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Commit cae1c3f8 authored by fvafrcu's avatar fvafrcu
Browse files

Rename the package, split code files, spelling

parent fea69096
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Showing with 226 additions and 378 deletions
Package: treePlotAreas
Package: treePlotArea
Title: Correction Factors for Tree Plot Areas Intersected by Stand
# treePlotAreas
# treePlotArea
boundaries2coords <- function(x, impute_nook = FALSE) {
res <- x
res[["phia"]] <- geodatic2math(gon2degree(res[["spa_gon"]]))
res[["phie"]] <- geodatic2math(gon2degree(res[["spe_gon"]]))
res[["phik"]] <- geodatic2math(gon2degree(res[["spk_gon"]]))
res <-[["phia"]], res[["spa_m"]]),
polar2cartesian(res[["phik"]], res[["spk_m"]]),
polar2cartesian(res[["phie"]], res[["spe_m"]])))
names(res) <- c("x1", "y1", "x0", "y0", "x2", "y2")
if (isTRUE(impute_nook)) res <- impute_missing_nook(res)
boundaries2polygons <- function(x, use_only_two_boundaries = TRUE, ...) {
current_boundaries <- get_current_boundaries(x)
if (isTRUE(use_only_two_boundaries) && nrow(current_boundaries) > 2)
current_boundaries <- delete_extraneous_boundaries(current_boundaries,
coords <- boundaries2coords(current_boundaries)
coords_split <- split_coords(coords)
res <- apply(coords_split, 1, get_polygon, simplify = FALSE)
#' Convert BWI Coordinates to Cartesian Coordinates
#' BWI coordinates are measured in Gon eastward from north an cm distance.
#' We need cartesian coordinates for relational computations.
#' @param azimuth The azimuths, from north, eastern side, in gon.
#' @param distance The distances from the origin, typically measured in
#' centimeter.
#' @return Matrix of cartesian coordinates in the unit of \code{distance}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' a1 <- c(0, 100)
#' d1 <- c(100, 200)
#' print(coords <- bwi2cartesian(a1, d1))
#' all.equal(coords, matrix(c(0, 100, 200, 0), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE),
#' check.attributes = FALSE)
bwi2cartesian <- function(azimuth, distance) {
res <- polar2cartesian(geodatic2math(gon2degree(azimuth)), distance)
circle2polygon <- function(origin = c(x = 0, y = 0), r = 1, n = 400) {
circle <- NULL
for (i in seq(-r, r, length.out = n / 2)) {
si <- secant_intersections(Inf, i, r)
circle <- rbind(circle, c(si[1, TRUE], si[2, TRUE]))
circle <- rbind(circle[TRUE, c(1, 2)],
circle[order(circle[TRUE, 3], decreasing = TRUE), c(3, 4)])
circle[TRUE, "x"] <- circle[TRUE, "x"] + origin["x"]
circle[TRUE, "y"] <- circle[TRUE, "y"] + origin["y"]
circle <- rbind(circle, circle[1, TRUE])
#' Convert a Distance Into a Minimal Radius
#' For a measure Distance, the tree will have to have at least that radius to be
#' part of the sample.
#' This is just a little helper for the field measurements.
#' @param r Boundary radius in meter.
#' @return Minimum dbh in cm.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' get_min_dbh(12.5)
get_min_dbh <- function(r) {
res <- r * 4
attr(res, "unit") <- "cm"
#' Get a Theoretical Maximum Distance for a Tree
#' Maximum distance is of interest as boundaries that are more than double that
#' distance away are of no interest.
#' @return A theoretical maximum distance in centimeter. Based on the assumption
#' that trees have a maximum dbh of 200 cm.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' get_r_max()
get_r_max <- function() {
# Unit needs to be centimeter as this is the way the horizontal distance is
# recorded.
# A tree with a dbh of 2000 millimeter. We don't expect any more.
res <- get_boundary_radius(2000, unit = "cm")
gon2degree <- function(x) return(x * .9)
geodatic2math <- function(x, gon = FALSE) {
if (isTRUE(gon)) {
max <- 400
} else {
max <- 360
res <- max - x
res <- ifelse(res < 3/4 * max, res + 90, res - 3/4 * max)
deg2rad <- function(x) {
res <- x * pi / 180
polar2cartesian <- function(phi, distance) {
x <- cos(deg2rad(phi)) * distance
y <- sin(deg2rad(phi)) * distance
res <- cbind(x = x, y = y)
#' Convert BWI Coordinates to Cartesian Coordinates
#' BWI coordinates are measured in Gon eastward from north an cm distance.
