Hidden radio button inside TRadioGroup
Original Reporter info from Mantis: zeljko@holobit.net @zeljan1
Reporter name: Zeljan Rikalo
Original Reporter info from Mantis: zeljko@holobit.net @zeljan1
- Reporter name: Zeljan Rikalo
While developing qt port, I've run into problem with default LCL behaviour of creating TRadioGroup, that it is creating an radio button named "Hidden radio button". As discussed on lazarus list it seem that it belongs only to gtk+.
Qt creates and shows this button as any other , so I've maded workaround in Qt to fix this.
Is there any chance to remove this "non-standard" way of TRadioGroup creation, or at least put there WidgetSet.LCLPlatform check and don't create this button for modern widgetsets which doesn't need an "dummy" radiobutton.
Mantis conversion info:
- Mantis ID: 9152
- Version: 0.9.23 (SVN)
- Monitored by: » @zeljan1 (Zeljan Rikalo)
- Target version: 1.4