue_id = OR EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = issues.project_id) AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?))))) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)) OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND ("project_features"."issues_access_level" IS NULL OR "project_features"."issues_access_level" IN (?,?) OR ("project_features"."issues_access_l... Full query |
9 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
46,152.25 ms 23.322 ms/sec 5128.027 ms/call 1.44% |
9 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
867,386 blks 438.32 blks/sec 96.38K blks/call 0.07% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
19 | SELECT "projects"."id" AS t0_r0, "projects"."name" AS t0_r1, "projects"."path" AS t0_r2, "projects"."description" AS t0_r3, "projects"."created_at" AS t0_r4, "projects"."updated_at" AS t0_r5, "projects"."creator_id" AS t0_r6, "projects"."namespace_id" AS t0_r7, "projects"."last_activity_at" AS t0_r8, "projects"."import_url" AS t0_r9, "projects"."visibility_level" AS t0_r10, "projects"."archived" AS t0_r11, "projects"."merge_requests_template" AS t0_r12, "projects"."star_count" AS t0_r13, "projects"."merge_requests_rebase_enabled" AS t0_r14, "projects"."import_type" AS t0_r15, "projects"."import_source" AS t0_r16, "projects"."avatar" AS t0_r17, "projects"."approvals_before_merge" AS t0_r18, "projects"."reset_approvals_on_push" AS t0_r19, "projects"."merge_requests_ff_only_enabled" AS t0_r20, "projects"."issues_template" AS t0_r21, "projects"."mirror" AS t0_r22, "projects"."mirror_user_id" AS t0_r23, "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" AS t0_r24, "projects"."runners_token" AS t0_r25, "... Full query |
677,646 342.44/sec 1.00/call 7.47% |
44,137.69 ms 22.304 ms/sec 0.065 ms/call 1.37% |
668,231 337.68/sec 0.99/call 2.23% |
6,066,227 blks 3.07K blks/sec 8.95 blks/call 0.50% |
8,374 blks 4.23 blks/sec 0.01 blks/call 0.54% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
685.72 ms 0.347 ms/sec 0.001 ms/call 0.44% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
20 | SELECT "deployments".* FROM "deployments" WHERE "deployments"."environment_id" = ? AND "deployments"."status" = ? ORDER BY DESC LIMIT ? Full query |
9,928 5.02/sec 1.00/call 0.11% |
36,081.84 ms 18.233 ms/sec 3.634 ms/call 1.12% |
8,186 4.14/sec 0.82/call 0.03% |
12,223,256 blks 6.18K blks/sec 1.24K blks/call 1.00% |
3,457 blks 1.75 blks/sec 0.35 blks/call 0.22% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
238.93 ms 0.121 ms/sec 0.024 ms/call 0.15% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:17.052557+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:40:33.301941+00:00
Period seconds: 2056.24938
Period age: 00:34:16.249384
Top 50 rows
# | Query | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."namespace_id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" INNER JOIN "members" ON "namespaces"."id" = "members"."source_id" WHERE "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."source_type" = ? AND "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND (members.access_level >= ?) UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT DISTINCT "namespaces"."id" FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "plans" INNER JOIN "gitlab_subscriptions" ON "gitlab_subscriptions"."hosted_plan_id" = "plans"."id" WHERE "plans"."name" IN (?, ?) AND (gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = namespaces... Full query |
62 0.03/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
561,372.89 ms 273.008 ms/sec 9054.402 ms/call 16.22% |
62 0.03/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
501,464,515 blks 243.88K blks/sec 8.09M blks/call 36.94% |
125 blks 0.06 blks/sec 2.02 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
4.91 ms 0.002 ms/sec 0.079 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."created_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
38 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
267,439.82 ms 130.062 ms/sec 7037.890 ms/call 7.73% |
1,278 0.62/sec 33.63/call 0.00% |
13,862,554 blks 6.75K blks/sec 364.81K blks/call 1.02% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
3 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = 3611581 AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (10,20)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = 20 AND "projects"."archived" = FALSE AND "projects"."pending_delete" = FALSE ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT 101 OFFSET 100 Full query |
37 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
179,191.59 ms 87.145 ms/sec 4843.016 ms/call 5.18% |
3,620 1.76/sec 97.84/call 0.01% |
66,893,207 blks 32.54K blks/sec 1.81M blks/call 4.93% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
4 | SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT "ci_builds"."project_id", count(*) AS running_builds FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IN (SELECT "ci_runners"."id" FROM "ci_runners" WHERE "ci_runners"."runner_type" = ?) GROUP BY "ci_builds"."project_id") AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IS NULL AND "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > ?) AND (projects.visibility_level=? OR (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE ( = projects.namespace_id) UN... Full query |
567 0.28/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
166,643.33 ms 81.042 ms/sec 293.904 ms/call 4.81% |
5,614 2.73/sec 9.90/call 0.02% |
102,389,171 blks 49.80K blks/sec 180.59K blks/call 7.54% |
126 blks 0.06 blks/sec 0.22 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
13.86 ms 0.007 ms/sec 0.024 ms/call 0.01% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
5 | SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT "ci_builds"."project_id", count(*) AS running_builds FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IN (SELECT "ci_runners"."id" FROM "ci_runners" WHERE "ci_runners"."runner_type" = ?) GROUP BY "ci_builds"."project_id") AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IS NULL AND "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > ?) AND (projects.visibility_level=? OR (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE ( = projects.namespace_id) UN... Full query |
551 0.27/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
158,427.72 ms 77.047 ms/sec 287.528 ms/call 4.58% |
5,786 2.81/sec 10.50/call 0.02% |
99,071,170 blks 48.19K blks/sec 179.81K blks/call 7.30% |
128 blks 0.06 blks/sec 0.23 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
9.23 ms 0.004 ms/sec 0.017 ms/call 0.01% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
6 | WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "plans" INNER JOIN "gitlab_subscriptions" ON "gitlab_subscriptions"."hosted_plan_id" = "plans"."id" WHERE "plans"."name" IN (?, ?) AND (gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" = ? LIMIT ? Full query |
26 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
157,614.46 ms 76.651 ms/sec 6062.095 ms/call 4.55% |
1 0.00/sec 0.04/call 0.00% |
69,658,168 blks 33.88K blks/sec 2.68M blks/call 5.13% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
7 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
24 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
151,120.29 ms 73.493 ms/sec 6296.679 ms/call 4.37% |
60 0.03/sec 2.50/call 0.00% |
60,910,107 blks 29.63K blks/sec 2.54M blks/call 4.49% |
22 blks 0.01 blks/sec 0.92 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.20 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.008 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
8 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT "projects"."namespace_id" FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
23 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
138,540.35 ms 67.375 ms/sec 6023.493 ms/call 4.00% |
58 0.03/sec 2.52/call 0.00% |
55,903,581 blks 27.19K blks/sec 2.44M blks/call 4.12% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
9 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
24 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
127,105.34 ms 61.814 ms/sec 5296.056 ms/call 3.67% |
24 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
50,142,813 blks 24.39K blks/sec 2.09M blks/call 3.69% |
2 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.08 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.02 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.001 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
10 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) Full query |
28 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
103,456.12 ms 50.313 ms/sec 3694.861 ms/call 2.99% |
28 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
10,212,574 blks 4.97K blks/sec 364.74K blks/call 0.75% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
11 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
7 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
90,003.33 ms 43.771 ms/sec 12857.619 ms/call 2.60% |
274 0.13/sec 39.14/call 0.00% |
34,897,574 blks 16.98K blks/sec 4.99M blks/call 2.57% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
12 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT "projects"."namespace_id" FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
7 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
89,049.36 ms 43.307 ms/sec 12721.338 ms/call 2.57% |
11 0.01/sec 1.57/call 0.00% |
34,899,872 blks 16.98K blks/sec 4.99M blks/call 2.57% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
13 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
7 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
88,862.12 ms 43.216 ms/sec 12694.589 ms/call 2.57% |
7 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
34,895,771 blks 16.98K blks/sec 4.99M blks/call 2.57% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
14 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "issues"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON = project_features.project_id WHERE "issues"."confidential" = ? AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)) OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND ("project_features"."issues_access_level" IS NULL OR "project_features"."issues_access_level" IN (?,?) OR ("project_features"."issues_access_level" = ? AND EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)))) AND ("issues"."title" ILIKE ? OR "issues"."description" ILIKE ?) LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
15 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
78,303.15 ms 38.081 ms/sec 5220.210 ms/call 2.26% |
15 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
1,325,925 blks 644.83 blks/sec 88.40K blks/call 0.10% |
61,529 blks 29.92 blks/sec 4.11K blks/call 3.99% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
1,732.31 ms 0.842 ms/sec 115.487 ms/call 1.14% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
15 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "issues"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON = project_features.project_id WHERE ( issues.confidential IS NOT TRUE OR (issues.confidential = ? AND (issues.author_id = ? OR EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM issue_assignees WHERE user_id = ? AND issue_id = OR EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = issues.project_id) AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?))))) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)) OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND ("project_features"."issues_access_level" IS NULL OR "project_features"."issues_access_level" IN (?,?) OR ("project_features"."issues_access_l... Full query |
13 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
70,936.47 ms 34.498 ms/sec 5456.651 ms/call 2.05% |
13 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
1,291,857 blks 628.26 blks/sec 99.38K blks/call 0.10% |
2 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.15 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.89 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.069 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
16 | SELECT "snippets".* FROM (SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN ( ?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND "snippets"."project_id" IS NULL UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND (projects.visibility_level IN (?,?,?)) AND "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?) UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?, ?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE (project_id = snippets.project_id) AND "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ?))) snippets WHERE "snippets"."visibility_level" = ? ORDER BY created_at DESC... Full query |
13 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
61,415.22 ms 29.868 ms/sec 4724.247 ms/call 1.77% |
