Code completion for "while" and "with" variable wrongly adds a semicolon after "do".
Original Reporter info from Mantis: JuhaManninen @JuhaManninen
Reporter name: Juha Manninen
Original Reporter info from Mantis: JuhaManninen @JuhaManninen
- Reporter name: Juha Manninen
If you have
var obj: TObject;
typing "with ob", then Ctrl-Space, then Enter to select "obj" completes the code as :
with obj do;
The semicolon at the end must be removed manually if you want to do anything useful with it.
The same thing happens with a while loop completion. A semicolon is added there, too.
This extra semicolon is nasty because the compiler does not complain about it. A programmer may wonder for long why his code does not work before noticing it.
Additional information:
This was originally mentioned by user Jo-Anna in #lazarus-ide chat.
Mantis conversion info:
- Mantis ID: 37818
- OS: Manjaro Linux
- Build: Latest
- Platform: x86-64
- Version: 2.1 (SVN)