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  • Sven/Sarah Barth's avatar
    Fix for Mantis #21064. · 75bf094e
    Sven/Sarah Barth authored
    * pgenutil.pas: factor out the reading of generic specialization parameters (parse_generic_specialization_types) and the generation of a generic type name (generate_generic_name)
    * pdecsub.pas, parse_proc_head:
        * also allow an interface alias declaration if an identifier is followed by a "<" (which starts a specialization)
        + add a procedure "consume_generic_interface" which parses such a specialization (by using "parse_generic_specialization_types") - this is needed, because "consume_generic_type_parameter" can (and should not!) handle "ISomeIntf<Integer, T>" or (somewhen in the future) "ISomeIntf<TSomeOtherGeneric<T>>" - and finds the correct symbol for the interface (by utilizing the "generate_generic_name" function)
        * generate the correct mapping entry (for the generic it's only needed for checking (if any), but for a specialization it's essential that we reference the correct specialization)
    + add tests which were included with the issue and also two additional ones
    Note: In non-Delphi modes an interface alias can be done like in Delphi mode; "specialization" is not necessary and furthermore not even allowed!
    git-svn-id: trunk@21656 -