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  • Sven/Sarah Barth's avatar
    Merged revision(s) 44256-44257, 44746, 45329 from trunk: · 8a249b2d
    Sven/Sarah Barth authored
    * fix for Mantis #36706: only link a library against the dynamic loader if we're not linking against the C library anyway
    Note: I did not yet find a case where we *do* need to link a library against the loader; this will have to be investigated further, but for 3.2.0 this is safest
    * fix for Mantis #36738: when copying a record using its copy operator we assume that we've copied the whole record; this way managed records inside non-managed records are handled correctly
    + added (adjusted) test
    * when checking for an existing operator overload for the assignment operator, check for the correct variant (explicit or not) matching the overload
    + added tests
    * GetLoadErrorStr (currently) returns a ShortString, so avoid a useless conversion to AnsiString
    git-svn-id: branches/fixes_3_2@47771 -