TCarbonSpinEdit.CreateWidget has possible bad loop
Original Reporter info from Mantis: djenkins @dfjenkins
Reporter name: David Jenkins
Original Reporter info from Mantis: djenkins @dfjenkins
- Reporter name: David Jenkins
Calling GetEditBounds results in a call to GetPreferredSize that can rely on Widget already being created. So the call in TCarbonSpinEdit.CreateWidget to CreateEditUniCodeTextControl with GetEditBounds() as a param creates a bad loop.
Suggested fix is to drop GetEditBounds call and instead call SetBounds(ParamsToRect(AParams)) at the bottom of the function.
Patch against 36681 attached.
Mantis conversion info:
- Mantis ID: 21732
- Version: (SVN)
- Fixed in revision: 36962 (#322f9edf)
- Monitored by: » @dfjenkins (David Jenkins)