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#328 use websocket for bell notifications

Jano requested to merge #328_useWebsocketForBellNotifications into master

I made the websocket update bell notifications. The websocket server is still being called "chat" everywhere, I did not change that because it would involve changing names in our docker images, although I'd prefer a more generic name, as it could be used for even more things in the future.

I'd love to discuss my decision to remove the direct links from the bell notification menu and trigger the site redirects via JavaScript. It was necessary to update the unread state of the bell notifications before the user leaves the site, although it would be better to update the unread-state on the destination site. But for that, all sites that send bell notifications would need to be updated.

I'm still working on Push Notifications, I think I'm done with the backend, but the Frontend stuff with the service worker still causes some pain. I created a new issue for that and I'm going to do a second merge request: #336 (closed)

Merge request reports