@@ -270,11 +270,23 @@ The CEO chooses to run a Summit Challenge in advance of some [Summits](https://a
### Meeting Cleanup Day
On February 14, or the Tuesday after if this day falls over the weekend or on Monday, we have an annual calendar cleanup day. This is a day when all team members are encouraged to look at their calendars and reassess the value and frequency of recurring meetings. The goals are to increase team member [efficiency](/handbook/values/#efficiency) as team members stop attending low value meetings and reassess how to make continuing meetings more productive. Team members should be empowered to:
On February 14, or the Tuesday after if this day falls over the weekend or on Monday, we have an annual calendar cleanup day.
- Cancel meetings or change the frequency if they feel that the current cadence does not add sufficient value
- Remove themselves as meeting attendees if they don't feel that they are contributing or that participation supports business results
- Ask other team members to reexamine how existing meetings are managed
The template Slack post includes more information about the purpose and recommended actions:
:google_calendar: :broom: YYYY-MM-DD is Meeting Cleanup Day!
At the start of each new fiscal year, we have a meeting cleanup day to encourage everyone to look at their calendars and assess the value and frequency of recurring meetings.
With the goals of increasing efficiency and looking at how to make recurring meetings more productive, this practice acts as a reminder to:
1. Cancel meetings or change the frequency if you feel that the current cadence does not add sufficient value
2. Discuss removing yourself as an attendee with the meeting owner if you don’t feel that you are contributing or supporting business results through participation
3. Ask other team members to reexamine how existing meetings are managed
If you’re looking for possible wording to use when taking the actions above, and for more information about the cleanup day, please look at https://handbook.gitlab.com/handbook/ceo/chief-of-staff-team/#meeting-cleanup-day.
When cancelling a meeting, a team member can copy and paste this message to send to attendees:
*I evaluated the need for this meeting as part of [Meeting Cleanup Day](/handbook/communication/#meeting-cleanup-day). I have determined that the meeting is no longer needed. Please get in touch if you have any concerns.*
@@ -285,7 +297,7 @@ When changing the cadence of a meeting, a team member can copy and paste this me
If you are a team member who intends to decline a meeting, the [asynchronous communication](/handbook/company/culture/all-remote/asynchronous/#how-to-decline-meetings-in-favor-of-async) section of the handbook has some good suggestions for what to say when you decline.
Meeting Cleanup Day is intentionally a few weeks after the start of the new fiscal year. The CoST will launch this initiative annually a week in advance through posting (or asking the CoS to post) in the `#company-fyi` Slack channel. The CoST can use [the Slack template message](https://drive.google.com/drive/search?q=%22Meetup%20Cleaning%20Day%20Comms%20Template%22)(internal) located in the CoST shared drive as a basis for the announcement.
Meeting Cleanup Day is intentionally near the start of the new fiscal year. The CoST will launch this initiative annually a week in advance through posting in the `#whats-happening-at-gitlab` Slack channel, and by re-posting a reminder at 00:00 UTC on cleanup day. CoST (or CoS) will repost in the `#managers` channel for visibility.
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