Ampersand prefixed identifiers showing references and renaming do not work
- Lazarus/FPC Version: Lazarus 3.99 (rev main_3_99-2380-g35aa29c998) FPC 3.2.2 x86_64-win64-win32/win64
- Operating System: Win7
- CPU / Bitness: 64
What happens
References to &-prefixed identifiers cannot be shown in IDE. As a consequence cannot be renamed via F2 or "Find or Rename Identifier" dialog.
What did you expect
It should be possible.
Steps to reproduce
Try to find references to "&var" or "&a" or "a" in the program below:
program project1;
var &var,
&var := 123;
a := &var;
writeln(a,' x OK');
Edited by WooBean007