273 0.13/sec 21.00/call 0.00% |
4,954,599 blks 2.41K blks/sec 381.13K blks/call 0.36% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
17 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM (SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND "snippets"."project_id" IS NULL UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND (projects.visibility_level IN (?,?,?)) AND "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?) UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?, ?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE (project_id = snippets.project_id) AND "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ?))) snippets WHERE "snippets"."visibility_level" = ? LIMIT ... Full query |
12 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
57,159.14 ms 27.798 ms/sec 4763.262 ms/call 1.65% |
12 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
4,570,166 blks 2.23K blks/sec 380.85K blks/call 0.34% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
18 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "deploy_keys_projects" WHERE "deploy_keys_projects"."deploy_key_id" = ? Full query |
1,048 0.51/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
47,570.75 ms 23.135 ms/sec 45.392 ms/call 1.37% |
1,048 0.51/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
3,833,584 blks 1.87K blks/sec 3.66K blks/call 0.28% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
19 | SELECT "projects"."id" AS t0_r0, "projects"."name" AS t0_r1, "projects"."path" AS t0_r2, "projects"."description" AS t0_r3, "projects"."created_at" AS t0_r4, "projects"."updated_at" AS t0_r5, "projects"."creator_id" AS t0_r6, "projects"."namespace_id" AS t0_r7, "projects"."last_activity_at" AS t0_r8, "projects"."import_url" AS t0_r9, "projects"."visibility_level" AS t0_r10, "projects"."archived" AS t0_r11, "projects"."merge_requests_template" AS t0_r12, "projects"."star_count" AS t0_r13, "projects"."merge_requests_rebase_enabled" AS t0_r14, "projects"."import_type" AS t0_r15, "projects"."import_source" AS t0_r16, "projects"."avatar" AS t0_r17, "projects"."approvals_before_merge" AS t0_r18, "projects"."reset_approvals_on_push" AS t0_r19, "projects"."merge_requests_ff_only_enabled" AS t0_r20, "projects"."issues_template" AS t0_r21, "projects"."mirror" AS t0_r22, "projects"."mirror_user_id" AS t0_r23, "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" AS t0_r24, "projects"."runners_token" AS t0_r25, "... Full query |
703,424 342.09/sec 1.00/call 7.31% |
46,593.10 ms 22.659 ms/sec 0.066 ms/call 1.35% |
693,549 337.29/sec 0.99/call 2.23% |
6,296,578 blks 3.07K blks/sec 8.95 blks/call 0.46% |
8,784 blks 4.27 blks/sec 0.01 blks/call 0.57% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
807.26 ms 0.393 ms/sec 0.001 ms/call 0.53% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
20 | SELECT "deployments".* FROM "deployments" WHERE "deployments"."environment_id" = ? AND "deployments"."status" = ? ORDER BY DESC LIMIT ? Full query |
10,045 4.89/sec 1.00/call 0.10% |
41,793.34 ms 20.325 ms/sec 4.161 ms/call 1.21% |
8,450 4.11/sec 0.84/call 0.03% |
15,401,046 blks 7.49K blks/sec 1.54K blks/call 1.13% |
2,681 blks 1.30 blks/sec 0.27 blks/call 0.17% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
181.49 ms 0.088 ms/sec 0.018 ms/call 0.12% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:20.434612+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:42:07.554666+00:00
Period seconds: 2147.12006
Period age: 00:35:47.120054
Top 50 rows
# | Query | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."namespace_id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" INNER JOIN "members" ON "namespaces"."id" = "members"."source_id" WHERE "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."source_type" = ? AND "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND (members.access_level >= ?) UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT DISTINCT "namespaces"."id" FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "plans" INNER JOIN "gitlab_subscriptions" ON "gitlab_subscriptions"."hosted_plan_id" = "plans"."id" WHERE "plans"."name" IN (?, ?) AND (gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = namespaces... Full query |
54 0.03/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
425,151.83 ms 198.010 ms/sec 7873.182 ms/call 13.05% |
54 0.03/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
427,229,864 blks 198.98K blks/sec 7.92M blks/call 30.47% |
131 blks 0.06 blks/sec 2.43 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
3.69 ms 0.002 ms/sec 0.068 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
49 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
196,013.92 ms 91.292 ms/sec 4000.284 ms/call 6.02% |
4,792 2.23/sec 97.80/call 0.01% |
77,319,716 blks 36.02K blks/sec 1.58M blks/call 5.51% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
3 | SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT "ci_builds"."project_id", count(*) AS running_builds FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IN (SELECT "ci_runners"."id" FROM "ci_runners" WHERE "ci_runners"."runner_type" = ?) GROUP BY "ci_builds"."project_id") AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IS NULL AND "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > ?) AND (projects.visibility_level=? OR (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE ( = projects.namespace_id) UN... Full query |
610 0.28/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
157,051.53 ms 73.145 ms/sec 257.462 ms/call 4.82% |
6,445 3.00/sec 10.57/call 0.02% |
110,031,873 blks 51.25K blks/sec 180.39K blks/call 7.85% |
151 blks 0.07 blks/sec 0.25 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
13.95 ms 0.006 ms/sec 0.023 ms/call 0.01% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
4 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."created_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
24 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
154,982.97 ms 72.182 ms/sec 6457.624 ms/call 4.76% |
984 0.46/sec 41.00/call 0.00% |
8,754,360 blks 4.08K blks/sec 364.77K blks/call 0.62% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
5 | SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT "ci_builds"."project_id", count(*) AS running_builds FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IN (SELECT "ci_runners"."id" FROM "ci_runners" WHERE "ci_runners"."runner_type" = ?) GROUP BY "ci_builds"."project_id") AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IS NULL AND "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > ?) AND (projects.visibility_level=? OR (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE ( = projects.namespace_id) UN... Full query |
573 0.27/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
148,325.30 ms 69.081 ms/sec 258.857 ms/call 4.55% |
5,873 2.74/sec 10.25/call 0.02% |
103,429,024 blks 48.18K blks/sec 180.51K blks/call 7.38% |
155 blks 0.07 blks/sec 0.27 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
17.06 ms 0.008 ms/sec 0.030 ms/call 0.01% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
6 | WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "plans" INNER JOIN "gitlab_subscriptions" ON "gitlab_subscriptions"."hosted_plan_id" = "plans"."id" WHERE "plans"."name" IN (?, ?) AND (gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" = ? LIMIT ? Full query |
27 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
130,309.01 ms 60.690 ms/sec 4826.260 ms/call 4.00% |
5 0.00/sec 0.19/call 0.00% |
63,997,855 blks 29.81K blks/sec 2.38M blks/call 4.56% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
7 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT 1 AS one FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = 2344453 AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (10,20)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = 0 AND "projects"."pending_delete" = FALSE LIMIT 10001) subquery_for_count Full query |
11 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
122,387.00 ms 57.001 ms/sec 11126.091 ms/call 3.76% |
11 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
54,857,519 blks 25.55K blks/sec 4.99M blks/call 3.91% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
8 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = 4465626 AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (10,20)) Full query |
38 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
122,346.72 ms 56.982 ms/sec 3219.650 ms/call 3.75% |
38 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
13,859,952 blks 6.46K blks/sec 364.74K blks/call 0.99% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
9 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
28 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
122,252.17 ms 56.938 ms/sec 4366.149 ms/call 3.75% |
56 0.03/sec 2.00/call 0.00% |
56,142,832 blks 26.15K blks/sec 2.01M blks/call 4.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
10 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT "projects"."namespace_id" FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
27 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
109,269.60 ms 50.891 ms/sec 4047.022 ms/call 3.35% |
82 0.04/sec 3.04/call 0.00% |
51,152,887 blks 23.83K blks/sec 1.90M blks/call 3.65% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
11 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = 'Namespace' AND "members"."type" IN ('GroupMember') AND "members"."user_id" = 2344453 AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT "projects"."namespace_id" FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = 2344453 AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (10,20)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = 0 AND "projects"."pending_delete" = FALSE ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT 50 OFFSET 0) Full query |
9 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
100,659.04 ms 46.881 ms/sec 11184.338 ms/call 3.09% |
18 0.01/sec 2.00/call 0.00% |
44,919,710 blks 20.93K blks/sec 5.00M blks/call 3.20% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
12 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
9 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
100,592.23 ms 46.850 ms/sec 11176.915 ms/call 3.09% |
427 0.20/sec 47.44/call 0.00% |
44,916,931 blks 20.92K blks/sec 5.00M blks/call 3.20% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
13 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
28 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
79,299.71 ms 36.933 ms/sec 2832.133 ms/call 2.43% |
28 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
35,194,901 blks 16.40K blks/sec 1.26M blks/call 2.51% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
14 | SELECT "snippets".* FROM (SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN ( ?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND "snippets"."project_id" IS NULL UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND (projects.visibility_level IN (?,?,?)) AND "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?) UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?, ?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE (project_id = snippets.project_id) AND "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ?))) snippets WHERE "snippets"."visibility_level" = ? ORDER BY created_at DESC... Full query |
16 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
74,717.10 ms 34.799 ms/sec 4669.819 ms/call 2.29% |
336 0.16/sec 21.00/call 0.00% |
6,099,856 blks 2.85K blks/sec 381.25K blks/call 0.44% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
15 | SELECT issues.*, (SELECT MIN("label_priorities"."priority") FROM "labels" INNER JOIN "label_links" ON "label_links"."label_id" = "labels"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "label_priorities" ON "labels"."id" = "label_priorities"."label_id" WHERE (label_priorities.project_id = issues.project_id) AND (label_links.target_id = AND "label_links"."target_type" = ?) AS highest_priority FROM "issues" WHERE "issues"."project_id" = ? AND ("issues"."state" IN (?)) GROUP BY "issues"."id" ORDER BY relative_position ASC NULLS LAST, highest_priority ASC NULLS LAST, id DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
1,039 0.48/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
73,925.58 ms 34.430 ms/sec 71.151 ms/call 2.27% |
19,013 8.86/sec 18.30/call 0.06% |
56,639,127 blks 26.38K blks/sec 54.52K blks/call 4.04% |
19,159 blks 8.92 blks/sec 18.44 blks/call 1.03% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
1,616.21 ms 0.753 ms/sec 1.556 ms/call 0.84% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
