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#353 fix issues from !542

Jano requested to merge 353_fix_issues_from_mr542 into master

Closes #353 (closed)

What does this MR do?

This merge request removes the id-less bell notifications for new fairteilers and fetch confirmations, that were not stored in the database but were generated in the infobar getter method and tries to replace them with 'normal' bell notifications that are fired every time the generated bell notifications would have changed. These normal bell notifications, like all bell notifications, are stored in the database and can be marked as read.

How confident are you it won't break things if deployed?

Pretty much. I tested many parts of the website and they worked, also the CI pipeline is green.


  • added a test, or explain why one is not needed/possible...
  • no unrelated changes
  • asked someone for a code review
  • joined #foodsharing-beta channel at
  • added an entry to (description, merge request link, username(s))
Edited by Chris Oelmueller

Merge request reports