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  • Sven/Sarah Barth's avatar
    Fix for Mantis #24651. Allow pointer comparison for internal expressions (in... · fc79d47b
    Sven/Sarah Barth authored
    Fix for Mantis #24651. Allow pointer comparison for internal expressions (in this case check for valid VMT).
    nadd.pas, taddnode:
      + add new constructor "create_internal" which adds "nf_internal" to the node's "flags"
      * pass_typecheck_internal: allow pointer comparisons other than "=" and "<>" for nodes which have "nf_internal" set
    psub.pas, generate_bodyentry_block:
      * create the addnode using "create_internal" instead of "create" to allow the pointer comparison
    + added test 
    git-svn-id: trunk@25069 -