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  • Sven/Sarah Barth's avatar
    Fix for Mantis #22219 · 8c95ea03
    Sven/Sarah Barth authored
      * read_named_type: 
          after reading the type we're pointing to we need to make sure that
          we didn't get a generic dummy symbol; this can happen when parsing
          a pointer declaration as the type in a constant or variable 
      * resolve_forward_types:
          when resolving forward types we need to make sure that we weren't
          given a generic dummy to which no non-generic definition was
          given (possible in Delphi mode); for non-Delphi modes we can not
          rely on the generic dummy flag as the typedef of the symbol will
          the generic def
    + added test from the bug reports as well as three additional ones to
      make sure that nothing breaks regarding to forward pointer 
    git-svn-id: trunk@21687 -