ability to make TListView "virtual"
Original Reporter info from Mantis: sethdgrover@gmail.com
Reporter name: Seth Grover
Original Reporter info from Mantis: sethdgrover@gmail.com
- Reporter name: Seth Grover
In porting a Delphi application to Lazarus, I noticed that the TListView component doesn't have the ability to be virtual, ie., the ability to set an OwnerData property and specify a handler for the OnData event. This is useful when using a listview to display a lot of data because you can keep the data in your own structures instead of forcing the listview to load it all into memory.
This would be a nice feature to have implemented.
Mantis conversion info:
- Mantis ID: 7749
- Version: 0.9.18
- Fixed in version: 0.9.29 (SVN)
- Fixed in revision: 21524 (#ae65b072),22789 (#fa717236)
- Monitored by: » LesKaye (Leslie Kaye), » @JuhaManninen (Juha Manninen)
- Target version: 0.9.30