1. Use the [`General::Accounts Receivable`](https://gitlab.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&group_id=2573624&project_id=17008590&scope=&search_code=true&snippets=false&repository_ref=master&nav_source=navbar&search=id%3A+360038646513) macro to transfer the ticket to AR to
process the request. They will reply to the customer once done.
### Process payment again after credit card update
When a customer has updated their credit card after a failed payment attempt and would like the payment processed with the new card:
1. Use the [`General::Accounts Receivable`](https://gitlab.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&group_id=2573624&project_id=17008590&scope=&search_code=true&snippets=false&repository_ref=master&nav_source=navbar&search=id%3A+360038646513) macro to transfer the ticket to AR to process the payment again.
1. Customers can also contact AR drectly ar@gitlab.com to request this.
### Renewal reversal
When a customer has accidentally renewed twice or mistakenly.