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  • Sven/Sarah Barth's avatar
    "SizeInt" inside the compiler references the "size of an int" on the Host... · e0b41141
    Sven/Sarah Barth authored
    "SizeInt" inside the compiler references the "size of an int" on the Host platform. What we want for writing size information in PPUs for Generics is "ASizeInt" which is the "size of an int" of the target platform. This fixes Mantis #20947.
    * pscanner.pas: change SizeInt to ASizeInt for tokenreadsizeint and tokenwritesizeint and change necessary other locations for record- and replaytokenbuffers
    + Added a test in the hope that some test-platforms do cross platform (e.g. win32 => win64) compilation.
    git-svn-id: trunk@21651 -