label is shown even under a panel or groupbox
Original Reporter info from Mantis: baldzhang @baldzhang
Reporter name: bald zhang
Original Reporter info from Mantis: baldzhang @baldzhang
- Reporter name: bald zhang
recently upgrade my development environment to 2.0.x, when design some testing app, found this issue.
a label on form, under a panel or a groupbox, it SHOULD hidden but it shown, both design time and run time.
if put a memo, the label was covered.
1.8.4 win32: good
2.0.8 win32: has issue
2.0.8 gtk2-linux: good.
trunk qt5-linux: has issue
haven't check every components.
Steps to reproduce:
put a label on form
put a panel(or a groupbox), move the panel over the label, the label is still shown.
Mantis conversion info:
- Mantis ID: 37151
- Platform: Windows, Linux
- Version: 2.0.8