16 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM (SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND "snippets"."project_id" IS NULL UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND (projects.visibility_level IN (?,?,?)) AND "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?) UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?, ?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE (project_id = snippets.project_id) AND "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ?))) snippets WHERE "snippets"."visibility_level" = ? LIMIT ... Full query |
16 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
73,810.69 ms 34.377 ms/sec 4613.168 ms/call 2.27% |
16 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
6,094,077 blks 2.84K blks/sec 380.88K blks/call 0.43% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
17 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "deploy_keys_projects" WHERE "deploy_keys_projects"."deploy_key_id" = ? Full query |
1,446 0.67/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
63,633.56 ms 29.637 ms/sec 44.007 ms/call 1.95% |
1,446 0.67/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
5,289,468 blks 2.47K blks/sec 3.66K blks/call 0.38% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
18 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "issues"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON = project_features.project_id WHERE "issues"."confidential" = ? AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)) OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND ("project_features"."issues_access_level" IS NULL OR "project_features"."issues_access_level" IN (?,?) OR ("project_features"."issues_access_level" = ? AND EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)))) AND ("issues"."title" ILIKE ? OR "issues"."description" ILIKE ?) LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
10 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
57,700.37 ms 26.873 ms/sec 5770.037 ms/call 1.77% |
10 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
899,435 blks 418.90 blks/sec 89.95K blks/call 0.06% |
28,382 blks 13.22 blks/sec 2.84K blks/call 1.52% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
779.49 ms 0.363 ms/sec 77.949 ms/call 0.40% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
19 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "issues"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON = project_features.project_id WHERE ( issues.confidential IS NOT TRUE OR (issues.confidential = ? AND (issues.author_id = ? OR EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM issue_assignees WHERE user_id = ? AND issue_id = OR EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = issues.project_id) AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?))))) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)) OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND ("project_features"."issues_access_level" IS NULL OR "project_features"."issues_access_level" IN (?,?) OR ("project_features"."issues_access_l... Full query |
9 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
55,167.79 ms 25.694 ms/sec 6129.754 ms/call 1.69% |
9 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
877,642 blks 408.75 blks/sec 97.52K blks/call 0.06% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
20 | SELECT "projects"."id" AS t0_r0, "projects"."name" AS t0_r1, "projects"."path" AS t0_r2, "projects"."description" AS t0_r3, "projects"."created_at" AS t0_r4, "projects"."updated_at" AS t0_r5, "projects"."creator_id" AS t0_r6, "projects"."namespace_id" AS t0_r7, "projects"."last_activity_at" AS t0_r8, "projects"."import_url" AS t0_r9, "projects"."visibility_level" AS t0_r10, "projects"."archived" AS t0_r11, "projects"."merge_requests_template" AS t0_r12, "projects"."star_count" AS t0_r13, "projects"."merge_requests_rebase_enabled" AS t0_r14, "projects"."import_type" AS t0_r15, "projects"."import_source" AS t0_r16, "projects"."avatar" AS t0_r17, "projects"."approvals_before_merge" AS t0_r18, "projects"."reset_approvals_on_push" AS t0_r19, "projects"."merge_requests_ff_only_enabled" AS t0_r20, "projects"."issues_template" AS t0_r21, "projects"."mirror" AS t0_r22, "projects"."mirror_user_id" AS t0_r23, "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" AS t0_r24, "projects"."runners_token" AS t0_r25, "... Full query |
735,933 342.75/sec 1.00/call 7.38% |
44,158.09 ms 20.566 ms/sec 0.060 ms/call 1.36% |
725,714 337.99/sec 0.99/call 2.24% |
6,587,082 blks 3.07K blks/sec 8.95 blks/call 0.47% |
9,898 blks 4.61 blks/sec 0.01 blks/call 0.53% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
904.31 ms 0.421 ms/sec 0.001 ms/call 0.47% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:23.43192+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:44:07.798909+00:00
Period seconds: 2264.36699
Period age: 00:37:44.366989
Top 50 rows
# | Query | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."namespace_id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" INNER JOIN "members" ON "namespaces"."id" = "members"."source_id" WHERE "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."source_type" = ? AND "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND (members.access_level >= ?) UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT DISTINCT "namespaces"."id" FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "plans" INNER JOIN "gitlab_subscriptions" ON "gitlab_subscriptions"."hosted_plan_id" = "plans"."id" WHERE "plans"."name" IN (?, ?) AND (gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = namespaces... Full query |
63 0.03/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
503,485.08 ms 222.351 ms/sec 7991.827 ms/call 15.31% |
63 0.03/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
491,189,587 blks 216.93K blks/sec 7.80M blks/call 34.42% |
11 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.17 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
1.04 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.017 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
50 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
234,527.29 ms 103.573 ms/sec 4690.546 ms/call 7.13% |
4,747 2.10/sec 94.94/call 0.01% |
91,966,683 blks 40.62K blks/sec 1.84M blks/call 6.44% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
3 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."created_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
30 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
202,768.20 ms 89.547 ms/sec 6758.940 ms/call 6.16% |
1,072 0.47/sec 35.73/call 0.00% |
10,942,725 blks 4.84K blks/sec 364.76K blks/call 0.77% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
4 | SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT "ci_builds"."project_id", count(*) AS running_builds FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IN (SELECT "ci_runners"."id" FROM "ci_runners" WHERE "ci_runners"."runner_type" = ?) GROUP BY "ci_builds"."project_id") AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IS NULL AND "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > ?) AND (projects.visibility_level=? OR (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE ( = projects.namespace_id) UN... Full query |
624 0.28/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
164,677.31 ms 72.726 ms/sec 263.906 ms/call 5.01% |
6,766 2.99/sec 10.84/call 0.02% |
113,486,706 blks 50.12K blks/sec 181.87K blks/call 7.95% |
139 blks 0.06 blks/sec 0.22 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
6.66 ms 0.003 ms/sec 0.011 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
5 | SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT "ci_builds"."project_id", count(*) AS running_builds FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IN (SELECT "ci_runners"."id" FROM "ci_runners" WHERE "ci_runners"."runner_type" = ?) GROUP BY "ci_builds"."project_id") AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IS NULL AND "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > ?) AND (projects.visibility_level=? OR (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE ( = projects.namespace_id) UN... Full query |
612 0.27/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
162,182.85 ms 71.624 ms/sec 265.005 ms/call 4.93% |
6,560 2.90/sec 10.72/call 0.02% |
111,052,793 blks 49.05K blks/sec 181.46K blks/call 7.78% |
166 blks 0.07 blks/sec 0.27 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
17.70 ms 0.008 ms/sec 0.029 ms/call 0.01% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
6 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
30 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
160,481.69 ms 70.873 ms/sec 5349.390 ms/call 4.88% |
248 0.11/sec 8.27/call 0.00% |
70,899,799 blks 31.32K blks/sec 2.37M blks/call 4.97% |
2 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.07 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.03 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.001 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
7 | WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN ('Group') AND (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "plans" INNER JOIN "gitlab_subscriptions" ON "gitlab_subscriptions"."hosted_plan_id" = "plans"."id" WHERE "plans"."name" IN ('silver', 'gold') AND (gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN ('Group') AND "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" = 5982968 LIMIT 1 Full query |
25 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
140,430.99 ms 62.018 ms/sec 5617.240 ms/call 4.27% |
0 0.00/sec 0.00/call 0.00% |
68,626,563 blks 30.31K blks/sec 2.75M blks/call 4.81% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
8 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) Full query |
39 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
137,340.65 ms 60.653 ms/sec 3521.555 ms/call 4.18% |
39 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
14,224,684 blks 6.29K blks/sec 364.74K blks/call 1.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
9 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
31 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
119,214.06 ms 52.648 ms/sec 3845.615 ms/call 3.62% |
31 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
50,060,479 blks 22.11K blks/sec 1.62M blks/call 3.51% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
10 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT "projects"."namespace_id" FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
25 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
102,157.57 ms 45.115 ms/sec 4086.303 ms/call 3.11% |
38 0.02/sec 1.52/call 0.00% |
45,973,593 blks 20.31K blks/sec 1.84M blks/call 3.22% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
11 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT "projects"."namespace_id" FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
7 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
82,751.08 ms 36.545 ms/sec 11821.583 ms/call 2.52% |
16 0.01/sec 2.29/call 0.00% |
34,957,240 blks 15.44K blks/sec 5.00M blks/call 2.45% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
12 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
7 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
81,811.54 ms 36.130 ms/sec 11687.363 ms/call 2.49% |
7 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
34,953,370 blks 15.44K blks/sec 5.00M blks/call 2.45% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
13 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
7 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
80,851.20 ms 35.706 ms/sec 11550.171 ms/call 2.46% |
310 0.14/sec 44.29/call 0.00% |
34,954,953 blks 15.44K blks/sec 5.00M blks/call 2.45% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
14 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "deploy_keys_projects" WHERE "deploy_keys_projects"."deploy_key_id" = ? Full query |
1,380 0.61/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
60,794.49 ms 26.848 ms/sec 44.054 ms/call 1.85% |
1,380 0.61/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
5,048,040 blks 2.23K blks/sec 3.66K blks/call 0.35% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
15 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "issues"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON = project_features.project_id WHERE "issues"."confidential" = ? AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)) OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND ("project_features"."issues_access_level" IS NULL OR "project_features"."issues_access_level" IN (?,?) OR ("project_features"."issues_access_level" = ? AND EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)))) AND ("issues"."title" ILIKE ? OR "issues"."description" ILIKE ?) LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
16 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
60,698.07 ms 26.806 ms/sec 3793.629 ms/call 1.85% |
16 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
