Original Reporter info from Mantis: SergeAnvarov @SergeAnvarov
Reporter name: Serge Anvarov
Original Reporter info from Mantis: SergeAnvarov @SergeAnvarov
- Reporter name: Serge Anvarov
At first, I found that the internal functions WinToDosTime and DosToWinTime used by functions FindFirstUtf8 and FindNextUtf8, incorrect work in Windows CE. They did not return a value through the parameter at all.
When I decided to fix this to code from SysUtils where everything works correctly, I found that most of the code repeats the code from SysUtils. Apparently all this was written in those days when RTL and SysUtils did not support Unicode.
As a result, I changed those functions that repeated SysUtils/RTL code to a direct call, removing all unnecessary now auxiliary functions/variables.
The result is presented as a patch,