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  • FPK's avatar
    * patch by J. Gareth Moreton: · 11a3d876
    FPK authored
      - Moved the part that emits the CMOV command outside of the if-else block, because it's the same in both branches and was just duplicated code.
      - Moved a comment about powers of 2 to be right before the correct if-else block.
      - Added a couple of comments to explain what the algorithm is doing to obtain the remainder.
      - Added missing "writeln('ok');" (since 'tmoddiv3.pp' has it) and program header to 'tmoddiv4.pp'.
      - Changed program name from "testfile2" to "tmoddiv3" in 'tmoddiv3.pp'.
    git-svn-id: trunk@37939 -