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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • prio1 (showstopper)
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    Drop everything you are doing and solve this ASAP
  • prio2 (high)
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    Important issues, should be solved soon
  • prio3 (medium)
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    It would be nice to solve this in the next 2-4 months.
  • prio4 (low)
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    This might not be worked on in the near future, but we also don't want to forget about it
  • ModuleStorechain
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    Classifies issues as related to store chain module of the Plattform.
  • ModuleStore
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    Classifies issues as related to store management module of the Plattform.
  • ModulePickup
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    Classifies issues as related to store pickup management module of the Plattform.
  • Starter task
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    Low risk and easy to solve (eg: change text only, change one variable name, etc). Can be worked on by new developers.
  • Other labels

  • API change
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    This MR changes the REST Api in a way that is not backward compatible. Other clients like the App need to be updated.
  • Email notifications
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
  • Frontend / Design
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    This label is for issues that raises questions about our frontend or the design of our user-experience.
  • ModuleAchievements
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
  • ModuleBusinessCard
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
  • ModulePassport
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
  • Modulemailbox
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
  • Needs community decision
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    on hold as it needs discussion or decision within foodsharing (board, AMB-forum,...) ... let the product team have a crack at it?
  • Safari Browser 🙄
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    This issue affects Safari browsers.
  • Sensitive topic: handle with care
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    High risk of breaking things!
  • documentationcontent
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    This issue is about our devdocs ( and is for content issues. (technical documentation, new pages, tutorials, ...)
  • documentationnon-content
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    This issue is about our devdocs ( and is for non-content issues. (new features, ...)
  • effortHigh
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    It will take a full day or longer to implement this. It would be best to split it up in several 'medium' or 'low' prio tasks.
  • effortLow
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    It will take a couple of hours to reproduce, fix and test
  • effortMedium
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    It will take about 1/2 day to implement and test this change
  • for MR: sql migration beta
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
  • for MR: sql migration prod
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    Use this to denote a necessary migration. Might contain new rows / lines in the database.
  • forAmbassador
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    This issue has an impact on the BOTs (ambassadors)
  • forDev
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    This issue has an impact on the developers: refactoring, technical debt, update dependencies, etc. ... might be interesting for the devblog
  • forFS Community
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    This issue has an impact on the fs community