1,139,728 blks 503.33 blks/sec 71.24K blks/call 0.08% |
30,341 blks 13.40 blks/sec 1.90K blks/call 1.69% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
398.32 ms 0.176 ms/sec 24.895 ms/call 0.27% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
16 | SELECT "deployments".* FROM "deployments" WHERE "deployments"."environment_id" = ? AND "deployments"."status" = ? ORDER BY DESC LIMIT ? Full query |
12,996 5.74/sec 1.00/call 0.12% |
53,703.72 ms 23.717 ms/sec 4.132 ms/call 1.63% |
10,555 4.66/sec 0.81/call 0.03% |
20,930,517 blks 9.25K blks/sec 1.62K blks/call 1.47% |
6,694 blks 2.96 blks/sec 0.52 blks/call 0.37% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
288.61 ms 0.127 ms/sec 0.022 ms/call 0.19% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
17 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "issues"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON = project_features.project_id WHERE ( issues.confidential IS NOT TRUE OR (issues.confidential = ? AND (issues.author_id = ? OR EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM issue_assignees WHERE user_id = ? AND issue_id = OR EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = issues.project_id) AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?))))) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)) OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND ("project_features"."issues_access_level" IS NULL OR "project_features"."issues_access_level" IN (?,?) OR ("project_features"."issues_access_l... Full query |
10 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
53,394.19 ms 23.580 ms/sec 5339.419 ms/call 1.62% |
10 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
970,791 blks 428.73 blks/sec 97.08K blks/call 0.07% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
18 | SELECT "projects"."id" AS t0_r0, "projects"."name" AS t0_r1, "projects"."path" AS t0_r2, "projects"."description" AS t0_r3, "projects"."created_at" AS t0_r4, "projects"."updated_at" AS t0_r5, "projects"."creator_id" AS t0_r6, "projects"."namespace_id" AS t0_r7, "projects"."last_activity_at" AS t0_r8, "projects"."import_url" AS t0_r9, "projects"."visibility_level" AS t0_r10, "projects"."archived" AS t0_r11, "projects"."merge_requests_template" AS t0_r12, "projects"."star_count" AS t0_r13, "projects"."merge_requests_rebase_enabled" AS t0_r14, "projects"."import_type" AS t0_r15, "projects"."import_source" AS t0_r16, "projects"."avatar" AS t0_r17, "projects"."approvals_before_merge" AS t0_r18, "projects"."reset_approvals_on_push" AS t0_r19, "projects"."merge_requests_ff_only_enabled" AS t0_r20, "projects"."issues_template" AS t0_r21, "projects"."mirror" AS t0_r22, "projects"."mirror_user_id" AS t0_r23, "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" AS t0_r24, "projects"."runners_token" AS t0_r25, "... Full query |
775,154 342.33/sec 1.00/call 7.37% |
46,425.47 ms 20.503 ms/sec 0.060 ms/call 1.41% |
764,234 337.50/sec 0.99/call 2.22% |
6,938,109 blks 3.07K blks/sec 8.95 blks/call 0.49% |
10,283 blks 4.54 blks/sec 0.01 blks/call 0.57% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
808.13 ms 0.357 ms/sec 0.001 ms/call 0.54% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
19 | SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT "ci_builds"."project_id", count(*) AS running_builds FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IN (SELECT "ci_runners"."id" FROM "ci_runners" WHERE "ci_runners"."runner_type" = ?) GROUP BY "ci_builds"."project_id") AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IS NULL AND "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > ?) AND (projects.visibility_level=? OR (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE ( = projects.namespace_id) UN... Full query |
143 0.06/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
35,356.14 ms 15.614 ms/sec 247.246 ms/call 1.07% |
4,227 1.87/sec 29.56/call 0.01% |
24,531,827 blks 10.84K blks/sec 171.56K blks/call 1.72% |
23 blks 0.01 blks/sec 0.16 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
27.52 ms 0.012 ms/sec 0.192 ms/call 0.02% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
20 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
7 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
34,439.11 ms 15.209 ms/sec 4919.874 ms/call 1.05% |
3 0.00/sec 0.43/call 0.00% |
15,001,685 blks 6.63K blks/sec 2.15M blks/call 1.05% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:25.816873+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:46:29.215889+00:00
Period seconds: 2403.39902
Period age: 00:40:03.399016
Top 50 rows
# | Query | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."namespace_id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" INNER JOIN "members" ON "namespaces"."id" = "members"."source_id" WHERE "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."source_type" = ? AND "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND (members.access_level >= ?) UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT DISTINCT "namespaces"."id" FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "plans" INNER JOIN "gitlab_subscriptions" ON "gitlab_subscriptions"."hosted_plan_id" = "plans"."id" WHERE "plans"."name" IN (?, ?) AND (gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = namespaces... Full query |
64 0.03/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
567,927.93 ms 236.302 ms/sec 8873.874 ms/call 17.29% |
64 0.03/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
509,167,046 blks 211.86K blks/sec 7.96M blks/call 37.67% |
63 blks 0.03 blks/sec 0.98 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
4.01 ms 0.002 ms/sec 0.063 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT "ci_builds"."project_id", count(*) AS running_builds FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IN (SELECT "ci_runners"."id" FROM "ci_runners" WHERE "ci_runners"."runner_type" = ?) GROUP BY "ci_builds"."project_id") AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IS NULL AND "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > ?) AND (projects.visibility_level=? OR (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE ( = projects.namespace_id) UN... Full query |
706 0.29/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
196,001.25 ms 81.552 ms/sec 277.622 ms/call 5.97% |
8,407 3.50/sec 11.91/call 0.02% |
129,006,154 blks 53.68K blks/sec 182.73K blks/call 9.54% |
163 blks 0.07 blks/sec 0.23 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
7.52 ms 0.003 ms/sec 0.011 ms/call 0.01% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
3 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."created_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
28 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
185,559.72 ms 77.207 ms/sec 6627.133 ms/call 5.65% |
908 0.38/sec 32.43/call 0.00% |
10,214,258 blks 4.25K blks/sec 364.80K blks/call 0.76% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
4 | SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT "ci_builds"."project_id", count(*) AS running_builds FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IN (SELECT "ci_runners"."id" FROM "ci_runners" WHERE "ci_runners"."runner_type" = ?) GROUP BY "ci_builds"."project_id") AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IS NULL AND "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > ?) AND (projects.visibility_level=? OR (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE ( = projects.namespace_id) UN... Full query |
621 0.26/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
179,793.10 ms 74.808 ms/sec 289.522 ms/call 5.47% |
7,118 2.96/sec 11.46/call 0.02% |
113,646,053 blks 47.29K blks/sec 183.01K blks/call 8.41% |
131 blks 0.05 blks/sec 0.21 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
29.82 ms 0.012 ms/sec 0.048 ms/call 0.02% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
5 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
37 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
159,182.14 ms 66.232 ms/sec 4302.220 ms/call 4.85% |
3,620 1.51/sec 97.84/call 0.01% |
59,131,195 blks 24.61K blks/sec 1.60M blks/call 4.37% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
6 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) Full query |
44 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
146,659.20 ms 61.022 ms/sec 3333.164 ms/call 4.47% |
44 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
16,048,479 blks 6.68K blks/sec 364.74K blks/call 1.19% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
7 | WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "plans" INNER JOIN "gitlab_subscriptions" ON "gitlab_subscriptions"."hosted_plan_id" = "plans"."id" WHERE "plans"."name" IN (?, ?) AND (gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" = ? LIMIT ? Full query |
21 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
133,447.18 ms 55.524 ms/sec 6354.628 ms/call 4.06% |
0 0.00/sec 0.00/call 0.00% |
57,657,806 blks 24.00K blks/sec 2.75M blks/call 4.27% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
8 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
8 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
96,590.50 ms 40.189 ms/sec 12073.813 ms/call 2.94% |
8 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
39,879,164 blks 16.60K blks/sec 4.99M blks/call 2.95% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
9 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
7 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
82,330.25 ms 34.256 ms/sec 11761.464 ms/call 2.51% |
357 0.15/sec 51.00/call 0.00% |
34,910,367 blks 14.53K blks/sec 4.99M blks/call 2.58% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
10 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT "projects"."namespace_id" FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
7 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
81,301.40 ms 33.828 ms/sec 11614.486 ms/call 2.48% |
13 0.01/sec 1.86/call 0.00% |
34,912,337 blks 14.53K blks/sec 4.99M blks/call 2.58% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
11 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = 'Project' AND "members"."type" IN ('ProjectMember') AND "members"."user_id" = 3611581 AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = 3611581 AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (10,20)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = 0 AND "projects"."archived" = FALSE AND "projects"."pending_delete" = FALSE ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0) Full query |
20 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
77,967.87 ms 32.441 ms/sec 3898.394 ms/call 2.37% |
98 0.04/sec 4.90/call 0.00% |
37,044,489 blks 15.42K blks/sec 1.86M blks/call 2.74% |
26 blks 0.01 blks/sec 1.30 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.50 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.025 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
12 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "deploy_keys_projects" WHERE "deploy_keys_projects"."deploy_key_id" = ? Full query |
1,367 0.57/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
64,716.68 ms 26.927 ms/sec 47.342 ms/call 1.97% |
1,367 0.57/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
5,000,486 blks 2.09K blks/sec 3.66K blks/call 0.37% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
13 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT 1 AS one FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "issues"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON = project_features.project_id WHERE "issues"."confidential" = FALSE AND (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = 4590286 AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= 10)) OR projects.visibility_level IN (10,20)) AND ("project_features"."issues_access_level" IS NULL OR "project_features"."issues_access_level" IN (20,30) OR ("project_features"."issues_access_level" = 10 AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = 4590286 AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= 10)))) AND ("issues"."title" ILIKE '%tetrix%' OR "issues"."description" ILIKE '%tetrix%') LIMIT 1001) subquery_for_count Full query |
12 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
64,593.19 ms 26.876 ms/sec 5382.766 ms/call 1.97% |
12 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
1,126,817 blks 468.84 blks/sec 93.91K blks/call 0.08% |
86,501 blks 35.99 blks/sec 7.21K blks/call 4.14% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
1,388.89 ms 0.578 ms/sec 115.741 ms/call 1.07% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
