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Disabled session cookie checkbox in login form and persistent session after each request

Christian Walgenbach requested to merge disabled-session-cookie-checkbox into master

Related #956 (closed)

What does this MR do?

  • Disabled session cookie checkbox in login form, until there is a solution in issue 956
  • Persistent session disabled after each request, so that LastLogin is set correctly again


  • Foodsaver listing in districts with last login greater than 6 months is no longer correct when using the cookie.
  • It blocks the merging of MR 1623 - Only send chat notifications by mail, if the last login is greater than 3 months.

How confident are you it won't break things if deployed?

(be honest!)

Links to related issues

Any relevant links (issues, documentation, slack discussions).

How to test

Steps a reviewer can take to verify that this MR does what it says it does e.g.

  1. Checkout branch locally
  2. Login as foodsaver
  3. ...

Screenshots (if applicable)

Any relevant screenshots if this is a design / frontend change


  • added a test, or explain why one is not needed/possible...
  • no unrelated changes
  • asked someone for a code review
  • set a "for:" label to indicate who will be affected by this change
  • use "state:" labels to track this MR's state until it was beta tested
  • added an entry to
  • add a short text that can be used in the release notes
  • Once your MR has been merged, you are responsible to create a testing issue in Beta Testing Repo:
    • Consider writing a detailed description in German.
    • Describe in a few sentences, what should be tested from a user perspective.
    • Also mention different settings (e.g. different browsers, roles, ...). how this change can be tested.
    • Be aware, that also non technical people should understand.

Release notes text

Die Cookie-Funktion, damit man auch nach Neustart vom Browser eingeloggt bleibt, musste leider komplett deaktiviert werden. Hintergrund ist, das dadurch das Datum vom letzten Login nicht aktuell gespeichert wurde. An einigen Stellen (ob z. B. Foodsaver länger als 6 Monate sich nicht mehr eingeloggt haben) wurde dies verwendet. Dadurch muss man sich jetzt leider in der Android-App nach 2 Wochen Inaktivität erneut einloggen. Wir wollen die Funktion wieder aktivieren, sobald wir für das aktualisieren vom Login-Datum eine Lösung gefunden haben.

Edited by Christian Walgenbach

Merge request reports