#' We need cartesian coordinates for relational computations.
#' @param azimuth The azimuths, from north, eastern side, in gon.
#' @param distance The distances from the origin, typically measured in
#' centimeter.
#' @return Matrix of cartesian coordinates in the unit of \code{distance}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' a1 <- c(0, 100)
#' d1 <- c(100, 200)
#' print(coords <- bwi2cartesian(a1, d1))
#' all.equal(coords, matrix(c(0, 100, 200, 0), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE),
#' check.attributes = FALSE)
bwi2cartesian <- function(azimuth, distance) {
res <- polar2cartesian(geodatic2math(gon2degree(azimuth)), distance)
impute_missing_nook <- function(x) {
index <-[["x0"]])
x[index, "x0"] <- (x[["x1"]][index] + x[["x2"]][index]) / 2
x[index, "y0"] <- (x[["y1"]][index] + x[["y2"]][index]) / 2
boundaries2coords <- function(x, impute_nook = FALSE) {
res <- x
res[["phia"]] <- geodatic2math(gon2degree(res[["spa_gon"]]))
res[["phie"]] <- geodatic2math(gon2degree(res[["spe_gon"]]))
res[["phik"]] <- geodatic2math(gon2degree(res[["spk_gon"]]))
res <-[["phia"]], res[["spa_m"]]),
polar2cartesian(res[["phik"]], res[["spk_m"]]),
polar2cartesian(res[["phie"]], res[["spe_m"]])))
names(res) <- c("x1", "y1", "x0", "y0", "x2", "y2")
if (isTRUE(impute_nook)) res <- impute_missing_nook(res)
project_along_r <- function(x, y, r) {
z <- create_xy()
if (x == 0) {
z["x"] <- 0
z["y"] <- r
} else {
b <- as.numeric(y / x)
z["x"] <- sqrt(1 / (b^2 + 1) * r^2)
z["y"] <- b * z["x"]
vector_length <- function(v) {
z <- sqrt(sum(as.numeric(v)^2))
#' Get a Slope–intercept Form from a Two-point Form of an Equation
#' Two-point from is often seen in BWI data, we want to get an equation of form
#' \emph{y = a + bx}.
#' @param p1 The first point (x, y).
#' @param p2 The second point (x, y).
#' @return A named vector with intercept ["a"] and slope ["b"].
#' If both points have the same value for x, no function exists. Then
#' the intercept is \code{\link{NA}} and the slope gives the value of x.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' points2equation(c(0, 4), c(1, 5))
points2equation <- function(p1, p2 = c(0, 0)) {
x1 <- as.numeric(p1[1])
y1 <- as.numeric(p1[2])
x2 <- as.numeric(p2[1])
y2 <- as.numeric(p2[2])
if (isTRUE(all.equal(x2, x1))) {
b <- x2
a <- Inf
} else {
b <- (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
a <- y1 - x1 * b
res <- c(a = a, b = b)
create_xy <- function() {
z <- vector("numeric", length = 2)
names(z) <- c("x", "y")
has_nook <- function(boundary) {
res <- unlist(!["x0"])))
is_boundary_encloses_origin <- function(boundary) {
if (has_nook(boundary)) {
tri <- create_triangle(boundary, r = 1000 * get_r_max())
# plot(sf::st_polygon(list(tri)), add = TRUE)
res <- sf::st_contains(sf::st_polygon(list(tri)),
sf::st_point(c(0, 0)),
sparse = FALSE)
} else {
res <- FALSE
do_split <- function(boundary) {
res <- is_boundary_encloses_origin(boundary)
split_coord <- function(coord) {
# split a triple of coords into to lines
if (isTRUE(do_split(coord))) {
res <- data.frame(x1 = c(coord[["x1"]], coord[["x0"]]),
y1 = c(coord[["y1"]], coord[["y0"]]),
x0 = c(NA, NA),
y0 = c(NA, NA),
x2 = c(coord[["x0"]], coord[["x2"]]),
y2 = c(coord[["y0"]], coord[["y2"]])
} else {
res <- coord
split_coords <- function(coords) {
