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  • Jonas Maebe's avatar
    * delay verbosity changes just like localswitches changes · e5920bc2
    Jonas Maebe authored
      * store a node's verbosity in the node so that e.g. disabling warnings
        also disables warnings for this node in pass_1
       (the above together fix mantis #12076)
      * save/restore verbosity with {$push}/{$pop} (mantis #12075)
      * if warnings/notes/hints are turned off, also do not count encountered
        ones for the totals (otherwise -Sew cannot be used properly in
        combination with {$warnings off}, because disabled warnings will still
        trigger a compiler error) -- this required adding -vw/-vn/-vh to all
        tests using -Sew/-Sen/-Seh
      - removed some superfluous state saving/restoring from firstpass()
    git-svn-id: trunk@12025 -