.deb packages from sourceforge can't be installed with dpkg (lcl-gtk2-0.9.30 depends on fpc-abi-2.4.0)
Original Reporter info from Mantis: vampire
Reporter name: Andrey Sapegin
Original Reporter info from Mantis: vampire
- Reporter name: Andrey Sapegin
When I download lazarus-0.9.30 (amd64.deb) from sourceforge (http://sourceforge.net/projects/lazarus/files/Lazarus%20Linux%20amd64%20DEB/Lazarus%200.9.30/lazarus-0.9.30-amd64.deb.tar/download) unpack and try to install using:
sudo dpkg -i *
I receive the following error:
lcl-gtk2-0.9.30 depends on fpc-abi-2.4.0
P.S. fpc-2.4.2 was successfully installed before the installation of lazarus, including fp-units-rtl.
Additional information:
I have Ubuntu 10.04.
Mantis conversion info:
- Mantis ID: 19013
- Version: 0.9.30
- Monitored by: » vampire (Andrey Sapegin)