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  • Sven/Sarah Barth's avatar
    Add support for generic type constraints. They are currently only useful to... · 4adb36e8
    Sven/Sarah Barth authored
    Add support for generic type constraints. They are currently only useful to stop specialization of a generic. The parsing of a generic is still too lax and needs to be changed in the future...
      + extend "tdefoptions" by a "df_genconstraint" which will be used to mark dummy defs that should mainly satisfy the compiler's type checking without to much changes
      + add a class "tgenericconstraintdata" which will hold information about the constraints associated with a specific generic type parameter (designed for future extensions)
      + extend "ttypesym" by a reference to a "tgenericconstraintdata" which is written to the ppu only if needed
      + add a pointer to "tderef" as this is needed for the ppu reading/writing code for the "tgenericconstraintdata"
    pdecl.pas, types_dec:
      + call "parse_generic_parameters" so that constraints are allowed
      + extend "generate_specialization" by a "parsedpos" to give in the file position of the first parsed parameter (neede...