14 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "issues"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON = project_features.project_id WHERE ( issues.confidential IS NOT TRUE OR (issues.confidential = ? AND (issues.author_id = ? OR EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM issue_assignees WHERE user_id = ? AND issue_id = OR EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = issues.project_id) AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?))))) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)) OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND ("project_features"."issues_access_level" IS NULL OR "project_features"."issues_access_level" IN (?,?) OR ("project_features"."issues_access_l... Full query |
10 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
61,049.63 ms 25.401 ms/sec 6104.963 ms/call 1.86% |
10 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
1,137,027 blks 473.09 blks/sec 113.71K blks/call 0.08% |
1 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.10 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.02 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.002 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
15 | SELECT "deployments".* FROM "deployments" WHERE "deployments"."environment_id" = ? AND "deployments"."status" = ? ORDER BY DESC LIMIT ? Full query |
13,535 5.63/sec 1.00/call 0.12% |
58,725.86 ms 24.435 ms/sec 4.339 ms/call 1.79% |
11,227 4.67/sec 0.83/call 0.03% |
20,499,721 blks 8.53K blks/sec 1.52K blks/call 1.52% |
3,259 blks 1.36 blks/sec 0.24 blks/call 0.16% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
147.46 ms 0.061 ms/sec 0.011 ms/call 0.11% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
16 | SELECT "snippets".* FROM (SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN ( ?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND "snippets"."project_id" IS NULL UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND (projects.visibility_level IN (?,?,?)) AND "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?) UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?, ?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE (project_id = snippets.project_id) AND "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ?))) snippets WHERE "snippets"."visibility_level" = ? ORDER BY created_at DESC... Full query |
12 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
56,140.74 ms 23.359 ms/sec 4678.395 ms/call 1.71% |
252 0.10/sec 21.00/call 0.00% |
4,574,727 blks 1.91K blks/sec 381.23K blks/call 0.34% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
17 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT "projects"."namespace_id" FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
18 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
55,848.24 ms 23.237 ms/sec 3102.680 ms/call 1.70% |
5 0.00/sec 0.28/call 0.00% |
27,056,223 blks 11.26K blks/sec 1.51M blks/call 2.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
18 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM (SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND "snippets"."project_id" IS NULL UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND (projects.visibility_level IN (?,?,?)) AND "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?) UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?, ?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE (project_id = snippets.project_id) AND "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ?))) snippets WHERE "snippets"."visibility_level" = ? LIMIT ... Full query |
12 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
55,737.74 ms 23.191 ms/sec 4644.811 ms/call 1.70% |
12 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
4,570,833 blks 1.91K blks/sec 380.91K blks/call 0.34% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
19 | SELECT "projects"."id" AS t0_r0, "projects"."name" AS t0_r1, "projects"."path" AS t0_r2, "projects"."description" AS t0_r3, "projects"."created_at" AS t0_r4, "projects"."updated_at" AS t0_r5, "projects"."creator_id" AS t0_r6, "projects"."namespace_id" AS t0_r7, "projects"."last_activity_at" AS t0_r8, "projects"."import_url" AS t0_r9, "projects"."visibility_level" AS t0_r10, "projects"."archived" AS t0_r11, "projects"."merge_requests_template" AS t0_r12, "projects"."star_count" AS t0_r13, "projects"."merge_requests_rebase_enabled" AS t0_r14, "projects"."import_type" AS t0_r15, "projects"."import_source" AS t0_r16, "projects"."avatar" AS t0_r17, "projects"."approvals_before_merge" AS t0_r18, "projects"."reset_approvals_on_push" AS t0_r19, "projects"."merge_requests_ff_only_enabled" AS t0_r20, "projects"."issues_template" AS t0_r21, "projects"."mirror" AS t0_r22, "projects"."mirror_user_id" AS t0_r23, "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" AS t0_r24, "projects"."runners_token" AS t0_r25, "... Full query |
824,108 342.89/sec 1.00/call 7.28% |
53,063.22 ms 22.078 ms/sec 0.064 ms/call 1.62% |
812,308 337.98/sec 0.99/call 2.23% |
7,374,590 blks 3.07K blks/sec 8.95 blks/call 0.55% |
11,233 blks 4.67 blks/sec 0.01 blks/call 0.54% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
429.20 ms 0.179 ms/sec 0.001 ms/call 0.33% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
20 | SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."state" IN (?)) AND (ghost IS NOT TRUE) AND "users"."bot_type" IS NULL AND (("users"."name" ILIKE ? OR "users"."username" ILIKE ?) OR "users"."email" = ?) ORDER BY CASE WHEN = ? THEN ? WHEN users.username = ? THEN ? WHEN = ? THEN ? ELSE ? END , "users"."name" ASC LIMIT ? Full query |
702 0.29/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
42,994.35 ms 17.889 ms/sec 61.246 ms/call 1.31% |
6,560 2.73/sec 9.34/call 0.02% |
4,482,508 blks 1.87K blks/sec 6.39K blks/call 0.33% |
1,618 blks 0.67 blks/sec 2.30 blks/call 0.08% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
87.95 ms 0.037 ms/sec 0.125 ms/call 0.07% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:28.521327+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:49:34.408897+00:00
Period seconds: 2585.88757
Period age: 00:43:05.88757
Top 50 rows
# | Query | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."namespace_id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" INNER JOIN "members" ON "namespaces"."id" = "members"."source_id" WHERE "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."source_type" = ? AND "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND (members.access_level >= ?) UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT DISTINCT "namespaces"."id" FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "plans" INNER JOIN "gitlab_subscriptions" ON "gitlab_subscriptions"."hosted_plan_id" = "plans"."id" WHERE "plans"."name" IN (?, ?) AND (gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = namespaces... Full query |
60 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
477,767.68 ms 184.760 ms/sec 7962.795 ms/call 12.08% |
60 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
474,724,055 blks 183.59K blks/sec 7.92M blks/call 29.11% |
101 blks 0.04 blks/sec 1.68 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
1.90 ms 0.001 ms/sec 0.032 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."created_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
37 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
254,838.33 ms 98.550 ms/sec 6887.523 ms/call 6.44% |
1,097 0.42/sec 29.65/call 0.00% |
13,496,632 blks 5.22K blks/sec 364.78K blks/call 0.83% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
3 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
59 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
194,234.21 ms 75.113 ms/sec 3292.105 ms/call 4.91% |
5,803 2.24/sec 98.36/call 0.01% |
77,341,363 blks 29.91K blks/sec 1.32M blks/call 4.74% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
4 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
17 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
193,833.97 ms 74.958 ms/sec 11401.998 ms/call 4.90% |
17 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
84,874,727 blks 32.83K blks/sec 5.00M blks/call 5.20% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
5 | SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT "ci_builds"."project_id", count(*) AS running_builds FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IN (SELECT "ci_runners"."id" FROM "ci_runners" WHERE "ci_runners"."runner_type" = ?) GROUP BY "ci_builds"."project_id") AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IS NULL AND "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > ?) AND (projects.visibility_level=? OR (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE ( = projects.namespace_id) UN... Full query |
728 0.28/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
192,104.03 ms 74.289 ms/sec 263.879 ms/call 4.86% |
6,634 2.57/sec 9.11/call 0.02% |
134,316,602 blks 51.95K blks/sec 184.51K blks/call 8.23% |
185 blks 0.07 blks/sec 0.25 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
15.31 ms 0.006 ms/sec 0.021 ms/call 0.01% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
6 | SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT "ci_builds"."project_id", count(*) AS running_builds FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IN (SELECT "ci_runners"."id" FROM "ci_runners" WHERE "ci_runners"."runner_type" = ?) GROUP BY "ci_builds"."project_id") AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IS NULL AND "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > ?) AND (projects.visibility_level=? OR (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE ( = projects.namespace_id) UN... Full query |
707 0.27/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
187,742.47 ms 72.603 ms/sec 265.548 ms/call 4.75% |
7,073 2.74/sec 10.00/call 0.02% |
130,425,234 blks 50.44K blks/sec 184.48K blks/call 8.00% |
187 blks 0.07 blks/sec 0.26 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
14.81 ms 0.006 ms/sec 0.021 ms/call 0.01% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
7 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT "projects"."namespace_id" FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
16 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
182,431.48 ms 70.549 ms/sec 11401.968 ms/call 4.61% |
29 0.01/sec 1.81/call 0.00% |
79,867,869 blks 30.89K blks/sec 5.00M blks/call 4.90% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
8 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
16 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
181,596.24 ms 70.226 ms/sec 11349.765 ms/call 4.59% |
801 0.31/sec 50.06/call 0.00% |
79,862,999 blks 30.89K blks/sec 5.00M blks/call 4.90% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
9 | WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN ('Group') AND (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "plans" INNER JOIN "gitlab_subscriptions" ON "gitlab_subscriptions"."hosted_plan_id" = "plans"."id" WHERE "plans"."name" IN ('silver', 'gold') AND (gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN ('Group') AND "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" = 5834003 LIMIT 1 Full query |
32 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
159,553.29 ms 61.702 ms/sec 4986.040 ms/call 4.03% |
4 0.00/sec 0.12/call 0.00% |
79,311,562 blks 30.68K blks/sec 2.48M blks/call 4.86% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
10 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) Full query |
40 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
142,350.07 ms 55.049 ms/sec 3558.752 ms/call 3.60% |
40 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
14,589,455 blks 5.65K blks/sec 364.74K blks/call 0.89% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
11 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
33 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
125,675.28 ms 48.600 ms/sec 3808.342 ms/call 3.18% |
58 0.02/sec 1.76/call 0.00% |
56,113,723 blks 21.70K blks/sec 1.71M blks/call 3.44% |
41 blks 0.02 blks/sec 1.24 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.41 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.012 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
12 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT "projects"."namespace_id" FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
32 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
111,737.04 ms 43.210 ms/sec 3491.782 ms/call 2.82% |
74 0.03/sec 2.31/call 0.00% |
51,114,383 blks 19.77K blks/sec 1.60M blks/call 3.13% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
13 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
34 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
105,210.79 ms 40.687 ms/sec 3094.435 ms/call 2.66% |
34 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
45,170,150 blks 17.47K blks/sec 1.33M blks/call 2.77% |
3 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.09 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.03 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.001 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
