Docked form editor does not work
Original Reporter info from Mantis: avra @zeljkoavramovic
Reporter name: Zeljko Avramovic
Original Reporter info from Mantis: avra @zeljkoavramovic
- Reporter name: Zeljko Avramovic
sparta_DockedFormEditor breaks and does not allow any further rebuilding of IDE
Steps to reproduce:
Install sparta_DockedFormEditor as one of the first packages in docked IDE. Next install 10-15 packages via OPM, and at one moment you will not be able to rebuild IDE because of the following error:
"sparta_multiplyresizer.pas(80,12) Fatal: Cannot find sparta_MultiplyResizer used by sparta_MDI, incompatible ppu=C:\Prg\Lazarus\FixesAll\lazarus\components\sparta\mdi\lib\i386-win32\sparta_multiplyresizer.ppu, package sparta_MDI"
After uninstalling all sparta packages problem was gone and I could continue with other packages, but embedded form editing is lost. Once this problem shows, it is always reproducible when sparta_DockedFormEditor package installation is tried.
sparta_DockedFormEditor is not the only package that suffers from this problem, as I have seen some others with the same behavior (incompatible ppu) - but it is the most important one since without it we do not have embedded form editor.
Additional information:
Generics.Collections package is suspected for this behavior:,43665.msg308105.html#msg308105,43665.msg308523.html#msg308523
Mantis conversion info:
- Mantis ID: 34899
- OS: Windows
- OS Build: 10 x64
- Platform: 32bit Lazarus 2.0 RC3, FPC 3.0.5
- Version: 2.0RC3
- Fixed in revision: r62042 (#1b50e06c)
- Monitored by: » @zeljkoavramovic (Zeljko Avramovic)