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* **addons:** :sparkles: Introduce container BuildContainerCollection class which builds,checks, and pushes a new container image. ([01eb92f](
* **addons:** :sparkles: Introduce container CopyContainerCollection class which pulls, checks, and pushes a new container image to a registry. ([2c4a8cf](
* **addons:** :sparkles: Introduce container DockerBuild class to build and/or push a container image. ([528cbe9](
* **addons:** :sparkles: Introduce container KanikoExecute class to build and/or push a container image. ([e405aff](
* **addons:** :sparkles: Introduce container TrivyScanLocalImage and TrivyIgnoreFileCheck to scan container images for vulnerabilities. ([efd0035](

* **addons:** :bug: Add missing Registry type for srcRegistry and dstRegistry properties. ([528077d](

* **addons:** :white_check_mark: Add tests for container BuildContainerCollection class. ([c9771db](
* **addons:** :white_check_mark: Add tests for container CopyContainerCollection class. ([e7ad6bb](
* **addons:** :white_check_mark: Add tests for container DockerBuild class. ([8326660](
* **addons:** :white_check_mark: Add tests for container KanikoExecute class. ([5c67580](
* **addons:** :white_check_mark: Add tests for container TrivyScanLocalImage and TrivyIgnoreFileCheck classes. ([de4f7cc](