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  • Sven/Sarah Barth's avatar
    Implement DECLARED() for generic symbols. This fixes Mantis #21829 . The... · d49b4043
    Sven/Sarah Barth authored
    Implement DECLARED() for generic symbols. This fixes Mantis #21829 . The syntax is SomeGenericType<> for a generic with only one type parameter and SomeGeneric<,[,]*> for a generic with more than one type parameter. Spaces between the commas or brackets are allowed.
    scanner.pas, parse_compiler_expr.read_factor:
      + allow "<>" after "declared" (handle "<>" operator specially)
      + count "," to get correct amount of type parameters
      + check together with the count string for symbols 
      + correctly handle dummy symbols
    + added tests
    git-svn-id: trunk@23544 -