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  • Sven/Sarah Barth's avatar
    Fix Mantis #21179 · 2a872978
    Sven/Sarah Barth authored
    * defcmp.pas:
            + Extend compare_def_ext by the possiblity to specify whether strict or
              loose comparison of undefined defs should be applied.
              * in strict mode undefined defs are incompatible to all other defs
                except other undefined defs
              * in loose mode undefined defs are equal to anything (this is how
                FPC behaved up to now)
            + Enable the strict mode in compare_paras so that overloads with
              generic type parameters are possible
    * ptype.pas, single_type:
            If the generic dummy of the currently parsed generic is encountered in
            non-Delphi modes then we need to return the current genericdef. This
            condition needs to be checked using the ObjName of the def, because
            the link from the type symbol to the current def is not yet 
    + added test for bug report
    git-svn-id: trunk@20345 -