@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ Suggesting to "hop on a quick videocall" may feel insignificant, but it can have
### When to pivot from asynchronous to synchronous
When a back-and-forth asynchronous conversation is moving very slowly with a high volume of small statements between two people, sometimes a quick synchronous discussion leads to a quick micro-resolution. Generally, if two people go back-and-forth more than three times on the exact same topic — and it's impractical to [break it into smaller async-friendly decisions](/handbook/values/#minimal-viable-change-mvc) — it makes sense to temporarily pivot to synchronous **or** leverage a richer communication medium such as [Yac](http://yac.com/), [Soundbite](https://soundbite.ai/), or [Loom](https://www.loom.com/).
When a back-and-forth asynchronous conversation is moving very slowly with a high volume of small statements between two people, sometimes a quick synchronous discussion leads to a quick micro-resolution. Generally, if two people go back-and-forth more than three times on the exact same topic — and it's impractical to [break it into smaller async-friendly decisions](/handbook/values/#minimal-viable-change-mvc) — it makes sense to temporarily pivot to synchronous **or** leverage a richer communication medium such as [Yac](http://yac.com/) or [Loom](https://www.loom.com/).
These tools allow messages to be conveyed asynchronously, though the use of audio and video as the medium may enable deeper connections to be made compared to raw text transmissions.
@@ -513,7 +513,6 @@ Teams should embrace a [self-service mentality](/company/culture/all-remote/self
GitLab team members may question meetings, suggesting an asynchronous alternative (e.g. discussing in a GitLab epic, issue, or merge request) to cover the topic of the meeting.
1. Complete the [GitLab Asynchronous Workflows knowledge assessment](https://gitlab.edcast.com/pathways/copy-of-remote-foundations-badge), a core part of the [Remote Work Foundations learning certification](/company/culture/all-remote/remote-certification/).
1. Conduct an asynchronous pilot. This could mean attending half of your weekly meetings async for a week and conducting a retrospective on the differences between sync attendance and async attendance.
1. Conduct a [non-linear workday](/company/culture/all-remote/non-linear-workday/) pilot. Consider shifting your schedule to better suit your peak productivity hours, caregiving hours, or experiment with alternative work schedules that would not be supported in rigidly synchronous organizations.
1. For any given piece of work, seek to optimize the mix of synchronous and asynchronous engagements for maximum [efficiency](/handbook/values/#efficiency) and potential for [iteration](/handbook/values/#iteration).