14 | SELECT "snippets".* FROM (SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN ( 0,10,20) OR snippets.author_id = 2166229) AND "snippets"."project_id" IS NULL UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (0,10,20) OR snippets.author_id = 2166229) AND (projects.visibility_level IN (0,10,20)) AND "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (20, 30) UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (20, 30, 10) AND (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE (project_id = snippets.project_id) AND "project_authorizations"."user_id" = 2166229))) snippets WHERE "snippets"."visibility_level"... Full query |
21 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
98,810.10 ms 38.211 ms/sec 4705.243 ms/call 2.50% |
441 0.17/sec 21.00/call 0.00% |
8,003,525 blks 3.10K blks/sec 381.13K blks/call 0.49% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
15 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM (SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND "snippets"."project_id" IS NULL UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND (projects.visibility_level IN (?,?,?)) AND "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?) UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?, ?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE (project_id = snippets.project_id) AND "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ?))) snippets WHERE "snippets"."visibility_level" = ? LIMIT ... Full query |
21 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
97,146.27 ms 37.568 ms/sec 4626.013 ms/call 2.46% |
21 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
7,997,653 blks 3.10K blks/sec 380.85K blks/call 0.49% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
16 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "deploy_keys_projects" WHERE "deploy_keys_projects"."deploy_key_id" = ? Full query |
1,417 0.55/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
63,513.47 ms 24.562 ms/sec 44.822 ms/call 1.61% |
1,417 0.55/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
5,183,386 blks 2.01K blks/sec 3.66K blks/call 0.32% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
17 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "issues"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON = project_features.project_id WHERE "issues"."confidential" = ? AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)) OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND ("project_features"."issues_access_level" IS NULL OR "project_features"."issues_access_level" IN (?,?) OR ("project_features"."issues_access_level" = ? AND EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)))) AND ("issues"."title" ILIKE ? OR "issues"."description" ILIKE ?) LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
15 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
61,314.33 ms 23.711 ms/sec 4087.622 ms/call 1.55% |
15 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
1,119,111 blks 432.78 blks/sec 74.61K blks/call 0.07% |
51,695 blks 19.99 blks/sec 3.45K blks/call 2.59% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
772.49 ms 0.299 ms/sec 51.499 ms/call 0.62% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
18 | SELECT "deployments".* FROM "deployments" WHERE "deployments"."environment_id" = ? AND "deployments"."status" = ? ORDER BY DESC LIMIT ? Full query |
14,618 5.65/sec 1.00/call 0.12% |
60,733.22 ms 23.486 ms/sec 4.155 ms/call 1.54% |
11,997 4.64/sec 0.82/call 0.03% |
23,546,028 blks 9.11K blks/sec 1.62K blks/call 1.44% |
8,131 blks 3.14 blks/sec 0.56 blks/call 0.41% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
217.73 ms 0.084 ms/sec 0.015 ms/call 0.18% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
19 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
16 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
56,278.69 ms 21.764 ms/sec 3517.418 ms/call 1.42% |
5 0.00/sec 0.31/call 0.00% |
24,996,979 blks 9.67K blks/sec 1.57M blks/call 1.53% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
20 | SELECT "projects"."id" AS t0_r0, "projects"."name" AS t0_r1, "projects"."path" AS t0_r2, "projects"."description" AS t0_r3, "projects"."created_at" AS t0_r4, "projects"."updated_at" AS t0_r5, "projects"."creator_id" AS t0_r6, "projects"."namespace_id" AS t0_r7, "projects"."last_activity_at" AS t0_r8, "projects"."import_url" AS t0_r9, "projects"."visibility_level" AS t0_r10, "projects"."archived" AS t0_r11, "projects"."merge_requests_template" AS t0_r12, "projects"."star_count" AS t0_r13, "projects"."merge_requests_rebase_enabled" AS t0_r14, "projects"."import_type" AS t0_r15, "projects"."import_source" AS t0_r16, "projects"."avatar" AS t0_r17, "projects"."approvals_before_merge" AS t0_r18, "projects"."reset_approvals_on_push" AS t0_r19, "projects"."merge_requests_ff_only_enabled" AS t0_r20, "projects"."issues_template" AS t0_r21, "projects"."mirror" AS t0_r22, "projects"."mirror_user_id" AS t0_r23, "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" AS t0_r24, "projects"."runners_token" AS t0_r25, "... Full query |
886,278 342.74/sec 1.00/call 7.34% |
53,884.62 ms 20.838 ms/sec 0.061 ms/call 1.36% |
873,792 337.91/sec 0.99/call 2.22% |
7,930,771 blks 3.07K blks/sec 8.95 blks/call 0.49% |
12,668 blks 4.90 blks/sec 0.01 blks/call 0.64% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
407.61 ms 0.158 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.33% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:29.835321+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:53:16.626097+00:00
Period seconds: 2806.79078
Period age: 00:46:46.790776
Top 50 rows
# | Query | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."namespace_id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" INNER JOIN "members" ON "namespaces"."id" = "members"."source_id" WHERE "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."source_type" = ? AND "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND (members.access_level >= ?) UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT DISTINCT "namespaces"."id" FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "plans" INNER JOIN "gitlab_subscriptions" ON "gitlab_subscriptions"."hosted_plan_id" = "plans"."id" WHERE "plans"."name" IN (?, ?) AND (gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = namespaces... Full query |
78 0.03/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
739,369.91 ms 263.422 ms/sec 9479.101 ms/call 15.40% |
78 0.03/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
595,768,928 blks 212.26K blks/sec 7.64M blks/call 31.78% |
120 blks 0.04 blks/sec 1.54 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
3.71 ms 0.001 ms/sec 0.048 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."created_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
42 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
301,333.12 ms 107.359 ms/sec 7174.598 ms/call 6.27% |
1,682 0.60/sec 40.05/call 0.00% |
15,320,260 blks 5.46K blks/sec 364.77K blks/call 0.82% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
3 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
48 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
231,153.46 ms 82.355 ms/sec 4815.697 ms/call 4.81% |
4,512 1.61/sec 94.00/call 0.01% |
76,708,931 blks 27.33K blks/sec 1.60M blks/call 4.09% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
4 | SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT "ci_builds"."project_id", count(*) AS running_builds FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IN (SELECT "ci_runners"."id" FROM "ci_runners" WHERE "ci_runners"."runner_type" = ?) GROUP BY "ci_builds"."project_id") AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IS NULL AND "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > ?) AND (projects.visibility_level=? OR (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE ( = projects.namespace_id) UN... Full query |
815 0.29/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
230,082.57 ms 81.974 ms/sec 282.310 ms/call 4.79% |
6,784 2.42/sec 8.32/call 0.02% |
151,017,579 blks 53.81K blks/sec 185.30K blks/call 8.06% |
186 blks 0.07 blks/sec 0.23 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
6.19 ms 0.002 ms/sec 0.008 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
5 | SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT "ci_builds"."project_id", count(*) AS running_builds FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IN (SELECT "ci_runners"."id" FROM "ci_runners" WHERE "ci_runners"."runner_type" = ?) GROUP BY "ci_builds"."project_id") AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IS NULL AND "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > ?) AND (projects.visibility_level=? OR (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE ( = projects.namespace_id) UN... Full query |
799 0.28/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
226,630.57 ms 80.744 ms/sec 283.643 ms/call 4.72% |
7,556 2.69/sec 9.46/call 0.02% |
148,719,082 blks 52.99K blks/sec 186.14K blks/call 7.93% |
188 blks 0.07 blks/sec 0.24 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
5.77 ms 0.002 ms/sec 0.007 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
6 | WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN ('Group') AND (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "plans" INNER JOIN "gitlab_subscriptions" ON "gitlab_subscriptions"."hosted_plan_id" = "plans"."id" WHERE "plans"."name" IN ('silver', 'gold') AND (gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN ('Group') AND "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" = 4526358 LIMIT 1 Full query |
34 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
216,681.89 ms 77.199 ms/sec 6372.997 ms/call 4.51% |
4 0.00/sec 0.12/call 0.00% |
85,723,474 blks 30.55K blks/sec 2.53M blks/call 4.57% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
7 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
16 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
211,658.47 ms 75.409 ms/sec 13228.654 ms/call 4.41% |
16 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
79,794,911 blks 28.43K blks/sec 4.99M blks/call 4.26% |
6 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.38 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.09 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.006 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
8 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
14 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
189,330.37 ms 67.454 ms/sec 13523.598 ms/call 3.94% |
537 0.19/sec 38.36/call 0.00% |
69,828,127 blks 24.88K blks/sec 4.99M blks/call 3.73% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
9 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) Full query |
44 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
169,945.59 ms 60.548 ms/sec 3862.400 ms/call 3.54% |
44 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
16,048,355 blks 5.72K blks/sec 364.74K blks/call 0.86% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
10 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT "projects"."namespace_id" FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
12 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
164,325.38 ms 58.546 ms/sec 13693.781 ms/call 3.42% |
25 0.01/sec 2.08/call 0.00% |
59,847,067 blks 21.33K blks/sec 4.99M blks/call 3.19% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
11 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
28 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
154,179.31 ms 54.931 ms/sec 5506.404 ms/call 3.21% |
118 0.04/sec 4.21/call 0.00% |
58,334,685 blks 20.79K blks/sec 2.09M blks/call 3.11% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
12 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT "projects"."namespace_id" FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
26 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
123,004.99 ms 43.824 ms/sec 4730.961 ms/call 2.56% |
74 0.03/sec 2.85/call 0.00% |
48,334,592 blks 17.23K blks/sec 1.86M blks/call 2.58% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
13 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
29 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
120,496.53 ms 42.930 ms/sec 4155.053 ms/call 2.51% |
29 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
45,157,450 blks 16.09K blks/sec 1.56M blks/call 2.41% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
14 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "issues"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON = project_features.project_id WHERE "issues"."confidential" = ? AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)) OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND ("project_features"."issues_access_level" IS NULL OR "project_features"."issues_access_level" IN (?,?) OR ("project_features"."issues_access_level" = ? AND EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)))) AND ("issues"."title" ILIKE ? OR "issues"."description" ILIKE ?) LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