res <-"rbind", apply(coords, 1, split_coord, simplify = FALSE))
#' @param a FIXME:
#' @param b FIXME:
#' @param r FIXME:
#' @return FIXME:
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' plot(0, 0, col = "red", pch = "+",
#' xlim = c(-2, 2),
#' ylim = c(-2, 2))
#' for (i in seq(-1, 1, by = 0.01)) {
#' points(secant_intersections(Inf, i, 1), pch = "+")
#' }
secant_intersections <- function(a, b, r) {
if (is.infinite(a)) {
x1 <- x2 <- as.numeric(b)
y1 <- sqrt(abs(r^2 - b^2))
y2 <- -y1
} else {
p <- (2 * a * b) / (b^2 + 1)
q <- (a^2 - r^2) / (b^2 + 1)
x1 <- - p/2 + sqrt((p/2)^2 - q)
y1 <- a + b * x1
x2 <- - p/2 - sqrt((p/2)^2 - q)
y2 <- a + b * x2
res <- matrix(c(x1, y1, x2, y2), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(c("1", "2"), c("x", "y")))
#' @param b FIXME:
#' @param xy FIXME:
#' @return FIXME:
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' orthogonal(1, c(x = 0, y = 0))
#' orthogonal(0, c(x = 4, y = 0))
orthogonal <- function(b, xy) {
if (identical(unname(b), 0)) {
res <- c(a = Inf, b = unname(xy["x"]))
} else {
b1 <- - 1 / unname(b)
a <- b1 * unname(xy["x"]) + unname(xy["y"])
res <- c(a = a, b = b1)
create_tetragon <- function(xy1xy2, verbose = FALSE, r = 2 * get_r_max()) {
if(isTRUE(verbose)) message("# is one line -> need tetragon")
straight_line <- points2equation(c(xy1xy2["x1"], xy1xy2["y1"]),
c(xy1xy2["x2"], xy1xy2["y2"]))
si <- secant_intersections(straight_line["a"], straight_line["b"], r)
length_of_chord <- vector_length(c(si[1, "x"] - si[2, "x"],
si[1, "y"] - si[2, "y"]))
o <- orthogonal(straight_line["b"], c(x = si[1, "x"], y = si[1, "y"]))
b <- o["b"]
dx <- sqrt(length_of_chord^2 / (b^2 + 1))
dy <- b * dx
xyplus <- si[1, TRUE] + c(dx, dy)
xyminus <- si[1, TRUE] + c(-dx, -dy)
corners_away_from_origin <- NULL
if (vector_length(xyplus) > vector_length(xyminus)) {
corners_away_from_origin <- matrix(c(si[2, TRUE] + c(dx, dy), xyplus),
byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(c("3", "4"),
c("x", "y")))
} else {
corners_away_from_origin <- matrix(c(si[2, TRUE] - c(dx, dy), xyminus),
byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(c("3", "4"),
c("x", "y")))
tetragon <- rbind(si, corners_away_from_origin, si[1, TRUE])
res <- tetragon
create_triangle <- function(xy1xy0xy2, verbose = FALSE, r = 2 * get_r_max()) {
if(isTRUE(verbose)) message("# is acute angle -> triangle will do")
# first side
straight_line <- points2equation(c(xy1xy0xy2["x1"], xy1xy0xy2["y1"]),
c(xy1xy0xy2["x0"], xy1xy0xy2["y0"]))
si <- secant_intersections(straight_line["a"], straight_line["b"], r)
s10 <- si[1, TRUE] - c(xy1xy0xy2[["x0"]], xy1xy0xy2[["y0"]])
s11 <- si[1, TRUE] - c(xy1xy0xy2[["x1"]], xy1xy0xy2[["y1"]])
if(vector_length(s11) < vector_length(s10)) {
i1 <- si[1, TRUE]
} else {
i1 <- si[2, TRUE]
# second side
straight_line <- points2equation(c(xy1xy0xy2["x2"], xy1xy0xy2["y2"]),
c(xy1xy0xy2["x0"], xy1xy0xy2["y0"]))
si <- secant_intersections(straight_line["a"], straight_line["b"], r)
s10 <- si[1, TRUE] - c(xy1xy0xy2[["x0"]], xy1xy0xy2[["y0"]])
s11 <- si[1, TRUE] - c(xy1xy0xy2[["x2"]], xy1xy0xy2[["y2"]])
if(vector_length(s11) < vector_length(s10)) {
i2 <- si[1, TRUE]
} else {
i2 <- si[2, TRUE]
res <- rbind(
c(xy1xy0xy2[["x0"]], xy1xy0xy2[["y0"]]),
i1, i2,
c(xy1xy0xy2[["x0"]], xy1xy0xy2[["y0"]])
create_pentagon <- function(xy1xy0xy2, verbose = FALSE, r = 2 * get_r_max()) {
