@@ -30,9 +30,6 @@ Back in FY23-Q1 we've started an OKR to create a [repeatable process for mainten
### Setup the demo and environment
All GitLab assets are available in [this group](https://gitlab.com/tanuki-workshops/emea-sa-tam/p2m), refer to the [README](https://gitlab.com/tanuki-workshops/emea-sa-tam/p2m/README/-/blob/main/README.md) for more information on how to Get Started.
<!-- - (**TODO**): Add video on how to *setup* the demo -->
- Highlight of a select number of added capabilities and their value (if possible say thank you to the release MVP)
- Demo of GitLab Flow
<!-- ### Recording the demo
- (**TODO**): Add video on how to *record* the demo with Loom -->
## Existing Demonstrations
[Demo Architect Offerings Handbook page](/handbook/solutions-architects/demo-architect/) lists currently available shared CS demos, lunch & learns and workshops maintained and owned by Demo Engineering.