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  • Sébastien Guimmara's avatar
    fix(Instance): honor entity parent when adding/removing (#531) · 6a1b62b7
    Sébastien Guimmara authored and Sébastien Guimmara's avatar Sébastien Guimmara committed
    When Instance.add() is called with an Object3D or an Entity3D, it will
    be added to the default scene graph sub-tree only if it does not already
    has a parent. Otherwise this parent is honored.
    Conversely, Instance.remove() now correctly removes an object that is
    not in the default sub-tree (for example if it has been moved by the user).
    This enables user to move the entities and objects freely in the scene
    graph after and before adding them to the instance.
    fix #531
    fix(Instance): honor entity parent when adding/removing (#531)
    Sébastien Guimmara authored and Sébastien Guimmara's avatar Sébastien Guimmara committed
    When Instance.add() is called with an Object3D or an Entity3D, it will
    be added to the default scene graph sub-tree only if it does not already
    has a parent. Otherwise this parent is honored.
    Conversely, Instance.remove() now correctly removes an object that is
    not in the default sub-tree (for example if it has been moved by the user).
    This enables user to move the entities and objects freely in the scene
    graph after and before adding them to the instance.
    fix #531