TTaskDialog when using Footer text and footerIcon set to tdiNone, themes draws empty shadow box there.
Original Reporter info from Mantis: jamie @jamie
Reporter name: jamie philbrook
Original Reporter info from Mantis: jamie @jamie
- Reporter name: jamie philbrook
Drop a TTaskdialog on the form, flags set to use expandFooterArea , FooterIcon set to tdiNone with Themes enabled.
Themes draws the pre-shadow box with no content afterwards.
Disable themes, it works .
Mantis conversion info:
- Mantis ID: 39172
- Build: since 2.0.4 and mayeb sooner
- Version: 2.3 (SVN)
- Fixed in version: 2.4
- Fixed in revision: 65402 (#86c8880e)
- Target version: 2.4