Cocoa: TComboBox re-sizing
Original Reporter info from Mantis: crlab @neurolabusc1
Reporter name: Chris Rorden
Original Reporter info from Mantis: crlab @neurolabusc1
- Reporter name: Chris Rorden
The default text and widget size is different for Cocoa than other widget sets, providing a native look and feel. Consider a TComboBox dropped on a form: if you try to set the height to 23, the Cocoa IDE elegantly constrains the height to 26, matching the minimum height. Likewise, if you use an auto-generated form and specify a height of 23 pixels, the widget is rescaled to be 26 pixels high the first time the form is shown. However, on subsequent viewing, there is an error, as the widget is shown with the incorrect size.
This may be related to issue 33616: in both instances the form looks correct when first displayed, but looks incorrect when closed and shown a second time.
Steps to reproduce:
Compile the IDE for Cocoa. Launch the IDE and choose the Search/Find menu item - notice all appears fine. Close the Find window and choose Search/Find a 2nd time. Note the TextToFindComboBox TComboBox now appears too small to show all the text. The first time the form was shown, this combobox was resized to 26-pixels high, however the second time it is displayed as the 23-pixel Height specified in findreplacedialog.lfm.
Mantis conversion info:
- Mantis ID: 33626
- OS: Darwin
- OS Build: 10.11.6
- Build: 57681
- Platform: MacBook 2012 Retina 13"
- Version: 1.9 (SVN)
- Fixed in revision: 58529 (#0b86f592)
- Monitored by: » @neurolabusc1 (Chris Rorden)