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  • Sven/Sarah Barth's avatar
    Merged revision(s) 47634, 47655 from trunk: · 66fa7327
    Sven/Sarah Barth authored
    * fix for Mantis #38145: allow overloading of assignment operators that return ShortStrings with a specific size
    + added tests
    The following rules for using these operator overloads as *implicit* overloads apply (Delphi compatible):
      - if a found assignment operator returns a default ShortString then that is used
      - if only one assignment operator to a String[x] is found then that is used
      - otherwise the assignment is not possible
    The explicit assignment checks for an exact match (and falls back for an implicit assignment). This is not entirely Delphi compatible as Delphi seems to favor the first found symbol in that case, but sometimes also not... :/
    * with the recent ShortString changes this test is no longer needed as it was added exactly to check the condition I removed, so disable it for 3.2.1 and newer (as I want to merge these changes back to fixes)
    git-svn-id: branches/fixes_3_2@49055 -