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  • Sven/Sarah Barth's avatar
    Fix for Mantis #21350 · d2fabd2a
    Sven/Sarah Barth authored
    + pgenutil.pas: 
        add a procedure which adds a type symbol to a non-Delphi-mode generic class or record which has the same name as the unit global dummy symbol for that generic. I don't know why I had that idea earlier as this will simplify some of the conditions in the parser again (I haven't changed these yet, but I hope to do that at least when I start working on generic functions).
    * pgenutil.pas, generate_specialization:
        correctly handle "specialize TSomeGeneric<T>" as method parameter in a generic with the newly added rename symbol
    * pdecobj.pas, object_dec & ptype.pas, record_dec: 
        call the procedure to add the rename symbol (the procedure checks whether the mode is correct)
    * ppu.pas: 
        increase PPU version so that we don't use non-Delphi mode units with generics, but without the rename symbol
    + added tests:
        the one in webtbs are for classes/objects and those in test are for records
    git-svn-id: trunk@21603 -