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  • Sven/Sarah Barth's avatar
    Added support for type helpers. In non Delphi modes they use "type helper" and... · 344571cb
    Sven/Sarah Barth authored
    Added support for type helpers. In non Delphi modes they use "type helper" and in mode Delphi they use "record helper". They can also be used on constants.
      + extend "thelpertype" by "ht_type" which tells the code in "pdecobj.parse_extended_type" that a type helper declaration has been parsed
      + add a constant which identifies all constant node types
      + read_named_type: add a parameter "hadtypetoken" to tell the code whether a "type" token had been parsed before
      + read_named_type: if an identifier "helper" is parsed we need to check whether "hadtypetoken" is true and the modeswitch "m_class" is set, but the "m_delphi" one is not; in that case we have a "type helper" declaration
    pgenutil.pas, generate_specialization:
      * adjust call to read_named_type
    pdecl.pas, types_dec:
      * adjust call to read_named_type
      * parse_extended_type: extend for correct handling of primitive types (includes Delphi compatible handling as well) and reject types that are explicitly not allowed
      * method_dec: require "static" for class methods in type helpers
      * method_doc: allow constructors for type helpers as well
    paramgr.pas, tparamanager:
      * set_common_funcretloc_info: handle type helper constructors like record constructors
      * handle_common_ret_in_param: the "self" value of a type helper constructor is also returned in a parameter
      + add a function to postfixoperators which tries to find and apply a type helper for a given type
      * postfixoperators: try to apply type helpers for ordinal constants
      * postfixoperators: use the correct string type for string constants
      * postfixoperators: try to apply type helpers for enum constants
      * postfixoperators: try to apply type helpers for arrays
      * postfixoperators: try to apply type helpers for Variant
      * postfixoperators: try to apply type helpers for pointer types
      * postfixoperators: try to apply type helpers for other types
      * factor: check postfixoperators after _REALNUMBER, _CCHAR, _CWCHAR, _TRUE and _FALSE
      * factor: also check postfixoperators if a _POINT follows a _NIL
    symdef.pas, tdefawaresymtablestack.addhelpers:
      * use "generate_objectpascal_helper_key" to generate the key
      + add function to generate the key value for the map of extended types using the extended def
      * adjust "search_last_objectpascal_helper" and "search_objectpascal_helper" to handle primitive types as well
      * use the new "generate_objectpascal_helper_key" function to generate the key
      * insert_self_and_vmt_para: don't insert the $vmt symbol for record or type helpers (ToDo: check whether class helpers really need the symbol as well)
      * insert_self_and_vmt_para: pass "self" as var parameter for type helpers as well
    psub.pas, generate_bodyentry_block: 
      * also allow type helpers for constructor methods
    ncal.pas, tcallnode.gen_self_tree:
      * also use a temp variable for type helper constructors
    ncgcal.pas, tcgcallnode.secondcallparan:
      * allow Pointers to be passed as address param if it is the Self value of a type helper extending a pointer type
      * correctly handle the location in case of type helper constructors
    + add tests
    git-svn-id: trunk@23580 -