20 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
116,600.10 ms 41.542 ms/sec 5830.005 ms/call 2.43% |
20 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
1,895,207 blks 675.22 blks/sec 94.77K blks/call 0.10% |
122,831 blks 43.76 blks/sec 6.15K blks/call 5.12% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
1,814.17 ms 0.646 ms/sec 90.708 ms/call 1.22% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
15 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM (SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND "snippets"."project_id" IS NULL UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND (projects.visibility_level IN (?,?,?)) AND "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?) UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?, ?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE (project_id = snippets.project_id) AND "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ?))) snippets WHERE "snippets"."visibility_level" = ? LIMIT ... Full query |
20 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
94,497.60 ms 33.667 ms/sec 4724.880 ms/call 1.97% |
20 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
7,618,530 blks 2.72K blks/sec 380.93K blks/call 0.41% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
16 | SELECT "snippets".* FROM (SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN ( ?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND "snippets"."project_id" IS NULL UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND (projects.visibility_level IN (?,?,?)) AND "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?) UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?, ?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE (project_id = snippets.project_id) AND "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ?))) snippets WHERE "snippets"."visibility_level" = ? ORDER BY created_at DESC... Full query |
20 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
93,854.19 ms 33.438 ms/sec 4692.710 ms/call 1.95% |
420 0.15/sec 21.00/call 0.00% |
7,624,885 blks 2.72K blks/sec 381.25K blks/call 0.41% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
17 | SELECT issues.*, (SELECT MIN("label_priorities"."priority") FROM "labels" INNER JOIN "label_links" ON "label_links"."label_id" = "labels"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "label_priorities" ON "labels"."id" = "label_priorities"."label_id" WHERE (label_priorities.project_id = issues.project_id) AND (label_links.target_id = AND "label_links"."target_type" = ?) AS highest_priority FROM "issues" WHERE "issues"."project_id" = ? AND ("issues"."state" IN (?)) GROUP BY "issues"."id" ORDER BY relative_position ASC NULLS LAST, highest_priority ASC NULLS LAST, id DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
1,252 0.45/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
83,733.51 ms 29.832 ms/sec 66.880 ms/call 1.74% |
22,836 8.14/sec 18.24/call 0.06% |
61,319,982 blks 21.85K blks/sec 48.98K blks/call 3.27% |
25,500 blks 9.09 blks/sec 20.37 blks/call 1.06% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
794.20 ms 0.283 ms/sec 0.634 ms/call 0.53% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
18 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
14 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
80,149.58 ms 28.556 ms/sec 5724.970 ms/call 1.67% |
5 0.00/sec 0.36/call 0.00% |
29,897,902 blks 10.66K blks/sec 2.14M blks/call 1.60% |
5 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.36 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.04 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.003 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
19 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "deploy_keys_projects" WHERE "deploy_keys_projects"."deploy_key_id" = ? Full query |
1,391 0.50/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
64,908.87 ms 23.126 ms/sec 46.663 ms/call 1.35% |
1,391 0.50/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
5,088,278 blks 1.82K blks/sec 3.66K blks/call 0.27% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
20 | SELECT "projects"."id" AS t0_r0, "projects"."name" AS t0_r1, "projects"."path" AS t0_r2, "projects"."description" AS t0_r3, "projects"."created_at" AS t0_r4, "projects"."updated_at" AS t0_r5, "projects"."creator_id" AS t0_r6, "projects"."namespace_id" AS t0_r7, "projects"."last_activity_at" AS t0_r8, "projects"."import_url" AS t0_r9, "projects"."visibility_level" AS t0_r10, "projects"."archived" AS t0_r11, "projects"."merge_requests_template" AS t0_r12, "projects"."star_count" AS t0_r13, "projects"."merge_requests_rebase_enabled" AS t0_r14, "projects"."import_type" AS t0_r15, "projects"."import_source" AS t0_r16, "projects"."avatar" AS t0_r17, "projects"."approvals_before_merge" AS t0_r18, "projects"."reset_approvals_on_push" AS t0_r19, "projects"."merge_requests_ff_only_enabled" AS t0_r20, "projects"."issues_template" AS t0_r21, "projects"."mirror" AS t0_r22, "projects"."mirror_user_id" AS t0_r23, "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" AS t0_r24, "projects"."runners_token" AS t0_r25, "... Full query |
963,120 343.14/sec 1.00/call 7.04% |
57,831.01 ms 20.604 ms/sec 0.060 ms/call 1.20% |
949,749 338.38/sec 0.99/call 2.32% |
8,619,618 blks 3.08K blks/sec 8.95 blks/call 0.46% |
13,383 blks 4.77 blks/sec 0.01 blks/call 0.56% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
449.00 ms 0.160 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.30% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
Replica (Start: 2019-09-30T13:06:31.947164+00:00
End: 2019-09-30T13:57:29.023066+00:00
Period seconds: 3057.07591
Period age: 00:50:57.075902
Top 50 rows
# | Query | Calls | ▼ Total time | Rows | shared_blks_hit | shared_blks_read | shared_blks_dirtied | shared_blks_written | blk_read_time | blk_write_time | kcache_reads | kcache_writes | kcache_user_time_ms | kcache_system_time |
1 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."namespace_id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" INNER JOIN "members" ON "namespaces"."id" = "members"."source_id" WHERE "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."source_type" = ? AND "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND (members.access_level >= ?) UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT DISTINCT "namespaces"."id" FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" IN (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "plans" INNER JOIN "gitlab_subscriptions" ON "gitlab_subscriptions"."hosted_plan_id" = "plans"."id" WHERE "plans"."name" IN (?, ?) AND (gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = namespaces... Full query |
79 0.03/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
714,066.45 ms 233.578 ms/sec 9038.816 ms/call 13.79% |
79 0.03/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
651,475,681 blks 213.11K blks/sec 8.25M blks/call 31.84% |
96 blks 0.03 blks/sec 1.22 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
1.57 ms 0.001 ms/sec 0.020 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
2 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = 4546324 AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (10,20)) AND "projects"."pending_delete" = FALSE ORDER BY "projects"."created_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT 21 OFFSET 0 Full query |
58 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
393,050.74 ms 128.571 ms/sec 6776.737 ms/call 7.59% |
1,858 0.61/sec 32.03/call 0.00% |
21,156,999 blks 6.93K blks/sec 364.78K blks/call 1.03% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
3 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT 1 AS one FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = 516057 AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (10,20)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = 0 AND "projects"."pending_delete" = FALSE LIMIT 10001) subquery_for_count Full query |
22 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
263,213.10 ms 86.100 ms/sec 11964.232 ms/call 5.08% |
22 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
109,790,412 blks 35.92K blks/sec 5.00M blks/call 5.37% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
4 | SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT "ci_builds"."project_id", count(*) AS running_builds FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IN (SELECT "ci_runners"."id" FROM "ci_runners" WHERE "ci_runners"."runner_type" = ?) GROUP BY "ci_builds"."project_id") AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IS NULL AND "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > ?) AND (projects.visibility_level=? OR (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE ( = projects.namespace_id) UN... Full query |
826 0.27/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
242,547.70 ms 79.340 ms/sec 293.641 ms/call 4.69% |
7,876 2.58/sec 9.54/call 0.02% |
154,599,498 blks 50.58K blks/sec 187.17K blks/call 7.56% |
195 blks 0.06 blks/sec 0.24 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
5.53 ms 0.002 ms/sec 0.007 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
5 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
65 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
239,255.31 ms 78.263 ms/sec 3680.851 ms/call 4.62% |
6,332 2.07/sec 97.42/call 0.01% |
93,188,492 blks 30.49K blks/sec 1.44M blks/call 4.55% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
6 | SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? Full query |
20 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
237,025.00 ms 77.533 ms/sec 11851.250 ms/call 4.58% |
891 0.29/sec 44.55/call 0.00% |
99,824,763 blks 32.66K blks/sec 5.00M blks/call 4.88% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
7 | SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "ci_builds"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON ci_builds.project_id = project_features.project_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT "ci_builds"."project_id", count(*) AS running_builds FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IN (SELECT "ci_runners"."id" FROM "ci_runners" WHERE "ci_runners"."runner_type" = ?) GROUP BY "ci_builds"."project_id") AS project_builds ON ci_builds.project_id=project_builds.project_id WHERE "ci_builds"."type" IN (?) AND ("ci_builds"."status" IN (?)) AND "ci_builds"."runner_id" IS NULL AND "projects"."shared_runners_enabled" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? AND (project_features.builds_access_level IS NULL or project_features.builds_access_level > ?) AND (projects.visibility_level=? OR (WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE ( = projects.namespace_id) UN... Full query |
806 0.26/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
233,503.98 ms 76.381 ms/sec 289.707 ms/call 4.51% |
7,193 2.35/sec 8.92/call 0.02% |
151,157,820 blks 49.45K blks/sec 187.55K blks/call 7.39% |
197 blks 0.06 blks/sec 0.24 blks/call 0.01% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
17.70 ms 0.006 ms/sec 0.022 ms/call 0.01% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
8 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT "projects"."namespace_id" FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
19 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
228,489.25 ms 74.741 ms/sec 12025.750 ms/call 4.41% |
36 0.01/sec 1.89/call 0.00% |
94,828,669 blks 31.02K blks/sec 5.00M blks/call 4.63% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
9 | WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_descendants" AS (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "plans" INNER JOIN "gitlab_subscriptions" ON "gitlab_subscriptions"."hosted_plan_id" = "plans"."id" WHERE "plans"."name" IN (?, ?) AND (gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = UNION SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_descendants" WHERE "namespaces"."type" IN (?) AND "namespaces"."parent_id" = "base_and_descendants"."id") SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "base_and_descendants" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" = ? LIMIT ? Full query |
35 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
210,728.55 ms 68.931 ms/sec 6020.816 ms/call 4.07% |
2 0.00/sec 0.06/call 0.00% |
92,300,251 blks 30.20K blks/sec 2.64M blks/call 4.51% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
10 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
38 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
171,098.32 ms 55.968 ms/sec 4502.587 ms/call 3.31% |
