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  • Jonas Maebe's avatar
    + support for "univ" in macpas mode: a parameter modifier that allows · 0cfc6e1c
    Jonas Maebe authored
        passing any value to that parameter which has the same size as the
        parameter (it basically acts as if there is an explicit type conversion
        to the parameter type around the value at the caller side). If a procvar
        has an univ parameter, all procvars whose corresponding parameter
        has the same size as that univ parameter are similarly compatible.
        This transparent compatibility can however cause crashes in case of
        of the procvars when one of the types is passed on the stack and the
        other isn't (because then the called routine will a) load the parameter
        from a wrong location and b) pop the wrong amount off of the stack at
        then end). Therefore FPC will warn in most cases where this can happen.
        (mantis #15777)
    git-svn-id: trunk@15010 -