triangle <- create_triangle(xy1xy0xy2, verbose = FALSE, r = r)
xy1xy2 <- c(triangle[2,], triangle[3,])
names(xy1xy2) <- c("x1", "y1", "x2", "y2")
tetragon <- create_tetragon(xy1xy2, verbose = FALSE, r = r)
# insert nook in between rows 1 and 2 of tetragon:
res <-"rbind", list(tetragon[1, TRUE],
triangle[1, TRUE],
tetragon[2:5, TRUE])
get_polygon <- function(coord, r = 2 * get_r_max()) {
if (is.matrix(coord)) {
cv <- as.vector(coord)
names(cv) <- colnames(coord)
} else {
cv <- coord
if (has_nook(cv)) {
res <- create_pentagon(xy1xy0xy2 = cv, verbose = FALSE, r = r)
} else {
res <- create_tetragon(xy1xy2 = cv, verbose = FALSE, r = r)
circle2polygon <- function(origin = c(x = 0, y = 0), r = 1, n = 400) {
circle <- NULL
for (i in seq(-r, r, length.out = n / 2)) {
si <- secant_intersections(Inf, i, r)
circle <- rbind(circle, c(si[1, TRUE], si[2, TRUE]))
circle <- rbind(circle[TRUE, c(1, 2)],
circle[order(circle[TRUE, 3], decreasing = TRUE), c(3, 4)])
circle[TRUE, "x"] <- circle[TRUE, "x"] + origin["x"]
circle[TRUE, "y"] <- circle[TRUE, "y"] + origin["y"]
circle <- rbind(circle, circle[1, TRUE])
get_partial_circle <- function(circle, boundaries) {
st_boundaries <- sf::st_polygon(boundaries)
res <- sf::st_polygon(list(circle))
for (b in st_boundaries) {
res <- sf::st_difference(res, sf::st_polygon(list(b)))
tree2polygon <- function(tree) {
origin <- polar2cartesian(geodatic2math(gon2degree(tree[["azi"]])),
boundary_radius <- get_boundary_radius(tree[["m_bhd"]], unit = "cm")
res <- circle2polygon(c(x = tree[["x"]], y = tree[["y"]]), boundary_radius)
create_pentagon <- function(xy1xy0xy2, verbose = FALSE, r = 2 * get_r_max()) {
triangle <- create_triangle(xy1xy0xy2, verbose = FALSE, r = r)
xy1xy2 <- c(triangle[2,], triangle[3,])
names(xy1xy2) <- c("x1", "y1", "x2", "y2")
tetragon <- create_tetragon(xy1xy2, verbose = FALSE, r = r)
# insert nook in between rows 1 and 2 of tetragon:
res <-"rbind", list(tetragon[1, TRUE],
triangle[1, TRUE],
tetragon[2:5, TRUE])
create_tetragon <- function(xy1xy2, verbose = FALSE, r = 2 * get_r_max()) {
if(isTRUE(verbose)) message("# is one line -> need tetragon")
straight_line <- points2equation(c(xy1xy2["x1"], xy1xy2["y1"]),
c(xy1xy2["x2"], xy1xy2["y2"]))
si <- secant_intersections(straight_line["a"], straight_line["b"], r)
length_of_chord <- vector_length(c(si[1, "x"] - si[2, "x"],
si[1, "y"] - si[2, "y"]))
o <- orthogonal(straight_line["b"], c(x = si[1, "x"], y = si[1, "y"]))
b <- o["b"]
dx <- sqrt(length_of_chord^2 / (b^2 + 1))
dy <- b * dx
xyplus <- si[1, TRUE] + c(dx, dy)
xyminus <- si[1, TRUE] + c(-dx, -dy)
corners_away_from_origin <- NULL
if (vector_length(xyplus) > vector_length(xyminus)) {
corners_away_from_origin <- matrix(c(si[2, TRUE] + c(dx, dy), xyplus),
byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(c("3", "4"),
c("x", "y")))
} else {
corners_away_from_origin <- matrix(c(si[2, TRUE] - c(dx, dy), xyminus),
byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(c("3", "4"),
c("x", "y")))
tetragon <- rbind(si, corners_away_from_origin, si[1, TRUE])
res <- tetragon
create_triangle <- function(xy1xy0xy2, verbose = FALSE, r = 2 * get_r_max()) {
if(isTRUE(verbose)) message("# is acute angle -> triangle will do")
# first side
straight_line <- points2equation(c(xy1xy0xy2["x1"], xy1xy0xy2["y1"]),
