Deprecation message of SSLeayversion points to wrong version and Result of _OpenSSLVersion is empty
Original Reporter info from Mantis: Bi0T1N @Bi0T1N
Reporter name: Bi0T1N
Original Reporter info from Mantis: Bi0T1N @Bi0T1N
- Reporter name: Bi0T1N
function SSLeayversion(t: cInt): string; deprecated 'For 1.1+ use OpenSSL_version';
should be
function SSLeayversion(t: cInt): string; deprecated 'For 1.1+ use OpenSSLGetVersion';
as OpenSSL_version is the internal name of OpenSSL which isn't available in the header translation.
It also seems that Result := _OpenSSLVersion(t) should be changed to Result := PChar(_OpenSSLVersion(t)) as it's done for SSLeayversion because writeln(SSLeayversion(0)); writes 'OpenSSL 1.1.1g 21 Apr 2020' while writeln(OpenSSLGetVersion(0)); does write an empty string.
Mantis conversion info:
- Mantis ID: 37555
- Version: 3.3.1
- Fixed in version: 3.3.1
- Fixed in revision: 46759 (#d856233e)
- Target version: 3.2.2