Adding a "Help" menu add search box which crashes
Original Reporter info from Mantis: MIS5
Reporter name:
Original Reporter info from Mantis: MIS5
- Reporter name:
On Mac a search box is automatically added to the "Help" menu in TMainMenu
If typing anything into it crashes
Steps to reproduce:
Inside TMainMenu "Help" - if you type anything into the search box at top I get the follow error in Lazarus/Cocoa/1.9.0/Trunk/20thjune2018
RunError(216) in cocoa/cocoawsmenus.pas line 340
Code: Pascal [Select]
procedure TCocoaMenuItem.menuNeedsUpdate(AMenu: NSMenu);
Additional information:
Forum thread
Mantis conversion info:
- Mantis ID: 33907
- OS: Mac
- OS Build: 10.13.5
- Build: newest trunk from 20th June 2019
- Platform: Lazarus Mac Cocoa
- Version: 1.8.5 (SVN)