c(xy1xy0xy2["x0"], xy1xy0xy2["y0"]))
si <- secant_intersections(straight_line["a"], straight_line["b"], r)
s10 <- si[1, TRUE] - c(xy1xy0xy2[["x0"]], xy1xy0xy2[["y0"]])
s11 <- si[1, TRUE] - c(xy1xy0xy2[["x1"]], xy1xy0xy2[["y1"]])
if(vector_length(s11) < vector_length(s10)) {
i1 <- si[1, TRUE]
} else {
i1 <- si[2, TRUE]
# second side
straight_line <- points2equation(c(xy1xy0xy2["x2"], xy1xy0xy2["y2"]),
c(xy1xy0xy2["x0"], xy1xy0xy2["y0"]))
si <- secant_intersections(straight_line["a"], straight_line["b"], r)
s10 <- si[1, TRUE] - c(xy1xy0xy2[["x0"]], xy1xy0xy2[["y0"]])
s11 <- si[1, TRUE] - c(xy1xy0xy2[["x2"]], xy1xy0xy2[["y2"]])
if(vector_length(s11) < vector_length(s10)) {
i2 <- si[1, TRUE]
} else {
i2 <- si[2, TRUE]
res <- rbind(
c(xy1xy0xy2[["x0"]], xy1xy0xy2[["y0"]]),
i1, i2,
c(xy1xy0xy2[["x0"]], xy1xy0xy2[["y0"]])
create_xy <- function() {
z <- vector("numeric", length = 2)
names(z) <- c("x", "y")
deg2rad <- function(x) {
res <- x * pi / 180
delete_extraneous_boundaries <- function(x, rart_var = "rart") {
if (nrow(x) > 2) {
if (1 %in% x[[rart_var]]) {
x <- x[x[[rart_var]] == 1, TRUE]
if (nrow(x) > 2) {
x <- x[1:2, TRUE]
} else {
x <- x[1:2, TRUE]
do_split <- function(boundary) {
res <- is_boundary_encloses_origin(boundary)
geodatic2math <- function(x, gon = FALSE) {
if (isTRUE(gon)) {
max <- 400
} else {
max <- 360
res <- max - x
res <- ifelse(res < 3/4 * max, res + 90, res - 3/4 * max)
get_current_boundaries <- function(x, boundary_column = "rk") {
res <- x[x[[boundary_column]] < 9, TRUE]
delete_extraneous_boundaries <- function(x, rart_var = "rart") {
if (nrow(x) > 2) {
if (1 %in% x[[rart_var]]) {
x <- x[x[[rart_var]] == 1, TRUE]
if (nrow(x) > 2) {
x <- x[1:2, TRUE]
} else {
x <- x[1:2, TRUE]
boundaries2polygons <- function(x, use_only_two_boundaries = TRUE, ...) {
current_boundaries <- get_current_boundaries(x)
if (isTRUE(use_only_two_boundaries) && nrow(current_boundaries) > 2)
current_boundaries <- delete_extraneous_boundaries(current_boundaries,
coords <- boundaries2coords(current_boundaries)
coords_split <- split_coords(coords)
res <- apply(coords_split, 1, get_polygon, simplify = FALSE)
#' @param x FIXME
......@@ -46,4 +14,3 @@ get_boundaries_polygons <- function(x) {
get_current_boundaries <- function(x, boundary_column = "rk") {
res <- x[x[[boundary_column]] < 9, TRUE]
#' Convert a Distance Into a Minimal Radius
#' For a measure Distance, the tree will have to have at least that radius to be
#' part of the sample.
#' This is just a little helper for the field measurements.
#' @param r Boundary radius in meter.
#' @return Minimum dbh in cm.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' get_min_dbh(12.5)
get_min_dbh <- function(r) {
res <- r * 4
attr(res, "unit") <- "cm"
get_partial_circle <- function(circle, boundaries) {
st_boundaries <- sf::st_polygon(boundaries)
res <- sf::st_polygon(list(circle))
for (b in st_boundaries) {
res <- sf::st_difference(res, sf::st_polygon(list(b)))
get_polygon <- function(coord, r = 2 * get_r_max()) {
if (is.matrix(coord)) {
cv <- as.vector(coord)
names(cv) <- colnames(coord)
} else {
cv <- coord
if (has_nook(cv)) {
res <- create_pentagon(xy1xy0xy2 = cv, verbose = FALSE, r = r)
} else {
res <- create_tetragon(xy1xy2 = cv, verbose = FALSE, r = r)
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