SetControlViewStyle called with Width > Height check in wrong order
Original Reporter info from Mantis: djenkins @dfjenkins
Reporter name: David Jenkins
Original Reporter info from Mantis: djenkins @dfjenkins
- Reporter name: David Jenkins
It appears from tests that Height and Width checks in the TCarbonTrackBar.CreateWidget and TCarbonScrollBar.SetParams calls to SetControlViewStyle are in the wrong order.
SetControlViewStyle wants to measure the non-changing size of the control (for a horizontal trackbar the non-deviating widget height instead of the width that can vary with control size). If the width is greater than the height than the height is the widget size and the width is the control size. So it appears from investigation as well the Boolean ought to be
LCLObject.Width > LCLObject.Height
instead of the other way around.
Patch against rev 36681 attached
Mantis conversion info:
- Mantis ID: 21740
- Version: (SVN)
- Fixed in revision: 36960 (#e52ef19c)