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Prevent forum thread email sending to countries and federal states

Closes an issue before it is being created

What does this MR do?

In !967 (merged) the handing of new forum threads by ambassadors got changed. In regions where the amb is in charge their threads are activated by default. This sends an emails to all people in this region. So far expected behaviour of #614 (closed).

As there are no proper email settings yet, a country-level-amb can trigger around 65k mails per post. To keep our mail sponsor happy and not play with the fire (of spam flagging) too much, this MR disables mail sending for region type COUNTRY and FEDERAL_STATE, like it was before.

How confident are you it won't break things if deployed?

Quite confident.

Links to related issues

  • !967 (merged) Activate ambassador's threads by default
  • evidence: munin postfix stats


  • added a test, or explain why one is not needed/possible...
  • no unrelated changes
  • asked someone for a code review
  • joined #foodsharing-beta channel at
  • added an entry to (description, merge request link, username(s))
  • Once your MR has been merged, you are responsible to update the #foodsharing-beta Slack channel about what has been changed here. They will test your work in different browsers, roles or other settings
Edited by Johannes

Merge request reports