TCustomControl, csNoFocus and TabStop
Original Reporter info from Mantis: Blaazen @Blaazen
Reporter name: Vojtech Cihak
Original Reporter info from Mantis: Blaazen @Blaazen
- Reporter name: Vojtech Cihak
TCustomControl is created with TabStop=True and with flag csNoFocus in ControlStyle. I know it is unusual.
When there is TabStop=True and with flag csNoFocus set, one of them should have precedence.
Behaviour should be the same for GTK and Qt.
Focus should be never lost.
I don't know what Delphi do it this special case.
Steps to reproduce:
Run demo. Focus is on the Edit. The red rectangle cannot obtain focus on mouse click - correct.
But when you press "TAB", then
on Qt: focus is lost
on GTK: focus is on the red rectangle although it has csNoFocus in ControlStyle
Additional information:
Lazarus 1.1 r42054M FPC 2.7.1 x86_64-linux-qt
Mantis conversion info:
- Mantis ID: 24735
- OS: Linux
- OS Build: Chakra 64-bit
- Build: 42054
- Platform: amd64
- Version: 1.1 (SVN)
- Fixed in revision: 44921 (#941841b2)