158 0.05/sec 4.16/call 0.00% |
74,039,603 blks 24.22K blks/sec 1.95M blks/call 3.62% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
11 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) Full query |
46 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
164,659.41 ms 53.862 ms/sec 3579.552 ms/call 3.18% |
46 0.02/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
16,777,978 blks 5.49K blks/sec 364.74K blks/call 0.82% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
12 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT "projects"."namespace_id" FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
35 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
140,012.93 ms 45.800 ms/sec 4000.369 ms/call 2.70% |
66 0.02/sec 1.89/call 0.00% |
59,094,125 blks 19.34K blks/sec 1.69M blks/call 2.89% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
13 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."archived" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
38 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
135,887.22 ms 44.450 ms/sec 3575.979 ms/call 2.63% |
38 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
55,174,542 blks 18.05K blks/sec 1.46M blks/call 2.70% |
4 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.11 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.04 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.001 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
14 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "issues"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON = project_features.project_id WHERE "issues"."confidential" = ? AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)) OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND ("project_features"."issues_access_level" IS NULL OR "project_features"."issues_access_level" IN (?,?) OR ("project_features"."issues_access_level" = ? AND EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)))) AND ("issues"."title" ILIKE ? OR "issues"."description" ILIKE ?) LIMIT ?) subquery_for_count Full query |
19 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
106,930.50 ms 34.978 ms/sec 5627.921 ms/call 2.07% |
19 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
1,627,822 blks 532.48 blks/sec 85.68K blks/call 0.08% |
69,626 blks 22.78 blks/sec 3.67K blks/call 2.75% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
1,268.92 ms 0.415 ms/sec 66.786 ms/call 0.93% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
15 | SELECT "snippets".* FROM (SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN ( ?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND "snippets"."project_id" IS NULL UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND (projects.visibility_level IN (?,?,?)) AND "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?) UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?, ?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE (project_id = snippets.project_id) AND "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ?))) snippets WHERE "snippets"."visibility_level" = ? ORDER BY created_at DESC... Full query |
19 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
90,067.75 ms 29.462 ms/sec 4740.408 ms/call 1.74% |
399 0.13/sec 21.00/call 0.00% |
7,245,740 blks 2.38K blks/sec 381.36K blks/call 0.35% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
16 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM (SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND "snippets"."project_id" IS NULL UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE (snippets.visibility_level IN (?,?,?) OR snippets.author_id = ?) AND (projects.visibility_level IN (?,?,?)) AND "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?) UNION SELECT "snippets".* FROM "snippets" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "snippets"."project_id" INNER JOIN "project_features" ON "project_features"."project_id" = "projects"."id" WHERE "project_features"."snippets_access_level" IN (?, ?, ?) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE (project_id = snippets.project_id) AND "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ?))) snippets WHERE "snippets"."visibility_level" = ? LIMIT ... Full query |
19 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
89,030.17 ms 29.123 ms/sec 4685.798 ms/call 1.72% |
19 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
7,239,274 blks 2.37K blks/sec 381.02K blks/call 0.35% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
17 | SELECT "members".* FROM "members" WHERE "members"."source_type" = ? AND "members"."type" IN (?) AND "members"."user_id" = ? AND "members"."requested_at" IS NULL AND "members"."source_id" IN (SELECT FROM "projects" WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND "projects"."visibility_level" = ? AND "projects"."pending_delete" = ? ORDER BY "projects"."last_activity_at" DESC, "projects"."id" DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) Full query |
20 0.01/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
83,211.88 ms 27.219 ms/sec 4160.594 ms/call 1.61% |
7 0.00/sec 0.35/call 0.00% |
34,908,693 blks 11.42K blks/sec 1.75M blks/call 1.71% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
18 | SELECT "deployments".* FROM "deployments" WHERE "deployments"."environment_id" = ? AND "deployments"."status" = ? ORDER BY DESC LIMIT ? Full query |
16,848 5.51/sec 1.00/call 0.12% |
82,259.54 ms 26.908 ms/sec 4.882 ms/call 1.59% |
14,159 4.63/sec 0.84/call 0.03% |
28,131,034 blks 9.21K blks/sec 1.67K blks/call 1.37% |
15,257 blks 4.99 blks/sec 0.91 blks/call 0.60% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
559.00 ms 0.183 ms/sec 0.033 ms/call 0.41% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
19 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "deploy_keys_projects" WHERE "deploy_keys_projects"."deploy_key_id" = ? Full query |
1,632 0.53/sec 1.00/call 0.01% |
80,753.81 ms 26.415 ms/sec 49.481 ms/call 1.56% |
1,632 0.53/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
5,969,856 blks 1.96K blks/sec 3.66K blks/call 0.29% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
20 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ? AS one FROM "issues" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "issues"."project_id" LEFT JOIN project_features ON = project_features.project_id WHERE ( issues.confidential IS NOT TRUE OR (issues.confidential = ? AND (issues.author_id = ? OR EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM issue_assignees WHERE user_id = ? AND issue_id = OR EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = issues.project_id) AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?))))) AND (EXISTS (SELECT ? FROM "project_authorizations" WHERE "project_authorizations"."user_id" = ? AND (project_authorizations.project_id = AND (project_authorizations.access_level >= ?)) OR projects.visibility_level IN (?,?)) AND ("project_features"."issues_access_level" IS NULL OR "project_features"."issues_access_level" IN (?,?) OR ("project_features"."issues_access_l... Full query |
12 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
72,963.58 ms 23.867 ms/sec 6080.298 ms/call 1.41% |
12 0.00/sec 1.00/call 0.00% |
1,197,576 blks 391.74 blks/sec 99.80K blks/call 0.06% |
8 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.67 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0 blks 0.00 blks/sec 0.00 blks/call 0.00% |
0.10 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.009 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec 0.00 bytes/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
0.00 ms 0.000 ms/sec 0.000 ms/call 0.00% |
All good, no recommendations here.
L001 Table Sizes
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:38:34 +0000 UTC
Current database: gitlabhq_production
Master (The list is limited to 20 items. Total: 322.
# | Table | Rows | ▼ Total size | Table size | Index(es) Size | TOAST Size |
===== TOTAL ===== | ~8B | 3.99 TiB | 2.01 TiB | 1.21 TiB | 794.43 GiB | |
1 | merge_request_diff_files |
~915M | 1.28 TiB (32.03%) | 664.07 GiB (32.31%) | 23.68 GiB (1.93%) | 618.78 GiB (77.89%) |
2 | ci_builds |
~292M | 708.74 GiB (17.37%) | 291.64 GiB (14.19%) | 305.64 GiB (24.86%) | 111.47 GiB (14.03%) |
3 | merge_request_diff_commits |
~2B | 634.04 GiB (15.54%) | 488.89 GiB (23.78%) | 131.88 GiB (10.73%) | 13.28 GiB (1.67%) |
4 | notes |
~191M | 245.66 GiB (6.02%) | 122.37 GiB (5.95%) | 115.37 GiB (9.38%) | 7.92 GiB (1.00%) |
5 | ci_build_trace_sections |
~2B | 218.94 GiB (5.37%) | 94.19 GiB (4.58%) | 124.76 GiB (10.15%) | |
6 | events |
~439M | 111.71 GiB (2.74%) | 28.76 GiB (1.40%) | 82.96 GiB (6.75%) | 8.00 KiB (0.00%) |
7 | web_hook_logs |
~43M | 83.81 GiB (2.05%) | 50.77 GiB (2.47%) | 3.55 GiB (0.29%) | 29.50 GiB (3.71%) |
8 | ci_job_artifacts |
~245M | 80.47 GiB (1.97%) | 36.70 GiB (1.79%) | 43.77 GiB (3.56%) | 8.00 KiB (0.00%) |
9 | merge_requests |
~31M | 60.31 GiB (1.48%) | 13.42 GiB (0.65%) | 45.82 GiB (3.73%) | 1.08 GiB (0.14%) |
10 | audit_events |
~187M | 58.39 GiB (1.43%) | 42.53 GiB (2.07%) | 15.86 GiB (1.29%) | 6.27 MiB (0.00%) |
11 | ci_pipelines |
~80M | 58.24 GiB (1.43%) | 16.48 GiB (0.80%) | 41.74 GiB (3.39%) | 33.58 MiB (0.00%) |
12 | issues |
~20M | 52.91 GiB (1.30%) | 12.56 GiB (0.61%) | 35.03 GiB (2.85%) | 5.33 GiB (0.67%) |
13 | sent_notifications |
~209M | 49.58 GiB (1.22%) | 30.81 GiB (1.50%) | 18.77 GiB (1.53%) | 8.00 KiB (0.00%) |
14 | projects |
~11M | 48.97 GiB (1.20%) | 2.79 GiB (0.14%) | 45.92 GiB (3.73%) | 278.35 MiB (0.03%) |
15 | push_event_payloads |
~332M | 46.63 GiB (1.14%) | 39.53 GiB (1.92%) | 7.11 GiB (0.58%) | 8.00 KiB (0.00%) |
16 | taggings |
~117M | 30.62 GiB (0.75%) | 7.46 GiB (0.36%) | 23.16 GiB (1.88%) | 8.00 KiB (0.00%) |
17 | ci_stages |
~143M | 30.54 GiB (0.75%) | 11.70 GiB (0.57%) | 18.85 GiB (1.53%) | 8.00 KiB (0.00%) |
18 | ci_builds_metadata |
~225M | 27.68 GiB (0.68%) | 11.06 GiB (0.54%) | 16.63 GiB (1.35%) | 8.00 KiB (0.00%) |
19 | users |
~5M | 21.17 GiB (0.52%) | 1.96 GiB (0.09%) | 19.22 GiB (1.56%) | 128.00 KiB (0.00%) |
20 | deployments |
~31M | 17.12 GiB (0.42%) | 4.92 GiB (0.24%) | 12.20 GiB (0.99%) | 8.00 KiB (0.00%) |
L003 Integer (int2, int4) Out-of-range Risks in PKs
Data collected: 2019-09-30 13:38:37 +0000 UTC
Current database: gitlabhq_production
Master (Table | PK | Type | Current max value | ▼ Capacity used, % |
ci_build_trace_sections |
id |
int4 | 1,353,474,139 | 63.03 |
events |
id |
int4 | 520,890,475 | 24.26 |
ci_job_artifacts |
id |
int4 | 318,448,365 | 14.83 |
ci_builds |
id |
int4 | 307,846,655 | 14.34 |
ci_builds_metadata |
id |
int4 | 234,989,880 | 10.94 |
notes |
id |
int4 | 223,917,139 | 10.43 |
- [P1] High risks of out-of-range errors for an integer column. The columns listed below, being part of a primary key, have high risks to reach 100% of the integer capacity (
, or2147483647
columns, and2^15-1
, or32767
columns; see the documentation. If it happens, INSERTs of new rows will not be possible (unless they use some non-incremental values, such as some negative values) and fixing it will require a long downtime. 6 such columns are found:-
: reached value 307846655, or 14.34% ofint4
capacity -
: reached value 234989880, or 10.94% ofint4
capacity -
: reached value 223917139, or 10.43% ofint4
capacity -
: reached value 1353474139, or 63.03% ofint4
capacity -
: reached value 520890475, or 24.26% ofint4
capacity - etc.
- [P1] High risks of out-of-range errors for an integer column. Consider using
in all PK columns, always. To convert existing columns toint8
, consider the following approaches:- Blocking
: a straightforward solution requiring significant downtime (a maintenance window). - "New column": create a new column, update it in batches (running not longer than a few seconds, to avoid blocking issues), and then switch to using it, redefining all the constraints. Notice, that to redefine a primary key constraint,
will be needed. It is a blocking operation in all Postgres versions up to 12 (where it might be lightweight if a properCHECK
constraint is defined first; such constraint can be defined in a non-blocking way). Since Postgres 11, it is possible to use a trick: when adding a column, useDEFAULT
, it will be a non-blocking operation. For all Postgres versions prior to 11, a specific downtime (maintenance window) will be needed anyway. - "New table": create a new table with the same schema as the existing one, capture all ongoing changes to an additional "log" table, copy existing data from the old table to the new one, and switch. This method, as the previous one, is non-trivial and requires careful development and testing under load (consider using Nancy for database experiments developing this solution). This approach is non-blocking regardless of Postgres version, but it requires significantly more efforts to implement.
- Blocking