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  • fluzz's avatar
    i18n: Add some 'xgettext:no-c-format' comment where needed. · 2bd9b398
    fluzz authored
    By default, xgettext uses some heuristics to find if an i18n string
    is a C format string. It then adds a 'c-format' comment before the msgid
    string in the .po file.
    When msgfmt later compiles the l10n catalog (.mo file), it checks if the
    translated string is still a valid format string.
    But sometimes, the heuristics are wrong.
    For instance: "This is 100% natural" is detected as a C format (due to
    '% n'). In some language, once 'natural' is translated, it results in
    an invalid C format string...
    To avoid this, a 'xgettext:no-c-format' comment MUST be added before
    the i18n string.