Grafana OnCall - Insights from looking at a competitive incident management product
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Merge Request - www-gitlab-com!94570 (merged)
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Insights from looking at Grafana OnCall
- Grafana Labs’ acquired Amixr earlier this year; Amixr is now Grafana OnCall. Amixr’s mission was to build a product that is simple to use and allows you to start small and scale your on-call management over time
- Grafana OnCall is currently only available in cloud and is in Beta for free/paid. At this time it's unclear if Grafana OnCall will be available for on-premise or OSS.
- When a user creates an integration, the integration is tied to a specific alert route, Slack channel, and the escalation policy is built on the integration page.
- On-call schedules and scheduled overrides are created from calendar apps, i.e. Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook, and then are brought into Grafana OnCall.
- Post-mortems (incident reviews) are automatically linked to incidents when relevant.
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Edited by Alana Bellucci